Chapter 433 - A kiss

As they ventured down this old Ignite Castle, one fact became clear. Most passages, or what we can consider passages have long been decapitated by what instability time can tag along.

Point is, dirt and stone have blocked most of the tunnels this place has to offer. Although illumination dim, half way through the staircase as they gazed upon their left side they could spot ancient Ignite architecture that symbolizes doors or tunnels.

These doors have been overtaken by crumbling stone, broken beyond repair and rendered out of use.

As curious as they are, the two explorers can't be wasting any time trying to dig through these collapsed tunnels. Clearing a tunnel is a job for 10 people and at such a case it wouldn't be necessary because it would never lead to a Portal.

Most passages are blocked yes, at least that's what they saw so far and like everything this has a good and bad side.

Let's venture deep into the good side as a start, after these Demonic attacks it would be nice to hear something delicate to the ear right?

Since most passages are blocked, it will slice their work over and over like a leek. Meaning they won't need to explore this obviously large structure end to end to find that Demonic Portal.

The passages being blocked, will only lead them towards where the Demon came from. Considering that cut down in walking time, all they need to do is keep their skin away from skin obliterating claws.

Protection should be set as a main priority, because before even tapping all the way down the Staircase, Dilli got jumped by a Demon. It wasn't anything peachy to face and if she was a hunch slower, she would have been as good as dead.

This isn't a fist to fist fight, either side of the stick won't need to land one blow after the other to win. Here, it is either strike first or die first.

Okay now getting to the bad side, this one is mostly sentimental and refers to the terms of relic admiration.

Time will slowly but surely swallow this beautifully ancient piece of History, it is inevitable. Thankfully the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance didn't try to damage this Castle specifically but there still are numerous factors that will destroy this Castle slowly.

One is the lack of care and work here. This place is strictly unusable, hard to live in and impossible to repair.

Two is that weather will give its contributes of crumbling this place to its last carved slab. Rain and snow is enough to weaken a structure over a course of 10 Centuries, not to mention if a strong soul shaking Earthquake captivates it. This Castle would be as good as gone considering its current state.

Third but not least there is no activity to keep this Relic's impact going, to give it a voice. There are no books that briefly or deeply grants us an introduction of what this Castle represents or was about and if there were books before about this Castle sold in the local Markets, the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance would Label books as Demonic and destroy them. If you can believe that.

We all know that it belonged to Ignites, its long abandoned and it's over 6,000 years old but that's where this delicate dance meets a cliff and falls over.

One thing that this exploration keeps revealing, is that Ignites had the weirdest Architectural tastes.

As the two Explorers met with the end of the Staircase, they spotted more than a bunch of blocked passages in front of them, maybe 7 to 9 all crammed together in this little piece of space. Although the entire left side started becoming a blurry view due to the crumbled rock and dirt overwhelming it.

With all passages blocked but one, Dilli pointed to the right and stated. "Seems like this is the only tunnel we can take."

At first not saying a thing, but becoming concerned after seeing how the tunnel is shaped, Kazer complained. "I don't think I can fit through that."

Looking at the Tunnel and looking back at Kazer, Dilli advised. "Yes you can, but you will need to crawl." After that she pointed at the tunnel, trying to make him go in first.

Complaining again, although he has no goal of fleeing from this little quest, he said. "But it's half my size."

Unwilling to take no as an answer, Dilli stabbed the air with her arm again, pointing at the Tunnel. "Crawl."

Comprehending what they saw of the Castle so far, they could notice the compensation of size and space. What this Castle lacks from the outside in size, comprehends it in the inside with expansive Tunnels and or Rooms.

Seeing Kazer crawl in front of her, finding it interesting since she is used of the Calidum Lutum being all tall and stuff, following after him as they've sunk 15 meters deep in this tunnel. Kazer asked. "Why should I stand in front when you are the one who has light?"

Forgetting about that, she lightly slapped her forehead, feeling tad embarassed of this dumb move and requested. "Try to scooch aside so I can get in front, at least I can walk my way through."

Leaning to the side, bashing his knees against stone trying to cooperate, he jumped a little and sighed. "Ouch!"

Although not used to teasing, this here is nothing less but a Golden opportunity so with her tone high pitched and her intentions obvious she spoke. "Oh what's wrong? A big tough Calidum Lutum can't stand Tunnels?"

Not embarrassed but more pissed instead since knee pain has to be one of the worst out there, trying not to be rude he excused himself. "I'm trying to not damage the Tunnel."

Sighing to this little lie, fairly happy, she answered stretching one word for a few seconds. "Sure..."

Walking and crawling about ten meters more, she decided to point out a fact they both might have missed. "Have you noticed that this Tunnel is leading us towards the opposite way, like we are walking towards where we first started although the starting point is 50 feet above us."

Although appreciative of this Relic, Kazer too has noticed how different it is and is not liking some parts of this Architecture. "Us Calidum Lutum keep it simple, wide opening and barely any Tunnels. You'll live longer."

With no intent to be judgy, she just pointed out what of his words don't really make sense. "Safe with a Volcano in the middle?"

Not getting mad about such a small piece of criticism, but choosing to use reason instead he stated. "That Lava made us unbeatable against attacks, we could have used the Human staff defensive formation against any big threat."

Letting the silence stretch a tad bit, he decided to point out a sole fact. "While here, we can't use this battle Formation since it would require to attack in all sides."

Getting completely off topic, asking an unfavourable question after. "Are you married?" Definitely a question to spook most men.

Kazer answered firmly but swiftly, "No." As he tried to think why she asked this question.

Thankfully shedding more light to her own different behaviour, she spoke. "You won't get married if you keep talking about battle formations." A bit harsh but straight to the point, she means no harm after all, this is just another tease.

Trying to tease her as well, but unwilling to break any fights in such a snug spot, he beated around the bush. "I wasn't there when it happened, but word is you almost killed the man you fancy."

Breaking into laughter, forcing it to echo all across the Tunnel she felt the most sure to answer. "Oh I didn't kill him because I missed the shot, I wouldn't like anyone who cooperates with a Mind Controller."

Seeing that this conversation has taken a savage turn, Kazer tried to crack a joke in order to lighten the mood. "Well I don't think I will ever marry, unless that lady knows a lot about battle Formations."

Understanding the joke, she turned around to look at his sweaty face and spoke. "Just get her some flowers, that could be the only thing bailing you out."

Trying to answer, "Well I..." But having his word interrupted by something they both don't like.


A Demon shouted, crawling its way through the tunnel as fast a Human would run in plain lands.


A Fireball shone from her palms, breaking through the air, massacring an edged carved rock hanging from the tunnel's ceiling and making its way towards the Demon.

Blood splattered across the Tunnel, a mouthful of the same blood landed in front of Dilli's fur boots.

Standing firm, she saw the Demon's head bouncing a few times before it landed near her feet too. Somehow she managed to hit the Demon's head and cut it all off, nice.

Thankful that he and Dilli are in piece, he still has a little complaint. "I should have shoved Cloth in my ears before coming here, that shout is too much."

Finally reaching the end of the Tunnel, Dilli walked out first of course and looked behind her to seek Kazer.

He crawled out, slapped his knees a few times to get the dirt off, rubbed his neck too and just as he was about to say something... Another Demon.

It pounced on Kazer, luckily using the illumination to his aid he managed to grab the Demon underneath its claws and close to its elbows, tossing it to his right against the stone wall encrusted with dirt just 4 meters away.

Dilli shot a 4 foot Wide Fireball against the Demon's chest, blowing off its head along with its chest and shoulders, all that was left is its belly and legs.

With that over, he shouted. "By Calidum, I kissed that Demon."

If there ever was a time to tease, it is now so Dilli added with a giggle. "You finally got a date, sorry that I had to kill her though."