The problem is not for whom, the problem is that he never asked Shangyi bureau to make this kind of clothes for her!

But it's not hard to doubt that there are few people who can move Shangyi bureau to make clothes. Except for him, there is only Shan Ning.

Zhu GuanLiang pinched his eyebrows and pointed to the door, "go and change your clothes back."

Zhou Leping's steamed stuffed buns are delicious. Of course, she won't listen to him. Besides, she has to listen to him when she wears clothes. "I think it's very cool."

"I'll take you to the mine today. It's inconvenient to wear it like this. I'll change it back."

Holding the bowl, he finished the porridge, wiped his mouth and said, "what do you do in the mine?"

"If you want to go, go back and change your clothes."

Zhou Leping reluctantly stood up and said, "don't marry a girl in the future. Just marry a puppet doll. Everything is up to you."

After complaining, she slowly went back to change her clothes. It looked like a long shirt that had been starched hundreds of times. It looked old, but it was actually a new one that had only been worn once.

I don't know what kind of psychology the people who dye this color are out of. Isn't it good to wear the old clothes directly?

Zhu GuanLiang was very satisfied with his change of clothes this time. After breakfast, they took a carriage and went to the mine. The mine was in Cheng'an County, one hundred miles away from the imperial capital. It was obvious that they couldn't go back and forth a day.

Zhou Leping felt a little excited. Zhu GuanLiang didn't take many guards this time, and Cheng'an county is certainly not as well guarded as the imperial capital. At that time

This idea sprang up. The more she thought about it, the more reliable she felt. But for the sake of safety, she had to put on her face, "what are we going to do in the mine?"

"There's something wrong over there. Go and have a look."

"Then you can go alone. Why do you want to take me with you?"

"Oh." She tried to be casual, "what's the situation."

Zhu GuanLiang closed the fold in his hand. The fold knocked twice on his knee, with a smile on his face. "Shouldn't you be very positive? After all, Cheng'an county is no better than the imperial capital. If you want to go, you can run away when I don't pay attention. "

She said, "not to mention that his Highness has always been scheming strategies. Since he can bring me out, he must be sure that I can't leave. Even if I leave, where can I go? Back to Zhao? I'm afraid I've been killed as a crime minister before I see Zhao Shiqian. "

I still remember what she said last night, and so does Zhu GuanLiang. Now I can see her expression, her helpless smile and her too clear self-awareness, which seems to be quite credible.

"Shizhi water is extracted from mines and then refined. Some of them are formed by nature, but after all, there are not many formed by nature. Most of them have to be quarried from mines. The mine in Cheng'an County collapsed the day before yesterday, and many people died. You have to go and see for yourself."

Zhou Leping said, "if you want to talk about the collapse of a mine, just send an official to have a look. It's not necessary for you to go in person."

"I always feel that it's not that simple. Besides, I'm in charge of it. I don't feel at ease to give it to others."

Go and have a look. It's always useful for her to find out.

They set out in the morning and arrived in Da'an County in the afternoon. The mines are under the control of the imperial court. Therefore, all the soldiers stationed in the mines are officers and soldiers of the imperial court. Each mine has a mining order, which is regarded as the head of the mine. However, the mining order also died this morning. It is said that it was smashed to death by the stone on the top of the mine in order to go in and save people.

Now the corpses in the mine cave have been pulled out, except for those who went in earlier and were buried deep and no one dares to go in.

Zhu GuanLiang checked the bodies of these people and found that they were indeed killed. He asked people one by one to ask about the collapse time and the specific reasons.

Feeling bored, Zhou Leping went to the mine cave to have a look at the newly mined ore. The more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt. This kind of mountain, vaguely as if they had Zhao state.

This kind of mountain is bare, even without weeds. It's a stone mountain. I forgot it was a few years ago. There were two people who had been sneaking around in front of a mountain to roast the chicken they had just stolen. As a result, they were found and chased all the way here. The two people hid the chicken in a panic and ran away before the fire could be put out.

As a result, the two men ran away, and the pursuer was wounded for no reason.

Later, the man who lost the chicken sued the government. The two men only said they had made a fire, but they didn't blow up the people. The government also thought that the man who lost the chicken was making a rumor. The gunpowder was always controlled by the government. How could ordinary people get it? It was unreasonable for the man who stole the chicken to blow him up.

In the end, he only betrayed the two men's crime of stealing chicken, but the owner of the chicken who was injured by the explosion failed to get justice in the end.

At that time, the case of the chicken owner's nonsense was even brought to Dali temple. Today, the chicken owner still hasn't recovered justice.

Zhu GuanLiang told her that the stone grease water is flammable. Since it is flammable, flammable things should also be easy to explode, right?

There were two guards at the entrance of the cave. She asked them casually. As soon as they heard her question, they knew that she was a layman, so they said with a smile, "naturally, it will explode, let alone ignite. Even if we get close to it, we will explode when we see a little Mars. We don't make a fire to cook here on weekdays. We send it in when it's done, and it will stop when the sun sets at night."

It can be seen that the chicken owner was really wronged. When Zhu GuanLiang finished asking, it was evening. When they went to town for dinner, Zhou Leping asked unintentionally, "are there many mines in Qi?" Zhu GuanLiang said, "there are hundreds of seats before and after."“ What about the inborn“ That's less. It's just a few dozen dollars. " Zhou Leping has a keen sense, "block? Why use the word "block"“ It comes from underground and needs to be extracted by drilling wells. "“ What's the difference between the two? "“ Why do you suddenly want to ask this? " She laughs, "curious, inconvenient to say." Dongpo meat in Cheng'an county is the most famous, but Zhou Leping is tasteless“ There's nothing inconvenient to say. You want to know. I'll tell you in the future. Let's have a rest after breakfast. We'll have to go to the mine tomorrow morning. " She answered, and suddenly said, "I see you come and ask those people today, and they don't do anything else. What can you ask?"“ The mine cave will not collapse for no reason. There are a few people who falter. They must have something to hide and cross examine repeatedly. As long as they lie, they will be able to find out the flaws. " Zhou Leping deeply doubted his way of doing things, "don't you have to go in and check?"“ How do you get in? " He sipped his tea and sighed, "I'm not afraid of the danger inside, but I'm afraid that someone will make trouble outside. If the people outside are cleaned up, it's safe to save them." His meaning has been very clear, the cave collapse is a ghost.