Before she could put away the peacock plume, she put it in her waist. It was not hidden. Zhu GuanLiang saw it when she was just outside.

She generously showed it to him, "Yunqing sent it to me, saying that it can bring good luck. It's a piece of people's heart. It's hard to say if you don't accept it."

Zhu GuanLiang took it in his hand and gave it back to her later. "Yes, it's hard to say if you don't accept it. Since it can bring good luck, you can accept it. After all, it's hard to see you again in the future."

Zhou Leping pinched his chin. "I'm not happy to see you. You don't want to eat the vinegar of the two peacock plumes, do you?"

"Do I look jealous?"


Zhu GuanLiang took her hand, "you think too much."

Zhou Leping hands in the air, "really not happy? What's up? Don't you really want to make trouble with me because of this? "

Her heart suddenly choked, suddenly flustered up, thought he would be angry, but did not expect the consequences so serious, for a time at a loss, even the next sentence how to say do not know.

Zhu GuanLiang just stares at her, stares at her, and suddenly laughs, "what I just did for you is just a demonstration. In the future, if you are jealous, you will have to eat like this. I only use less than 10% of a woman's ability to be jealous, and you will be at a loss. This kind of situation needs more practice in the future."

Zhou Leping was relieved. "You scared me to death. I really thought you were a pinnose sized eye. I would say two peacock plumes are not for you."

"Why not?" He looks serious again, as if he really put it in his heart, "he doesn't trust that you are by my side, and the things he gives you are actually used to remind me."

Zhou Leping thought that he thought too much. "People don't mean that. You just think too much. Who would think less luck? I'm not very lucky in my life. Maybe I can really change my luck. "

"Put it away, I don't want to see it."

Zhou Leping put away the peacock plume, took some flatterers and reached out to help him fasten the button, "don't be angry, OK?"

Her small hand is cold, gently across his chest, a cold and a hot contrast, and soft voice, a little coquettish meaning, let people listen to the mood happy.

She has used all the things that Mrs. Yu taught her today. Her voice is still a little stiff and not like water. She can't murmur into her heart, but she has done her best.

Zhu GuanLiang's face was also strained. He held her wrist and gently hugged her. "I was angry because I cared. I was careful because I was jealous. I didn't bring back the same thing you like."

"Who said that? I'll be very happy when you come back."

Zhu GuanLiang pinched the tip of her nose with a smile, "liar."

"If I tell a lie, it'll be five thunders in the sky!"

Zhu GuanLiang put away her swearing fingers, "don't do it. I'm afraid if it comes true, it's embarrassing."

Zhou Leping opened his mouth and gave him a mouthful of warm, "to fight, right?"

I wish GuanLiang could do nothing until he was knocked down by the tide. The sound of "Your Highness" outside made him wake up again.

Zhou Leping pushed him away, sat up, quickly helped him fasten the remaining buttons, and said in a loud voice, "come in."

The bodyguard bowed his head and came in, "Your Highness, the emperor summoned you and ordered you to see him immediately."

Zhu GuanLiang waved his hand with one leg and said, "I know. Let's go down first."

When Zhou Leping helped him put on his clothes and straightened his collar, he suddenly said, "how sure are you about what you are doing now?"

Zhu GuanLiang gently pinched her face and laughed, "I knew it couldn't hide from you. Although you didn't say it clearly, you should have guessed it. As for assurance, it's hard to say now."

"Is it related to Prime Minister Jiang?"

"Guess again, if you can guess all right, I'll give you a reward."

"There's no need to reward. I'm not a calculating person. I can't guess just such a clue."

Zhu GuanLiang thought about it and gave a hint, "in recent days, the emperor will make big moves. If things go well, everything will be the same. If things don't go well, I'm afraid the country will change its owner."

So it's obvious that Zhou Leping was stunned, looked at him and said, "don't you know about this?"

"If you know, it won't be as peaceful as it is today."

So the possibility that Zhou Leping can guess is that someone wants to fight against it. If the country changes its owner, it will not be Shan Ning. Apart from Shan Ning, only Prime Minister Jiang is involved in their recent investigation. Is it that Prime Minister Jiang wants to fight against it?

Zhou Leping was not very impressed by Prime Minister Jiang, but he also knew that his prestige in the court was not only a loyal minister in the eyes of sages, but also had a good reputation among the common people. Besides, what was the reason for his rebellion?

Jiang Duo is about to marry Zhang Yingning. The sage's right arm is married. Prime Minister Jiang himself is already under his command. Why should he take such a big risk to do such a thing?

Except for Shan Ning, who already knows the truth, other people may never understand why.

Chunwei's hunting ground is closer to Longming Temple than the emperor's. when Jiang Shi arrived at the hunting ground, it was evening. The sage held a banquet and everyone gathered together. Shan Ning couldn't get out of the hall, so Jiang Shi looked forward to waiting outside.

After Jiang Shi came back, he was relieved that everything didn't seem to have changed, as if nothing had happened. Maybe he made a mountain out of a molehill? Maybe Shan Ning didn't mean to support him? Now he was eager to know an answer, so he caught the eunuch who went in to deliver the wine and asked him to take a message to Shan Ning and ask him to come out. The eunuch went in and told Shan Ning in his ear that Jiang Shi was waiting for him. Shan Ning frowned slightly and told the eunuch, "take him to my room and wait. Let him stay quiet. Don't make any noise when you come back." The eunuch put down the jug and left. Jiang Shi didn't understand why he came back, and Shan Ning asked him to hide it, but he didn't ask much. Anyway, what he wanted to say was shameful. It's better to avoid some people. On this occasion, Shan Ning couldn't leave for a while. The sage asked someone to bring up deer blood wine, one by one. Shan Ning held the cup tightly in his hand, followed the sage's words, raised it to his lips, hesitated for a moment, and then drank it all. Zhu GuanLiang wanted to remind him that he didn't need to drink deer blood. Everyone knew what the effect of deer blood was. Most people drank deer blood with plenty of energy, but Shan Ning had a stubborn disease, so he couldn't bear to drink deer blood like this. Drinking deer blood was not a big tonic, but a big injury. But he and Shan Ning were sitting on the left and right sides of the saint. Before he could speak, the wine in Shan Ning's glass was empty. The taste of the wine was not good. It was very fishy. After two more glasses of wine, Shan Ning managed to dilute the taste. He felt that something was wrong. His chest was stuffy and hot, and his throat was sweet. This feeling was not strange. However, on such occasions, he had to hold back any discomfort. He pursed his lips and resisted the urge of coughing blood, Outsiders still look the same.