How can we kill her? If she is from Zhao, she can't just sit by and watch her own people die. She can't do this.

"I always come to interrogate people in person. Although it's convenient for others to pass it on, I can't miss any details, so I'd better interrogate myself."

Zhu GuanLiang knows what she wants to do, but he refuses to let her do what she wants. He lets people go back and informs Zhao Shiqian that she is still alive? He's not that stupid.

"When did you start looking at me? Isn't it true that the more you can't find out, the more happy you will be? " He pretended to be strange, "you just said that you Zhao people are very strong. If you are tried out, it's treason, and it's even more damned. So no matter what happens, he will die."

Zhou Leping said, "who said that he must be Zhao? Who knows how many enemies you have made in Qi? What if it's from another country? I'm just bored and want to see the excitement. "

"You can see the bustle everywhere. The bustle on the street is the best. If you want to see the bustle, I'll take you to the street. There's no need to see the bustle here."

"Anyway, we've met each other. Why don't we stay and have a look?"

Zhu GuanLiang patted her twice on the shoulder and leaned slightly to her ear, "do you really think I don't know what you're up to? I want to save people and let Zhao Shiqian know that you are still alive, right? "

Then straightened up and laughed, "die this heart."

She is too anxious and too obvious to be seen by him. Zhu GuanLiang is not stupid. There is a limit to teasing her. Of course, she won't let go.

Zhou Leping secretly clenched his teeth and looked at the direction of the man who had just been taken away. He was unwilling but could do nothing.

Zhu GuanLiang took two steps and looked back at her, "don't you go?"

Then he was very generous and said, "I can take you out again."

Zhou Leping didn't pay attention to him and left. He took a big step in front of him. After they got on the carriage, they sat face to face. She always turned to look out of the window, without saying a word or looking at her.

The state of Qi is rich in natural resources, and the king of Qi is not a militant, so the quality of life of the people in China is generally much higher than that of Zhao.

It was evening when she went back, but the street was still busy. There was a maltose seller on the street. She remembered that when she was a child, she was greedy for maltose and finally had a toothache. Although it had been a long time, every time she saw that thing, his teeth still hurt faintly.

In addition to maltose sellers, there are also people who sell sugar and flour. All kinds of snack stands are full of steam. Taking advantage of the dusk and sunset, they look like a picture. If it wasn't for being in a foreign country, how wonderful the scene would be.

The night wind blows up the curtain of the car, and she lies on the window frame, her face looming from time to time. If she does not close her eyebrows, she will be regarded as one of the treasures in the world.

"What are you thinking?"

Zhou Leping did not have a good airway, "I didn't miss you anyway."

Zhu GuanLiang is the most stingy, "when you say this, you are thinking about me."

Zhou Leping turned his head and looked at him with a smile. "You're really going to stick gold on your face."


Then zhengse asked, "homesick?"

"It's none of your business."

Zhu GuanLiang said thoughtfully, "tell me when you are homesick."

As soon as Zhou Leping asked for money, he became dim again. "What can I do if I tell you? Can you put me back? "

"Of course..." he deliberately sold a pass, and then the answer was expected to disappoint people, "no, but tell me, I can open you."

What's the solution? The more enlightened he is, the more depressed he will be!

"I don't need to solve it. I'd like to ask you a question. I've been drinking medicine for so long, and my body is getting better day by day, but why can't I repair my internal power all the time?"

Zhu GuanLiang wrinkled his knee and said, "your body is much better, but you can't recover your strength in a few months. It's hard for you to practice martial arts and internal power since you were a child. You know in your heart that even if you practice for a few more years, you may not be able to recover one or two percent of your original strength."

Zhou Leping asked him just because he was clear. Even if it was difficult, she couldn't adjust her breath at all, which was unreasonable.

After answering, Zhu GuanLiang raised his eyebrows slightly. "When I hear you ask, I doubt what I have done to you?"

"Just ask."

"I think I should make it clear to you." He grabbed her hand, pulled her right, and said to himself, "although I approach you for another purpose, I have never harmed you. Although you and I are enemies, you ask yourself, am I a little bad to you?"

"That's what's so strange about me." Zhou Leping frowned at him, "what are you doing so well to me for? I don't like me. I'm useless to you now. What do you want? "

"The purpose of getting close to you is really for the art of war, and that's why I brought you back. Now you don't want to help us, I don't force you, but you have to know that it's not difficult for me to know what I want to know, just I don't want to use those means to you."

"Then I have to thank you?"“ You're welcome The conversation broke up without any progress or breakthrough. At the end of May and the beginning of June, the eight hundred flowers Festival is just around the corner. One of Mrs. Yu's hobbies in her life is to play with flowers and plants. Half a month before the festival, Mrs. Yu had people decorate the palace. Even the sage's imperial study was decorated with all kinds of flowers and plants. It is clear that it is a place to deal with government affairs and summon officials. Now it has been decorated as a flower house by the students. Although the sage did not dare to compliment Mrs. Yu's way of doing this, it was only once a year that Mrs. Yu was happy. She could not have a retort except to brag about her beauty. On this day, Zhu GuanLiang, Shan Ning, and some other officials had to go to the palace to accompany Mrs. Yu to a banquet. The so-called flower banquet, as the name suggests, means eating dishes made of cakes made of flowers and drinking wine brewed from flowers. On this day, it is also forbidden to wear dark colored clothes. Both men and women, even the palace maids and eunuchs are stained and changed into bright colored clothes. Although Zhu GuanLiang didn't like this kind of occasion, Mrs. Yu Yizhi said that he had to attend. Not only he but also Zhou Leping had to go. Zhou Leping was sweating all over his body just after boxing practice. After listening to the little servant girl's words, the water gulped down and exclaimed, "what am I going to do? I'm not a member of your fifth Prince's family. I'm an outsider. I'm not only an outsider, but also your enemy. Let me go on such an occasion? " The little servant girl said, "it's Madame Yu who said that you must go with her. Xiaoquan has already gone to help you with your clothes. The fifth highness orders the servant girl to help you dress up."