Zhao Shiqian woke up the next day and found that Zhou Le'an was lying beside him, with his coat scattered all over the floor and a broken bowl. He had a bad headache. He kneaded his eyebrows and sat up. Zhou Le'an on his side noticed his action, rubbed his eyes and sat up with the quilt. "Emperor, are you awake? Do you still have a headache? "

Said a scallion white slender hand to his forehead.

Zhao Shiqian waved away, "I'm ok, but how can you be in my bedroom? I remember last night I didn't ask anyone to go to bed. "

Zhou Le'an's face was full of loss, but he soon covered it up and said with a smile, "I heard that you had drunk too much with your royal highness King Rui last night, so I came to give you some wine soup, and then..."

Zhao Shiqian closed his eyes. He could hardly remember what happened last night. He glanced at the broken bowl on the ground and hissed, "it seems that I didn't drink any wine soup."

Zhou Le'an had a good look and said, "does the emperor have a headache? I'll tell someone to cook a bowl of soup. "

"No more." He always felt like a ball of paste in his head, and asked, "what did I say last night?"

Zhou Le'an nodded, "the emperor said a lot last night."

Zhao Shiqian's eyes suddenly changed. He looked at her and said, "what did I say?"

"He took my ministers and concubines to talk about the way of governing the country for a long time, but they didn't understand. The emperor murmured for a while and then stopped talking about it."


"You are so bold to me that I dare not deceive you."

Zhao Shiqian waved his hand. "I know. Go back first. I want to be alone for a while."

Zhou Le'an said that she picked up the clothes on the ground and casually put them on her body. She went to the outer hall and came in to serve the maids. Before she left, she turned her head and looked at Zhao Shiqian, who was settled on the Dragon couch. She raised her lips and chuckled.

Since killing Ji Yue, Zhou Leping's heart has been broken. He is in a very happy mood and even has more interest in learning.

If you want to learn medicine, you should first know the medicinal materials and be familiar with their properties. On the first day, Zhu GuanLiang put dozens of medicinal materials and a book in front of her, so that she can remember them and their properties in one day.

Zhou Leping tried very hard to memorize the herbs one by one according to the contents in the book, but she finished the task that Zhu GuanLiang gave her in the morning.

When I went to see Zhu GuanLiang for acceptance, Zhu GuanLiang asked her, "are you sure you remember everything?"

Zhou Leping patted his chest and promised, "I'm sure, I'll remember everything. Whatever you do."

"There's a penalty for mistakes."

When there is no reward or punishment, she doesn't care much, but with reward and punishment, it's not the same. She looks right and asks warily, "what punishment?"

"Well..." he shook his head. "I haven't thought about it yet, but if I get it right, I will give you a corresponding reward."

Zhou Leping followed him for such a long time and learned to be smart, but he didn't immediately agree, "if you don't say any punishment, what if you set something up for me? I'm not that stupid. Who knows what kind of pervert punishment you're proposing? "

Zhu GuanLiang was very sad and said with regret, "what shadow have I left in your heart? Now you don't believe me so much. "

"You know what you've done."

"Well, how about this? If you can't answer, as punishment... How about serving the master to bathe tonight?"

Zhou Leping really wants to tear off his face to see how thick it is. He can even speak in such a serious tone if he is so unorthodox. It can be seen that shamelessness has reached a state.

However, she is confident that she will never make a mistake. She has a good memory since she was a child. She can remember at a glance the map. No matter how trivial the details are, they can't escape her eyes. So it's better to take the opportunity to put forward her own requirements.

"OK, I promise you, but if I win, you have to give me Yunqing's antidote."

Zhu GuanLiang half narrowed his eyes, "what do you want his antidote to do?"

"I didn't ask you why I had to wait on you to bathe. What do you want me to do? What's more, the antidote is used for detoxification of course. Otherwise, what else can it be used for? "

He frowned and rejected her request. "Anything but this."

Zhou Leping's eyes turned and thought, "you said, everything except antidote is OK, right?"

Zhu GuanLiang saw through her careful thinking and knew that her next request would only be more excessive than the last one, which made him more difficult to accept.


"Then marry someone else. Will you let me go?"

He leaned back in the armchair, fingertips tapping on the table, silent, as if thinking about her request, whether to agree to her.

These two requirements should not be simple for him, but they should be compared, and the weight should be shown. Anyway, he has to agree to one of them.

After a long time, he thought about it and stood up, "it's meaningless to say these things now. I'd better wait until you win. If you win, I'll choose one of the two conditions and promise you."

"Good! It's hard to catch up with a gentleman's words. Don't deny it then. "“ It's a promise. As long as you win, of course I won't default. " Zhou Leping felt that he had the chance to win, so he waited for him. But after all, it's the devil's height. Zhu GuanLiang's problem can be described as tricky. The first question puzzled her. There were two kinds of herbs on the table. They were similar in appearance and had the same roots, flowers and leaves. Zhu GuanLiang asked her to identify which one was one of the demerits she had just recorded. At the same time, she also asked her to name and use the medicine. She took the two herbs and compared them carefully. They were all the same. So she decided that Zhu GuanLiang deliberately took the same herbs to deceive her, so that she could be fooled. She took one of them casually and said, "that's it. It's called Qinghuang. Its property is cold. It can be used to reduce heat and dryness." Zhu GuanLiang's lips faded with a smile, "are you sure?" Generally, some people ask this question. Subconsciously, the people who are asked will doubt whether they have chosen the wrong one. But Zhou Leping doesn't. she insists that all this is Zhu GuanLiang's means to coax her into being cheated, so she insists on her own answer and never admits her mistake“ Don't be in a hurry to make a decision. Sometimes the eyes will cheat people. What the eyes see may not be true. " He plucked a leaf from each of the two plants, chewed one by himself, and thrust the other into Zhou Leping's mouth. "Have you heard the story of Shennong tasting a hundred herbs?" Zhou Leping chewed it twice and spit it out. He poured a glass of water into his mouth and said, "what is it? How can it be so bitter? It's spicy Zhu GuanLiang did not know where to take out a candied fruit and put it into her mouth, "didn't you say that? Green and yellow. "