Chapter 454 - Stopping the Beast!

It's attacking, although not causing any particular harm apart from  stench and the inability to walk once being overwhelmed by its snot.

The Goblin Demon who tried to warn King Michael in the beginning, well and alive approached the man covered in snot and hollered while keeping distance. "Common, burn the goo. We need to stop this thing or it will eat all of your people!"

A split second later, they've heard the monster shout, even started shifting around. With a glance, the two noticed a person soar across the sky with Fire underneath their feet. This is either Eric but most likely Mogranius.

King Michael torched the smelly disgusting glue all around him, and tried to remove it from his clothes as well but that might take a long while.

Finally able to stand up, wiping what goo was left on his feet across the snow, he tapped the Goblin Demon on the shoulder to grab his attention and asked. "What is this thing and how on Earth will we stop it? An Atomic Fireball ain't really weak."

"No, you need to do it again!" The sub leader insisted, raising his finger as joy took half of his conscious. "It has big endurance, but I've never seen a Kushenisura just drop down like that. It was either kill it whole or not at all."

Puzzling it all together, the King queried. "So I only made it mad?"

The Sub leader cited, "It's a she."

A bit battered how the beast's Gender opened up right here, right now. King Michael tried his best to be nice and asked. "How can you possibly know that?"

"The snot." Sub Leader stated as he pointed at the nose punishing goo across the field that stretched 20 feet wide just a while ago. "Ladies have green snot, and males have blue snot."

Unwilling to know further, King Michael cut to the main point. "Noted, you said something about stopping it?"

His joy remaining sharp, the Sub Leader recalled. "Aha, yes yes. Here we have no Weapon strong enough to kill it with one shot. You need to sneak underneath her belly and throw that boom boom Fire."

As they've debated what to do here, the Kushenisura showered half of the Kingdom with its foul snot. It wouldn't really take much to overwhelm a Domain tiny in width.

Before departing to put this plan into action, King Michael spat some snot out and bargained. "Anything else I should know? Can it kill me?"

Painfully descriptive, the Goblin Demon tipped. "Watch out for those legs, they can crush you. And kill it quick, a few more shots and she will start eating your people."

Alluring his gaze towards the beast, he saw another Fireball sore across the and hitting the creature right on its rear long foot.

The Earth shook beneath their feet a split second after as the Worm's bottom met the ground, it's leg damaged but sadly not blown off.

Mogranius landed near them, Eric was spotted on the air, howling Fireballs against this creature over and over.

Aiming towards Eric, it shot a snot ball trying to pin the glowing boy down. No luck. Seeing it as a large risk, Eric stopped blasting Fire from his feet and let his body limp towards the ground.

Seeing that he dodged the shot, Eric began to blow Fire from his feet once more and once gaining balance, he echoed another 6 foot wide Fireball against the large Demon.

Hitting it near the belly, the creature shouted once more, obviously the Electus can burn a bit rougher. 

Grabbing Mogranius' arm and pulling it near the worm, King Michael swiftly explained. "We need to blast Atomic Fireballs underneath it, I'm close to collapsing but I think we can deliver a big blow."

"Just sit this one out." Mogranius ensured, and a bit too confident without a doubt, cited. "I have more experience with Atomic Fireballs, you can't escape for shit if you don't even know where you're going."

With that out of mind, Mogranius pulled the King towards the Demonic Worm's direction as he might not have known, that feeling this dried out made him head for the sea instead of the enemy.

Swiftly, with a few seconds bought thanks to Eric's attacks, Mogranius pitched. "Get Eric down here, tell him what to do and try to get this Source damned thing distracted."

Trying to shake this off, although it would take a whole meal to gain his energy back. King Michael nodded and flew to get the kid.

Not wasting a second, Mogranius ran towards the Kushenisura, taking advantage of the blind spot Eric helped provide.

Trying to land a blow on her side, it's perfect timing that Eric shot its long leg and forced the whole creature closer to the ground.

Now, standing near her left side. Mogranius will try to blow her entire rear, it would be a bonus if the Atomic Fireball can rip through its skin this time.

With his hands paralleled vertically a foot apart from the other, he began to blow Fire from his palms as much as he can under a few seconds.

In other words, it means that he is scaling everything up. 10/10. This risk is beyond calculation, if he doses off when he is supposed to fly away for example, losing a foot would be the easiest punishment.

The orb growing large, touching his fingers for a few seconds before it crammed down to a smaller size, making space for more Fire.

Noticing that the Demon worm is regaining control, trying to stand up and continue its work against Gaster Kingdom.

Mogranius lightly blew Fire from his feet, melting the snow underneath and with aims to have an upper advantage when it comes to flying off.

Smashing his fists against the soft white snow, he didn't even bother to see the Atomic Fireball zig zag through the ground as he understands that time is strictly limited.

He could hear the explosion echo under his feet after, and the creature letting out the loudest shout this old man ever heard.


"That must have blown a few of its small legs off at least." Yes, the old man did notice that this worm has more than 4 legs. There's a row of smaller feet attached to its belly.

Falling in the sea, thankfully entirely intact. The cold water woke him up, as he flew here with one eye open although very agile with his battle planning.

Blowing Fire through his mouth to attain at least a little heat, he began to splash his hands through the bone chilling waters, trying to swim out and repeating. "My balls are cold. My balls are cold. My balls are cold!!!"

Getting a better look at the damage he caused, he spotted a lot of blood painted across the snow. It can't be Mogranius' blood so it likely used to belong to the Kushenisura.

Giving a better look, the creature's rear is torn off. There is a 8 foot wide chunk of meat blown off from its rear and that long leg used to stand a bit taller is blown off too.

As he blinked once, looking at the 10 foot wide crater he caused. Another explosion took everyone's ears victim from the other side.

Covering his half deaf ears, protecting his eyes too as dust with snow slipped through a little gap, and waved towards Mogranius, almost burying him alive.

He looked up, and could see Eric fly for the sky. But this time, the situation is a hunch different.

The worm, the large being from another Demonic realm did not shout this time. So it can only mean one thing, it's as good as dead.

To be absolutely sure that it's dead, Mogranius decided to unleash a few more harsh attacks that even a creature as powerful as this one can't comprehend lightly.

Separating his hands a foot apart from each other, laying them horizontally and forming a small orb in between them as soon as Fire broke from his palms.

This is no Atomic Fireball, but it's effect is half as lethal if not more. The orb grew quick, within a second it started touching Mogranius' fingers.

Quickly moving his hand only forward, allowing the orb to have a bit more space.

He placed his right hand over his left hand, pushed both of his arms forward this time instead of just one hand.

Tapping his left foot on the ground, a compressed pole like 6 foot long and only a few inches wide Fireball blew from his hand, with the Kushenisura as a prime target.

This, is a concentrated shot! And it did not fail to pierce skin and possibly bone too, he doesn't know what's inside this thing.

Blood splattered backwards, landing all over his face and showering his chest too. "Yes this move works quite well against it."

The creature didn't flinch, although damage strong enough to pierce this thing through and through so it's another sign that it's dead.

"Can never be too safe." He advised to himself, as he started forming another concentrated shot.

His plan is to shoot this thing at least 10 more times. He has the Stamina to do it.