"Looking back, Mrs. Yu only said that I was determined to leave."

He is determined to go, Zhou Leping frame him, the side of the eunuch wanted to stop but dare not, out of the door of the eunuch, there is a bus stop at the door, Shan Ning stood beside the bus, smilingly way, "you know you can't stay sure to go, how, brother intimate?"

Zhou Leping said with a sigh of relief, "it's very kind of you, your highness. Please hurry up."

Zhu GuanLiang's face didn't seem to be satisfied, but Zhou Leping didn't see it either. Two eunuchs stood beside her and took Zhu GuanLiang from her hand and helped him up.

Take a step to the gate of the palace, then take a carriage, get on the car and say goodbye to Shan Ning. Zhou Leping rubbed his aching shoulder and finally felt relieved.

Back at the fifth emperor's residence, she once again acted as a crutch to send Zhu GuanLiang back to her room. After a day's tossing, she was also tired. She poured a glass of water to quench her thirst and waved to him, "you always rest. I'll go first."


Before she stepped out, she was settled in the same place, took a deep breath, poured a cup of tea and delivered it, "please."

He pursed, frowned, "it's cold."

Zhou Leping took a deep breath again, "then I'll burn it again."

"Just let the servant go. I'm afraid you'll never come back."

She wondered if he had the ability to read people's minds. She could even see that she was going to take the opportunity to escape.

Not only him, but also his maidservants. As soon as his voice fell, a maidservant outside answered yes and went to boil water. After a while, a pot of hot and steaming tea came.

Zhou Leping was afraid that he was too hot. He poured the water back and forth between the two cups. He felt that the cup was not so hot before he sent the water to him. "It's neither cold nor hot. It's warm. It's just right."

There's really nothing to be picky about. After drinking tea, Zhu GuanLiang leaned on the head of the bed and began to sigh, "it seems that he's a little hungry."

Without waiting for Zhou Leping to speak, the maid at the door began to answer, "I'm going to prepare dinner for your highness."

If there is no accident, the arms of his highness five will not work well. I'm afraid she will have to feed them herself.

These methods are not new. They have been played many times. Zhou Leping turned to him and said with a smile, "do you want me to feed you?"

He didn't know what to say. He looked at the roof and recalled, "when you were in a coma..."

"The master hurt his leg, and his arm must not be so flexible. Now is the time for me to be filial. I'll let my disciple feed my master in a moment."

She was so active that Zhu GuanLiang was very satisfied. They sat and looked at each other until the maid brought in the meal.

When the maid came into the room and saw the posture, she knew it immediately. The table was moved to the bed, and the dishes were all set up. From beginning to end, she didn't say a word and looked askance. When the food came up, she immediately closed the door and went out.

The dinner was very rich. There were seven or eight kinds of spareribs, including spareribs soup, roasted spareribs, stewed spareribs, fried spareribs and roasted spareribs. There was no vegetable dish. It can be seen that they knew that their Royal Highness had hurt his bone, so they used shape to supplement shape. Did they do it deliberately?

She still shakes the bowl with her hand, but it's troublesome to put the bowl on the table and clip vegetables back and forth, so Zhu GuanLiang comes in handy. He holds the bowl, tells Zhou Leping which he wants to eat, and then lets Zhou Leping clip it to feed him.

Can carry bowl but can't take chopsticks to eat by oneself, even if it is intentional, can't act like a little bit?

"Would you like a bowl of soup first?"

Zhu GuanLiang nodded and handed over the bowl.

Zhou Leping filled the soup, held it in both hands, and then sent it to his hands, scooped it with a spoon and sent it to his mouth, "open your mouth."

Zhu GuanLiang held the spoon, took a mouthful of hot soup and opened his eyes.

Zhou Leping was hungry for such a long time, and now his stomach began to clamor. Zhu GuanLiang chuckled and said, "take care of the patient and eat for yourself. This soup is good today. You can try it too."

She also served herself a bowl, a bowl of soup, she snored two mouthfuls, wiped her mouth, could not help sighing, "should say not to say, your family's cook is still very good, this craft is really excellent, if I am not here one day, I will miss the food here."

His curved eyebrows gradually flattened, "the only thing you miss is food."

Zhou Leping pretended he didn't understand, so he put a piece of ribs in his mouth and said, "it smells delicious. It's good to eat and it's fast."

Zhu GuanLiang has always been gentle in eating. He chews and swallows slowly. His every move is like painting. Zhou Leping stuffed a bone into his mouth. He couldn't chew it. He bit it between his lips and teeth. It looks funny.

He looked at Zhou Leping, two meaning, either remove the bone, or help him with his hand.

Zhou Leping couldn't stand up straight with a smile. He pinched the bone in his hand and said, "bite."

Originally, I wanted to enjoy the process of being served by her, but now I find that this decision is not so correct.

The stewed spareribs on the table didn't eat much, but I drank a lot of soup. But when I drank too much soup, I had to go to the convenience. She could help him with everything else, but this kind of thing

"There's a limit to how much help you can give and take. I'd better find a little guy for you."“ We've been kissing, hugging and sleeping together. Isn't it boring to worry about these things now? " Zhou Leping old face Tong red, "accident and deliberate for it can be the same?" At this time, the girl with sharp ears outside the door suddenly stopped talking. Zhu GuanLiang handed her hand, but Zhou Leping held his hand, dragged his elbow, put his arm around his neck, helped him up, and said, "Your Highness, five, you must be respectful!" The maid couldn't keep on pretending to be deaf and dumb, so she went down to prepare the Gong Pai. Zhu GuanLiang didn't force him to support himself. Originally, he didn't mean to let her serve him even when he was courting. It was because she was afraid that he would think so. She teased her and took it seriously. Before going to bed at night, Zhou Leping gave him another dose of medicine. After experiencing the hardships of taking care of others, he could not help but think of the time when he was in a coma. He must have no time to take care of her himself. Maybe he said that on purpose? But then he felt that he was narrow-minded. In fact, he shouldn't think about others like this. Since he had saved himself, she should repay her kindness during this period of time, so that she could feel better. He was so confused that he was sleepy and closed his eyes slowly. He had no dream all night. He woke up the next day and went to serve his highness after washing. Zhu GuanLiang got up earlier than her and sat in a wheelchair. This wheelchair is the one she used to sit in before, so sometimes she has to believe the saying that Fengshui turns around in turn. If you keep this thing, it may be useful in the future.