Cheng of Dali Temple stood up, looked at Zhu GuanLiang, and then looked at Zhou Leping and Yu Jiao, who had no words. Knowing this, he bowed back and said, "Your Highness, please use it slowly. I'll leave first."

Zhu GuanLiang waved his hand, put down his chopsticks and looked at Yujiao, "some things you don't say don't mean you can keep hidden. Now you admit it and tomorrow you will be found out are two results."

Yujiao, a little girl, can't compare with Zhu GuanLiang in terms of her ingenuity, and her psychological endurance is not so good. What's more, the matter is so big that the Prime Minister of Dali temple has come. He wants to be determined to find out the truth.

Yu Jiao was desperate. Kneeling on the ground, she raised her head with two lines of tears on her face, "I... my sister and I, whose surname is Jiang, are the daughter of Jiang Fan, a crime minister who was killed six months ago. After escaping from Tongcheng, my sister and I went all the way to the capital, where we were forced to separate. After that, my sister and I broke up, until I left Wuhuang mansion..."

Zhou Leping asked, "at the beginning, there was a chieftain in the house. Before the execution, someone would verify their identity. How did you and your sister escape?"

Yujiao lifted her sleeve to wipe her tears. "When the imperial envoy found Tongcheng, my father had a premonition that our family would be doomed. So from then on, he asked the servant girls to go out for us to see the guests. The imperial envoy had seen them, so the supervisor and the executioner thought that the two servant girls were us."

Yujiao and Yushu are all young ladies who live in the boudoir and stay at home. Few people have seen them except the servants in the house. It's safe to replace them by pretending. As long as the servants in the house don't talk much, it's easy to cheat the court.

But Zhou Leping has a problem that he can't figure out. Why would people in the government be willing to die instead of Yujiao and Yushu for people like Jiang Fan who dare to swallow the relief money alone?

Zhu GuanLiang also thought of it, and then said, "how did your sister's face get ruined?"

"My sister had a date before, but the family didn't agree with her all the time. But my sister liked her so much that she even forced her death to investigate the relief fund. On the day when the imperial envoy left, my father said that he would send us away, and my sister went to see the man. As a result, when she came back, it was like this. No matter how I asked her, she didn't want to say what happened, I didn't hear from her about that man any more

"Embezzlement and disaster relief funds are still in vain. It's easy to punish the nine ethnic groups. It's enough to whip the corpses together."

Yu Jiao was shocked and fell down on the ground crying, "I never believe that my father will embezzle the disaster relief money. My father is not like that. Since he was an official, he has been loved by the people. Since the Tongcheng flood, his family has put in a lot of money. How can my father embezzle the disaster relief money?"

Zhu GuanLiang looked at her, "at the beginning, Dali temple and the Ministry of punishment were responsible for investigating this matter, and the sage also sent Imperial Envoys to supervise it. What do you mean by this is that Dali temple, the Ministry of punishment and the Imperial Envoys were wrong?"

Yujiao shook her head uncertainly, "I don't know... But I believe that my father is not such a person. Who is the one who embezzles and pays for his own money? Who is the one who embezzles to lead a hard life with his family?"

Zhou Leping reasonably speculated, "in order to get rid of the suspicion, the imperial envoy may have done this on purpose."

Yujiao shook her head with a wry smile. "If your highness doesn't believe it, you can send someone to investigate. What's the family like when the imperial envoy comes, what's the family like before he comes. If you play, can it be like this every day? If so, what's the point of father taking such a big risk to do this? "

If you think about it, there are some doubts.

Zhu GuanLiang stood up and asked someone to take Yujiao down to take good care of her. He twisted his eyebrows and thought deeply. Finally, he pulled out a thread from all sorts of thoughts. "It's late. You go to bed first. I'll go out."

"What do you think of?"


Zhou Leping sat there looking at him and hummed, "do you think this matter is questionable? There must be some clues. If the Yujiao family is really wronged, what can you do? "

He turned around slowly, "if there is any secret, it will be more than a case of corruption. What is hanging on the hook is likely to be a big fish. No one can say what will be involved."

"You want to help her reverse the case?"

With a smile in his mouth, Zhu GuanLiang said, "don't you want me to help her?"

"No way." Zhou Leping stood up and walked toward him, "it's dark. We should pay attention to safety, go early and return early." Then he threw a smile, gentle and genial.

I wish GuanLiang's soul would come out of his head, turn around, and then attach back to his body. His mind would ripple in the evening! Full of spring, "always feel that this word from your mouth to say particularly pleasant."

"Is it?" Zhou Leping bent his eyes with a smile. "I'll tell you that later."

This is not new year, she suddenly like this, surprise followed by the horror, Zhu GuanLiang unconsciously trembled, "smile like this... Let a person strange not adapt."

The corners of her mouth fell down, gently sipped, and her smile converged very quickly. "It's ok if she doesn't adapt."

"But I hope you do it often."

Before leaving, Zhu GuanLiang pinched her cheek and said, "wait for me to come back." The day after tomorrow is new year's Eve. The style of these two days is very cold. Zhu GuanLiang left in a hurry with a cape wrapped outside. Her back disappeared a little in front of Zhou Leping's eyes. She went back to the restaurant and the dishes on the table suddenly became tasteless. Yujiao looks very good when she cries. Just now, even she looks at it with compassion. If a woman looks at it like this, let alone a man, he must be the same just by looking at the changes before and after Zhu GuanLiang. There may be something else in the case, but what can't be investigated tomorrow morning after dinner? I'm so active, for fear that no one can see that he is worried. The maid outside came in to clean up the table and asked her if she had eaten well. She murmured that she was full and rubbed her cheek before she wanted to ask. The maid had already grabbed her head and said, "don't blame your Highness for not getting used to it. I feel strange when I see it." She dropped her eyelashes in disappointment. "What's wrong?"“ I can't say it's strange. I just don't think it's your expression. "“ I just looked... Ugly? " The maid shook her head seriously. "It's not ugly. I don't know how to explain it to you. Look in the mirror yourself." It's rare that she wanted to be a woman. She was so charming that she summoned up the courage to do it. As a result, she was said to be strange. She was very hurt, and even the idea of trying more was suppressed. She went back and looked at the mirror according to the maidservant's words. She did the same expression to Zhu GuanLiang again. It's really weird.