If a woman could achieve this, she would become famous. She would become rich and powerful. She would lose more than just a single person, and behind the glory of others, she would lose a lot of things.

She had been disfigured, scarred, and was also a martial general. Even though she was holding a heavy soldier, there would never be a man who could marry her in this life.

Behind this power was the final outcome of a lonely old man.

"General." Qu Tan who had rescued finally arrived. Zhou Leping heaved a sigh of relief, took the bowl and introduced it to him, "I just got Qu Tan to instruct the kitchen to prepare this. The soup is great, it's all in here …."

She was at a loss for words, turned and asked Qu Tan, "What are they all doing?"

Qu Tan introduced him in a serious tone, "This is Du Zhong's Codonopsis Milk Pigeon Soup, this Du Zhong is a good medicine for nourishing the kidney, and inside it are Beizhi and Codonopsis, it has the effect of warming the yang and nourishing the qi."

The misunderstanding that he had not clearly explained previously was now bigger. It was difficult for Zhou Leping to say anything, but he suddenly felt a feeling of powerlessness that could not be washed away even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

The corner of Zhu Guanliang's mouth twitched as he looked at Zhou Leping with a smile that was not a smile.

"What are you cooking? Didn't I tell you to let the kitchen stew a pot of soup to nourish your body?" What pigeon soup do you want? "

Qu Tan did not understand, "That's right, this is the nourishing soup, I am following your instructions."

"Cough, cough, cough, the Dr Zhu has a sword wound, don't ask for Du Zhong or Codonopsis, let the kitchen slaughter an old hen and cook it, take this one out and pour it over!"

"Why did you fall? It's such a pity."

Zhou Leping stood up with a 'whoosh', and fell! Get it out and pour it down for me right now! Does laozi need this bit of money? "

I'm already jumping out of my mouth, there's no reason for Qu Tan to refuse, he carried the bowl of soup and went out to pour.

Zhou Leping maintained the aura of standing up, and did not lower his head, nor did he look at Zhu Guanliang. This general will come again to see you in a few days.

She strode out of the room and without looking back, she let out a long breath.

Two servants walked over to her and saw her panting against her chest. They stopped and asked her what was wrong. She said that she was fine and reached under her mask to touch her face. It was so hot that she could only lay eggs.

Her skin was thick, and it was rare for it to be seen again in a hundred years. It was all because of him, and if it continued, her Chief General's face would be ruined sooner or later.


Just as she was thinking about this, Chang Feng, the servant beside Zhou Leqi went over and called her, "Prince Rui is here, eldest young master invites you to the hall."

Only then did she remember that she still had something important to take care of. She should have said what she said yesterday, but she was delayed by two assassins. Now that the rich man delivered himself to her, she had to hurry and curry favor with him.

The empress dowager was a sensible woman, so she did not blame this matter on Zhou Leping. On the contrary, when the empress dowager was young, she had some sort of relationship with Zhou Leping's father, and she was quite interested in the matter of Zhou Leping's assassination, which was also the reason why he came out of the palace with the intention of seeing Zhou Leping.

Zhou Leqi had already apologized to Zhao Deng thrice, but he still felt that it was not enough, causing Zhao Deng to feel embarrassed: "Is there really a need to be so courteous to our two families? Normally, I would call you Senior Sister Le Ping and you would call me Big Brother. "

Zhou Leqi cupped his hands and said, "This is all in the past, you are the noble prince, I dare not call you big brother."

The two of them pushed each other aside, and Zhou Leping returned. As soon as he entered, he cupped his fists and greeted Zhao Deng with a military salute, "Prince Rui."

Zhao Deng supported her and immediately shouted, "Even you are separated from me, didn't I say it already, you don't have to be so polite with me in private."

Zhou Leping laughed, "I was just about to say that I will visit you at your residence in a while, why are you here?"

"I came to see you. By the way, why did you look for me yesterday?"

I didn't expect him to remember.

"Please take a seat." She invited Zhao Deng to sit and then ordered, "Bring some tea!"

Then he rubbed his hands together, looking as though he was too embarrassed to open his mouth, "That, is also not a big matter, just that … I want to borrow some money from you. "

"Borrowing money? "How much?"

According to the regulations of the imperial government, soldiers who were officially appointed could receive a monthly salary of two taels of silver per month, which was twenty-four taels of silver per year. The military salary was delayed by two years, and the entire army had hundreds of thousands of soldiers, with a salary of over fifty million taels of silver after two years.

Her annual salary was 700 taels of silver. Including the gold and silver that the Emperor bestowed upon her, as well as the wealth accumulated from her father's generation and some land deeds, she would be able to gather a million taels of money even if she added all of them together.

She did not know how long she would have to wait for the imperial government to pay her soldiers, yet she still needed to hire soldiers.

"So many." She counted for Zhao Deng to see.

Zhao Deng said leisurely, "Five hundred liang?"

Zhou Leping shook his head: "No."

"Five thousand taels?" Not much.

Zhou Leping still shook his head, "Not really."

Zhao Deng sat up straight, his expression serious, "That was fifty thousand gold?"


"Then how much do you think we should borrow?" He already had a bad premonition.

The servant brought the tea over. Zhou Leping personally passed the tea to Zhao Deng and said with great difficulty, "Fifty million." After saying that, he added another word, "Silver."

Zhao Deng spat out a mouthful of tea and stood up abruptly, "How much?"

Zhou Leping quickly called for someone to bring a handkerchief to wipe his mouth, "Don't be so agitated, I'm just asking, if you don't have one, don't be so troubled, I'm going to find someone else to borrow from."

"50 million. If I can't take it out, then no one can, who else can you ask? Tell me, what are you borrowing so much money for? "

"If the emperor wants to appoint a soldier, I agree, but the soldiers still have to pay him first. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the army, two years of military pay, and even a pension to settle the family's household expenses … I've taken it all for granted. Some people's families only send a single child to serve in the army. If he dies, then his family's old mother won't be able to support him?"

This was just the calculation of the military salary. Fifty million silver taels was indeed not a lot.

However, it was an astronomical number when it came to one person.

"If you want to say 10 or 20 million, I'll be able to gather and lend it to you, but 50 million silver. This is too much, I can't even bring it out right now."

Zhou Leping sighed, "I also know that I have to say it to make things difficult for you, Your Highness doesn't have to feel awkward, I can still think of another way. If it's really troublesome, I still want to shamelessly ask Your Highness for another favor."

This time, Zhao Deng did not dare pat his chest as a guarantee. Afraid that he would not be able to do it, he asked carefully, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I want to use the hundred mu of land that the Emperor has bestowed upon me to do business, but I'm a boor who doesn't know a thing about business. I just think that if Your Highness has time, you can go and take a look."

Zhao Deng heaved a sigh of relief, "It's just a small matter, just leave it to me, but... What are you going to do about the pay? "