Zhou Leping looks bold and unconstrained, but in fact, there is still the euphemism and shyness of his little daughter's family in his heart. Just now, he was so bold that he hesitated when he wanted to do it.

Zhu GuanLiang looked at her with a slanting eyebrow, "don't you dare again?"

"No She rubbed her finger on his chin. "I was just thinking, there's probably something wrong with you."

"Do you want to find the fifth prince?"

"What if you can't find the fifth prince?"

Zhu GuanLiang took Zhou Leping's hand away and said, "don't believe me, why do you tell me so much? If you please, general, I've never forced anyone to do anything. "

This kind of attitude, he has been prevaricating, but it seems to verify that his words are untrustworthy. What's the name of this move? If you want to refuse, you're welcome, right!

Playing with her, he is still young and tight.

Anyway, there is no one around. Looking at Zhu GuanLiang is not the kind of person with a big mouth. Besides, she is not at a loss for his face.

Finally, under Zhu GuanLiang's provocative eyes, Zhou Leping pinched his chin and summoned up the courage to kiss him on the lips.

When Zhu GuanLiang did this last time on her birthday, her mind was blank and she didn't feel anything at all. This time, she was very sober and she took the initiative. Her feelings were totally different.

But it was just a flash. She left quickly with a touch. It was so fast that Zhu GuanLiang had no reaction, and she was over.

"If you dare to go out and talk about it everywhere, you will die!"

Although he knew that he could not go out and talk nonsense, verbal warning was necessary.

Zhu GuanLiang touched his lips with his hand, and his expression seemed to be aftertaste, "is that it?"

"What else do you want?" She gritted her teeth, "I have done what I promised you. You'd better do it for me."

"That's nature." He stood up and stretched out, "general, just wait for my good news."

It seems that he really knows where the fifth Prince is.

There are not many people who know about the fifth Prince's running away from home, otherwise Qi state would have been in a mess for a long time. Besides, I haven't heard that Qi State has sent soldiers to look for it. However, it can be seen that the fifth prince should not care about the Royal power, otherwise he would not leave at this time, and let the big prince take advantage of it.

Zhu GuanLiang has been working mysteriously for a few days, but Zhou Leping doesn't try to urge him. He just feels curious to see him go out early and come back late.

Jiang Shi knew that he was going to help Zhou Leping find the fifth prince. He almost carried it on his back and drank two cups of tea. He finally came back with a sigh, "are you crazy? You... You help her find the fifth prince? How can I find it? "

Zhu GuanLiang slowly picked up the cup on the table, scraped the foam on the water and said, "isn't that easy? I'll find it any time. "

"So you're going to expose yourself? I think you're hopeless. I'm surprised. What kind of ecstasy soup did Zhou Leping give you? You... You really don't refuse anyone. How can you be so picky now? "

"You really don't shy away from teaching me a lesson now."

"What else can I avoid?" Jiang Shi acknowledged his fate and threw himself on the table, "wait to lose your head."

"It's not the right time. I don't think it's too hard to let her know. I'm afraid she hates me."

Jiang Shi sighed again, "you also know that she will hate you. Originally, she is not a group of people. You have to wade a road to go with her. It's strange if there is no problem. Do you remember what your purpose was at the beginning?"

Zhu GuanLiang said, "of course, I remember that I'm practicing it a little bit."

"What evil did I do in my last life? If I wanted to meet you in my life, I would have lived 80 years, but I would have been forgiven to live with you until I knew the destiny."

Zhu GuanLiang's face was full of faint smile. The more Jiang Shi looked at him, the more he felt that he was hopeless, but he couldn't be expected to listen to him. So he had to do it. Let him go. Zhou Leping didn't think that beauty was a disaster. She was not stupid. Maybe one day she would find the real face of this beast around her.

"How are you doing at home?"

Jiang Shi listless, "just like that, your boss is now in the sun, everyone is optimistic about him, you never go back, not just give people a chance."

"Where's the old man?"

"It's not very good. If you're rebellious, it all depends on the medicinal stone. I've been able to get up and meet people these days, but... That's why I came out to see you. The sage is thinking about you and is looking forward to you all the time."

Zhu GuanLiang looked at Jiang Shi with no waves or waves on his face? Or did I collude with you to act in front of me? "

"How do you say that? How can a saint collude with me to act for you? If it's true or not, just go back and see for yourself. What am I cheating you to do? "

Zhu GuanLiang stares at his eyes, "when you lie, you will feel guilty. If you feel guilty, you will not dare to look at people. Just now, look at my eyes, and I will listen to you again."

Jiang Shi was forced by him, and sighed, "Oh, well, well, I can't say you, but the sage is not very well recently. You are a doctor. You always feel the pulse of the sage before. You know how the sage is. You know you are doing business, but you can't stay outside all the time."

"I know." Jiang Shi asked cautiously, "what about finding the fifth Prince..." he said, "after receiving other people's gifts, you have to do what you say." Jiang Shi suddenly had a feeling of five thunderbolts, "then what do you want to do?" Shanren has his own clever plan. Since he dares to promise, he must have worked out a plan early in the morning. After waiting for seven or eight days, Zhou Leping finally got a piece of good news to cheer her up. The fifth Prince has found it. Zhu GuanLiang roughly told her about the process of finding the fifth prince, but Zhou Leping didn't listen carefully. However, those words made sense from his mouth, and she didn't care much about the process. She only cared about when she could see the fifth prince. Zhou Leping said, "the general is from Zhao, and the fifth Prince is from Qi. Now the relationship between the two countries is tense, and the fifth prince also has concerns about the fifth prince. How and how to meet depends on how the general deals with the fifth prince."“ As far as you know, what kind of person is the fifth prince? " Zhu GuanLiang nodded his chin, not stinging praise, "the fifth Prince is a gentle and kind person, as far as I know, should not be good at fighting, after all, under the master's door, the realm is really not ordinary people can understand."“ It's the first time I've heard you praise someone like that. "“ Naturally, he deserves such praise. " Zhou Leping nodded, "as you say, it's a respectable opponent. How about I go to see him in my true identity?"