Zhao Shiqian received a secret report sent back by Qi's spies, which said: Zhou Leping and Zhu GuanLiang are commensurate; Zhou Leping and Zhu GuanLiang went in and out together; Zhou Leping went to the palace to see Mrs. Yu; Zhou Leping and Zhu GuanLiang cuddle in the street

And so on, every bit of evidence is proving Zhou Leping's treason charges. It's as if he slapped Zhao Shiqian.

"Emperor, all the things in the secret report are true. Every one of them is seen by humble officials. There is no fiction!"

His most trusted loyal minister and good general, the man of his dreams every night, is now in the state of Qi, embracing his enemies and the fifth Prince of the state of Qi. He has not only become a master and apprentice, but also has other feelings beyond the friendship between them.

Recalling the time when Zhou Leping returned to the capital, Zhu GuanLiang lived in her house, and they ate and lived together. At that time, Zhu GuanLiang looked at him with no respect in his eyes. Maybe... Maybe these two people had been in love since then?

But why?

At that time, it was clear that Zhou Leping's face was still destroyed in the war. How could Zhu GuanLiang treat her

Zhao Shiqian couldn't figure it out. The more he couldn't figure it out, the more he could explain the relationship between the two of them with real feelings.

True feelings, these four words make people hate each time they think about it. They want to insert a sword into their heart. When they are held by the hilt, the more they stab, the deeper they become.

The detective looked up at Zhu GuanLiang's face, waiting for his order, "the Emperor..."

Zhao Shiqian tore the fold from the middle, tore it and threw it on the ground. His chest was up and down, and his hatred filled his heart. His resentment mixed with reluctance and jealousy turned into a raging anger, burning the last trace of reason in his mind.

"If mine is no longer mine, it's useless to keep it... You do it."

The spy said, "yes, I bow my hand and retire.".

When I went out, I met Zhao Deng. I saluted his royal highness King Rui and left in a hurry.

Strange, Zhao Deng went into the hall and said, "brother, that man just now..."

"Oh, the spies sent to Qi State come back to talk nonsense. A weaving Institute has sent many people who can't get in. A bunch of rubbish!"

"Don't worry too much, brother. After all, it's the confidential yamen of Qi state. How can it be infiltrated so easily?" Silent silent again way, "that spy can have son Xi's what news in Qi State?"

Zhao Shiqian closed his hand in his sleeve and said quietly, "no, I really want to know her news, but..."

Zhao Deng sighed, "I don't know how she is now in the state of Qi. Life must be very hard."

Zhao Shiqian snorted, "when the spies of Qi State come back, I will gather a large army, and I will win all the battles I lost before. The old emperor of Qi State has been useless for a long time, and his eldest brother and fifth brother have always been at odds. Qi state is now in great civil strife. As long as we seize the opportunity, it is not easy to win them?"

Zhao Deng thinks that Zhao Shiqian's thinking of all this is too simple. As the emperor, he does not consider it comprehensively enough. He wants to persuade, and is afraid that if he does not grasp the right proportion of his words, he will change from admonishing to cultivating other people's ambition, destroying his prestige, and finally can only be silent.

After Zhao Deng left, someone from Zhou Le'an reported to her. A maid in waiting reported to her what Zhao Shiqian had seen today.

Zhou Le'an sipped his tea and was suspicious. "What did the spies say to the emperor, I don't know?"

The palace maid shook her head. "When the emperor summoned the spy, he asked everyone to withdraw. Even he Gonggong didn't stay. However, it is said that the spy presented the emperor with a secret report, but what was written in the secret report is unknown."

Zhou Le'an sneered, "what did you write? You don't have to look at it. Eight out of ten is about my sister. The emperor thinks about her in his dream. "

The maid of honor didn't understand, "but isn't general Zhou already treason?"

"My sister is treason..."

What kind of person is Zhou Leping? Just like their father, she didn't believe that she was treason. Although Zhao Shiqian replaced Dingzhou City with Shan Ning, Zhou lean knew that in Zhao Shiqian's heart, in fact, he didn't completely believe Zhou Leping's treason.

In advance, Zhou Le'an said, "you said that his royal highness Rui went in after the spies. Is it possible that his royal highness Rui knew something?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know, I don't know this, I don't know that. What's the use of this palace for you?" Zhou Le'an fell the tea bowl and stood up. "If you don't know, go to our palace to check. Our palace must know what was written in the secret paper!"

The maid of honor bowed down.

Another person came to clean up the debris, Zhou Le'an looked at the front of these people have no reason to fret.

Zhou Leping, Zhou Leping, why are you always so haunted!

She hated Zhou Leping in her heart, but she missed her brother and sister all the time.

As the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, it was originally a reunion day, but she is destined not to be reunited with her family this year. In the future, maybe there will be no future.

Calculate the day, after so many days, the person who Yunqing wants to wait for should also send the order to kill her. Later than the Mid Autumn Festival, her life will be explained. It's a good ending to save her from the dilemma of being caught in the middle like now, which not only helps her share of loyalty, but also can be regarded as worthy of Zhu GuanLiang. If he wants to hate him, should it be enough for him to lose his life? Maybe it's not enough. He tried so hard to save her at the beginning, and then he died. How did he waste all his efforts. It's just that. Anyway, she will die at that time. She doesn't know whether she hates her or not. How can I have a bowl of Mengpo soup by the bridge to make the next life easier? Well, it's good to be a fish seller. I just don't know when the Yunqing brothers will come, and I'll go for a walk in the street tomorrow. She still has something to tell him before she dies. Before going to bed, she thought a lot about it, but when she was dying, she suddenly felt relaxed and couldn't support sleeping for a long time. Tonight, there are dark clouds and no stars. The moon is behind the dark clouds and the wind is strong. It's the so-called dark moon and high wind. At midnight, in the dead of night, Zhou Leping slowly opens his eyes and sees a dark shadow standing by the bed. She rubbed her eyes, identified people by the dim light of the thumb long candle burning at the head of the bed, and sat up, "brother Yunqing, here you are." Cloud light hands a flashing cold light dagger, gloomy sharp. She went to the table and poured two cups of tea, one for Yun Qing, the other for herself. She drank a mouthful of runrunrunhou and said, "there's something I want to explain to you before I die. It's my last contribution to Zhao Guo