Chapter 458 - Developing Friendship

With time given, the Guards of Gaster Kingdom have been putting in effort to learn the anti Clawed Demon combat moves.

Thankfully from the comfort of the walls their developing skills haven't been put to the test and might as well not be for a while until they are actually ready to face Clawed Demons without dying. 

Leaving it to the Fire Controllers is a good method for a while and what the sons of fire can't handle, the arrows can shower upon enemies and turn the tides of battle.

Kutuk Re Qutuk would send more Soldiers here to make each battle a breeze, but he needs every available pair of hands to build his Domain in the forest.

It's not easy to build a whole town in the end of winter but thankfully they have this bit of cold resistance, they handle theirselves quite well with just a bit of cloth over their skins.

Recently, Kutuk has wandered into King Michael's Domain and has requested some basic structure building tools that specialize in woodwork.

They need a hell load of nails along with a few good axes since the ones they are using are best for battle and are becoming dull, overused against wood.

Apart from that little request, the Goblin Demons can look after theirselves quite well. In just a week, with 600 pairs of hands putting in work, they've managed to build half of their town.

Each individual doesn't request much really, half of the families have been granted with a good sturdy 3 meter long and 2 meter wide house. 

It's good enough to grant protection from nature that their own bodies can't compensate for, good enough to sleep in as well.

There are also a few tree houses fulfilling the role of a Watchtower, these are to spot any potential enemy of course.

Brave enough to not yet have a wall surrounding their little town, they want animals to wander here for a little while until a good food supply is stacked up.

Overall, it's fair to say that the Goblin Demons appeared and adjusted in no time due to the simple fact that they are too stupid to be selfish and have a huge sense of teamwork and unity.

Much more like prehistoric humans, all they know to do is to eat, sleep and mate. That's what's keeping the average morale and happiness bigger than any group of Humans can achieve.


"I still don't think this plan is damaging enough, will all due respect." Kutuk Re Qutuk cited as they've stood in the mutation experimental room, glancing at Rats.

Appreciative towards this Goblin's manners, softly but surely King Michael weighed in. "Oh you will once you see the new mutations, the Kushenisura brought reasons to use Parchment again."

Pointing at the cage closest to his left, Kutuk queried. "You gave that one pointy legs?"

"The mutation did." Michael corrected, finding it reasonable to stick with that fact. "There are other great mutations though, one even able to melt metal with it's jaws. Imagine what that would do to armoury!"

Convinced, Kutuk gave his word. "I think that's good enough, I'll have a few of my men send these to the Capital tomorrow. You promised Battle Chickens as well if I recall right?"

"Yes yes, they are ready." Michael ensured, fulfilling his end of the bargain will only keep relations strong between the two factions. "You can ask a Guard, they will lead you directly to the Chickens."

Kutuk nodded and prepared to leave the room and set everything up before time, but as the silence stretched for a few seconds. King Michael offered, "But I'm forming a new breed of battle Chickens. Do you want to watch the creative process?"


Taking a minute to set everything up, with four bits of meat set up across the long table and labelled with a page of parchment placed underneath every sack of meat.

On each of these Parchments there is a name written on it, telling which meat is what and with the book of experimental logs overseen a few times before he submerged in these experiments, the King figured that Clawed Demon Head meat should start off these experiments.

Alama isn't around to lend a helping hand in terms of writing a new experimental log. It's a bit after 7am and the lady tends to sleep late, cuddling King Michael's pillow in the royal bedroom.

So King Michael will be writing everything down this time, telling Kutuk which meat to feed first to the 3 Chickens that will be experimented upon today.

"Okay Kutuk, cut a small piece of meat from that bag and feed it to the first cage in line." King Michael specified, first pointing at the meat second in row and then at the first cage in row from the right.

Dropping it in the cage after running  the silver knife through the chunk, Kutuk found it especially amusing to see such a small animal change because of Demon meat consumption.

The Chicken didn't face any body changes, no. Based on the experimental log and the living example in front of them, this Chicken is supposed to obtain super speed just like Rats did.

She started running around the cage, fairly fast. They can't even see feathers, just a dot spinning in place.

"Okay we are off to a good start. If you are unaware, Chickens can't run that fast. This one has obtained super speed, it's one of the eight prime powers worldwide." Revealing such information to Kutuk is fairly informative.

He was stuck in a Cave for ages, he might not be well informed of what this Human realm carries and what powers are evolving or have evolved too.

Logically, Kutuk would be focused more on the Chicken now instead of focusing on which meat to cut so King Michael became a bit more specific with his demands. "Cut a piece from the bag last in row, start from the left. Feed it to the same Chicken."

Taking a second to process his request, Kutuk walked a few feet and asked. "This one?"

Smiling and nodding, Michael uttered a light compliment. "Exactly, your perception is flawless. That's Clawed Demon Toe meat."

Dropping this one in the Cage, Kutuk's face showered with tiny bits of meat. The Chicken somehow hit it while still running and in a way made the half hand sized chunk of meat explode.

"Yes that fits with super speed." Kutuk weighed in as he wiped the bits off his face and hoped that this mutation is progressing.

The Chicken stopped running, not because it lost this unique ability but because she noticed changes. 

Looking at her claws, with a soft tone she went. "Puk puk puk." 

Smiling, further analysing the Chicken's claws. Kutuk added. "Yes she bit the meat, her claws are growing."

Trying his best to help Kutuk catch up with all of this, King Michael described. "Nice. Usually when two mutations mix, changes can be different from seperate singular mutations. Two mutations can merge and form a new result, but this one is working to our advantage thankfully."

Putting all his effort to understand, all Kutuk can reply with is. "Interesting."

And so on the Mutation continued, King Michael pointed at the meat first in row from the left and taught. "Cut this one now, it's Clawed Demon Waist meat and should give us the second best mutation yet."

Dropping the bit of meat after half a minute, the Chicken actually awaiting her meal after running a few hundred times in circles.

The Chicken panicked a little bit at first, jumping up several times at average speeds, even yelling in panic.

But at last, she calmed down and continued to just look around as if nothing happened.

"Are bones supposed to come out of the Chicken's chest?" Kutuk asked, fearing the Chicken's wellbeing.

Running over to the Cage, not expecting this to happen. Breathing a few seconds through analysing, the King explained. "The Clawed Demon head from earlier should have set a base to mutate tiny pointy legs on the Chicken's chest but looks like the toe meat contributed as well."

"Does it hurt her though?" Kutuk insisted, killing a Chicken for the sake of food is okay in these times but this is torture in a way.

Calm, not wanting to put a bad expression on Kutuk regarding these mutations. Michael cited, "I doubt it, she looks calm. If she was in pain she would be still panicking. Those bones look sharp as a Dagger, this is better than I hoped."

"Are you ready for the last bit of this experiment?" King Michael asked, trying to fight off the semi bad mood.

The rotting Clawed Demon smell might have affected Kutuk as well so far and it is understandable but him respecting animals enough to not want them tortured contributed to this had mood as well. It's sweet in a way.

Short and simple, Kutuk answered. "Let's hope this one doesn't hurt the lady." 

King Michael rushed towards the parchment, wrote down what this experiment includes and added a simple plus underneath the script to signify the experiment advancing.

Trying to be as clear as possible, Michael recited. "Grab that bit of meat third in line from the left and feed it to the Chicken, this one is Kushenisura stomach meat and should make this Chicken battle ready."

Reaching the end of this mutation, they've witnessed the lady hurl a snot blast through its beak and against the Cage's bars. 

A few seconds after they witnessed the thin metal bars slowly but surely melt as the snot continued to drip down on the wooden flooring of the room and the base of the cage as well.

Left at shock, understanding how powerful this mutation is. Kutuk stated, "This one definitely has acidic snot, even the Kushenisura doesn't have that."

Finally, shedding light to what he wanted to discover today. King Michael yapped, "I wanted to make a Chicken with super speed who cuts Clawed Demon legs and drops a lot of snot under their feet to make them slip and fall."

Taking a breath, he continued. "But one mutation merged with the other and gave us a masterpiece, these lady Chickens will help slow down large waves of Demonic attacks."