Chapter 472 - Ruthless dancer

A few days have passed by now, Kazer the much respected has advanced a tad bit into building the Volcanic rock wall.

The advancement isn't too strong considering that a week hasn't yet passed since the pin point of construction, but we can't call the progress weak either.

Since tens of men put in work to dig the ditch surrounding the Kingdom and fairly finished their contribution, Kazer took the liberty of getting on with the easiest part of this job. Feeling the ditch with Lava.

This doesn't require any particular skill, anyone can do it as long as they can blast Lava from their palms or have a ridiculous amount of Lava they can control, to their disposal.

After filling the ditches, all that this task demands is to dry the Lava into Volcanic rock. That too isn't hard once setting an intent and slapping the ground near the Lava.

Furthermore with the foundation set, Kazer finally started building the tall walls. This requires a bit of skill, as he has to mold boiling hot Lava to a form of a wall before slapping it dry.

Not the most difficult task for a Grand Master, though it requires specific moves after blowing down a shit ton amongst the ground.

To mold a wall, Kazer has to stand straight, connect his legs snugly close to each other and keep his arms horizontal so the palms face one another.

The palms will be doing most of the work while the legs act like a tower, keeping Kazer stable.

Forming the walls requires the palms horizontally battling to touch each other, there is resistance because although there isn't any physical contact, it demands physical strength just to shape the hot Lava the way he wants it to.

And since it demands physical strength, there is resistance since when trying to set up straight the raw boiling hot Lava he blew out just half a minute ago.

To form a 10 meter tall and roughly 8 meter wide wall, Kazer has to put in a real battle since he is doing all of this alone.

The wall becomes perfect when the palms connect although King Michael urges to rush it, perfection isn't necessary.

Throughout countless sweats, he finally managed to touch his palms together and therefore he lifted his left leg and slapped it against the ground.

The Lava in front of him started ascending into stone, taking just a few seconds to enslave that huge portion of boiling hot Lava.

Feeling his grip amongst his palms getting lighter, his muscles relaxing too and even feeling a bit more light footed, he let loose when spotting the Lava completely dry.

What he just constructed is not big at the moment, just a 10 meter tall and 8 meter wide wall that stretches about 15 meters across.

You can understand that he was handling a lot of Lava there, one Human doing it all but it isn't enough to build the whole wall and he has to repeat the procedure tens of times.

After building this wall, he has to build up the curl which is easier in a way. The Curl will stretch forward and its intent is to slow down Clawed Demons as it would be difficult to climb it.

It will add another 5 meters of height to the wall and inevitably at least an additional 10 meter thickness, this will take the most time to build but it's well worth it.

On related news, Kazer has patched up all those holes of which the Caalisher caused against the first wall.

It doesn't look pretty but it does the job, plus Volcanic rock is a bit harder to break which is another good plus.

The wall will inevitably pierce through a portion of the farm, but that isn't the biggest issue considering that growing a farm has become impossible.

Clawed Demons will just wreck it all anyway so the best idea for now is to not plant anything, have the Farmers help out the Fishermen and order 5 or so tons of Wheat a month from the Zamerians.

It will be a bit expensive but it's better than risking to starve 700 people.

Considering Zamerian market prices, the wheat order will take 4,000 Gold Coins a month. Minimalistic pay when considering how much it can tame hunger.


Nearly 6 pm now, with the sun ready to set behind the forest. Dilli standing by Kazer's side for the sake of giving him company.


Tens of Demons echoed 70 feet outward of the second wall and over 200 meters away from Gaster Kingdom.

Holding his ears, Kazer complained. "By Calidum, I wished to not hear these Demons yell anymore."

Already putting in work, blowing a 4 foot wide Fireball, torching a couple of Demons, Dilli advised. "Oh stop talking and start shooting."

And started blowing Fire from her feet, making for the sky to get a better shot.

Running away from the wall and getting a grasp of how many enemies are approaching, looking at Dilli and noticing how she is high above ground, keeping her distance and shooting.

Kazer felt sure to take these Demons head on, he can't fly out of this spot and nonetheless flee.

Standing on his toes, stretching his arms forward and spinning them counter clock-wise.

A bit of Lava broke out of his palm and started piercing the air as it made its way towards the Demons.

A thin line of Lava really, small but too quick for the eye to comprehend.

It reached the Demons, pierced a few through but it's not enough to kill all 70 of the remaining.

With a few seconds put in, building up the power move. Raising his right foot and slamming it forward while still remaining on his toes with the left foot.

A stronger wave of Lava roared from his palms, spiraling across the air with the counter clock-wise set route.

The Lava spread thicker and wider by the second, giving us a view of just how much a Grand Master can produce.

Much like a Tornado, it compressed thin near his palms and spread wider on the other end of the attack.

What the Clawed Demons can see however, is a 30 foot wide wave of Lava captivating their grasp of sight and sending them back where they came from, hell.

Although big, 20 of the Demons managed to survive the attack.

Noticing it, Kazer started leaping backwards, spinning actually. Leaping and doing one spin by each leap.

His arms crossed in the process, close to his chest.

The Lava that he just blew out, enslaving the enemies started moving to his will.

His leaps a meter high, the Lava shook from one end to the other each time he met the ground.

The Demons that escaped the first attack, became victim of the second. Because using the same Lava, he spread it like a circular wave that kills everything at all sides.

Pinning down the remaining Demons, their screams became force muffled as he dragged all that Lava back in one point, forming a big semi-sphere of burned down bodies.

Having leaped about 30 meters away now, he started walking towards the sphere, keeping it further intact by the step.

And finally reaching it, he stomped the ground with his right foot and started forcing the Lava into stone.

A few bones stuck out of the sphere, giving it texture and ruining it's smooth surface.

Overall it looks disgustingly beautiful, the enemy bodies have been slaughtered and now can be shamed with this contraption.

Landing on the ground, Dilli approached and couldn't help teasing. "You are a ruthless dancer."

Strongly pissed of all the Demonic shouts, Kazer gave a loud whisper, trying not to yell. "I wasn't dancing!"

"Sure you weren't." She answered, taking a few steps towards him aiming to smack his ass.

Grabbing her wrist, sensing what she was about to do. He lifted her off the ground and close to his chest, hugging her in a way although abnormal.

And so, he started leaping and spinning through the leaps too, teasing. "Now you can dance with me."

Her teeth feeling a bit wetter, her throat feeling a bit tight too. Under her breath she stated, "Stop... I ate too much earlier!"


Her lunch made it all the way back up and thundered through her mouth, blowing up all over Kazer's chest.

Feeling the warm liquid on his coat, Kazer stopped and let her down easy, repeating. "Sorry sorry."

Peeking at his concerned face as they both stood squatting, Dilli couldn't help laughing and as she glanced up to face him, another hurl pierced the air and showered Kazer all across the face.

Having nothing to do but keep a straight face since the damage has already been done, Kazer shortly expressed. "Looks like we are even."

Feeling a bit less bloated now, she stood up and asked. "You didn't expect a kiss now did you?"

Stretching one word, Kazer whispered. "Well..."