As the saying goes, when the wall falls, people push, trees fall, monkeys scatter, and Lin Jing has an accident. All the people who once stood up for him are soldiers.

There are also people who are related to the Minister of rites, and people who are related to Tang Zhaoyin's father. These people are not as delicate as Lin Jing's, and they are so powerful that they can find many favorable clues with a little means.

In particular, the new minister of Dali temple is very good at killing people. People who come from civil service are different. In a few words, they are very cold-blooded. In order to be lenient, they want to pour out their family.

Zhou Leping admired him very much and invited him to have a drink with him in the evening. On the way, he met the Minister of justice of the Ministry of criminal justice and invited him together.

Lin Jing's accident didn't affect the Secretary of the Ministry of punishment. He is very smart, and he can keep neutral without offending anyone.

However, there seems to be something wrong between the Minister of justice of Dali and the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment. The Minister of justice of Dali accused the Minister of justice of being in the same boat with Lin Jing. The Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment spread out his hand and asked him to come up with evidence before he spoke.

Of course, there is no evidence. To Lin Jing, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment just turns a blind eye. He doesn't care about his affairs, doesn't participate in them, doesn't care about small things, and doesn't care about big things.

Besides, the imperial examination has nothing to do with him.

As a result, the two men held their own views. The literati were always too fussy to speak. Zhou Leping was sitting in the middle with a monkey sun between the two Tang monks. He had a terrible headache and was even more embarrassed when he was asked to judge.

After three rounds of drinking, someone outside reported that Lin Jing had committed suicide in the prison.

Zhou Leping immediately woke up most of the time, and the Minister of Dali temple and the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment also stood up wobbly.

"Dead? Why did he die suddenly? "

The messenger shook his head and said that he didn't know, "I found it when the man who delivered the meal at night went there. I've asked someone to invite him to do it. Please also ask the general and the adults to have a look."

It's hard to say that Lin Jing committed suicide. He is not a person who would commit suicide. If he died, he could only be beheaded. Besides, he was still defending himself until the moment he was put into the prison. It's as blatant as saying that the sun came out in the west to say that he committed suicide.

But Lin Jing is dead.

Bite the tongue to commit suicide. Half of the broken tongue is blocked in the throat. When it falls down, the blood flows back into the nostril and is choked to death before bleeding.

Wuzuo didn't find any signs of poisoning on him. In order to make the autopsy result more accurate, he invited three Wuzuo successively, but the final result was the same.

Biting the tongue is the most convenient but also the most cruel way to die.

It's very painful to bite one's tongue. It's not only difficult to bite one's tongue off, but also more likely to give up because of too much pain.

Zhou Leping has also seen many people commit suicide. Self suicide by biting the tongue is definitely the most popular but actually the least common method of death.

And before the final sentence, it's hard to say that Lin Jing died at this time.

Zhou Leping really couldn't figure it out, "did anyone come to see him after lunch?"

The jailer shook his head. "Back to the general, No."

"It's impossible to commit suicide. In this case, it's only possible to be killed, but the tongue was really bitten off by himself. It's too hard to say."

Zhou Leping also doesn't believe that Lin Jing will commit suicide. Although his death is a good thing for anyone, the cause of death still needs to be found out.

She called someone to deliver food to Lin Jing. Lin Jing died after the first meal and before the second meal. If he was not poisoned, it was what someone told him, but who said what could make Lin Jing willing to give up his life?

This fact is too unreasonable. It's the gaolers in Tianlao who deliver the meal to Lin Jing. The meal is delivered by the Yamen. If it's poisoned, it can only be poisoned by the Yamen. But with the courage of these minions, they dare not kill Lin Jing. What's more, Lin Jing shows no sign of being poisoned.

In fact, the investigation of Lin Jing has been basically over, and he can stand it, but those who are in trouble with him can't stand it. In order to protect his life, they sell him clean. The account book that Tang Zhaoyin found from his father for giving gifts to Lin Jing these years is even more convincing.

Zhao Shiqian doesn't care much about Lin Jing's life. Even if he doesn't die now and the evidence is complete, he will be beheaded in the end.

The news of Lin Jing's suicide spreads to Chengde hall. Qiurong faints on the spot when he hears about it. When he wakes up, what he is waiting for is Zhao Shiqian's imperial edict.

I don't know how much Lin Jing's family is. After copying his family, I know how many bribes Lin Jing's family has. The State Treasury is empty. His family is full of money and even has the posture of catching up with and surpassing the state treasury. It's really shocking.

Zhou Leping was also there that day. When Lin Shan saw her, he limped over to kill him. Zhou Leping dodged, and someone behind him went to catch him and press him to the ground.

"I'm glad you've saved your life now. Don't be so upset."

Lin Shan waited for her fiercely, "life? What's the difference between being like this and being dead! "

At first he was the young master of QIANJIAO and Wangui, and later he was the emperor's former bodyguard. He was used to the high life of rich clothes and rich food. Once his family changed, he ended up as a coolie in the frontier, which was not like death to him. This time, the matter involves a lot. If DURU goes out and cuts down, more than half of the ministers in the court will have to go to the underworld to be reincarnated. At this time, we can see whether an emperor's skill is to uproot or to face the empty court. At the beginning, Zhao Shiqian was so angry that he had to cut down the word "kill". But the end of this is that there is no one available in the court. Zhou Leping suggested to the emperor that some crimes that are not so serious can be dealt with leniently. On the one hand, they can show the emperor's kindness and win people's hearts. On the other hand, at least they will not end up in a situation where no one can use them. On the other hand, these people have survived and recovered their lives. No one dares to belittle the emperor any more. With gratitude, they will be able to serve the imperial court better in the future. Zhao Shiqian listened to her suggestion and thought about the love between husband and wife with the queen for so many years. Lin Jing got the reputation of "fearing crime and committing suicide". Therefore, Lin Shan was able to recover his life and was assigned to work as a coolie in the frontier. We can't expect Lin Shan to be grateful to her because of this. Now he can't wait to drink her blood and eat her meat. The Minister of Dali temple asked someone to detain Lin Shan, shaking his head and sighing, "things are changeable. Lin Shan was so powerful when he was a bodyguard. How long has he been a prisoner? I don't know if he can live to be a coolie."