Chapter 416 - Lizard

The battle was rough, losing 60 men and women was even rougher especially since they were Zamerians, people who come from another Continent. Although they are in no position to complain and act given that they come from poor backgrounds, King Michael does not want what now are the majority of his people demotivated.

Zamerians picked up the Budget, and raised it up for the better which is the prime reason why King Michael does not want to look bad in front of them, that's why all that gold was given out and that's why he will continue to offer them more stable lives.

Furthermore, we can't blame King Michael for these deaths. The blame can be solely placed over Grand King Talato of the neighbouring Country, Meridionali Ignis.

It is Talato who wants power, it is Talato who wants more gold and it is Talato who sent out 600 Soldiers here to reclaim Gaster Kingdom if King Michael doesn't agree to his [Talato's] demands.

Apart from all of that, the 96,000 Gold Coins that King Michael handed out as a compensation will inevitably keep the overall morale stronger, gold can't replace lives but it's better than a pat on the back.

Extensions in the Cemetery had to be made and there is a new fence being constructed around there too, but that's not the major issue here with souls lost.


The next day, everything went mostly back to normal. The Spearfishers along with the Fishers were doing their jobs, along with every other employee in this fine Domain.

King Michael is training the three Fire Controllers a fine distance from the Kingdom, and the overall situation is calm. People can't really be mad at the King when gold is involved, although no monetary value would replace a loved one.

Everything went fine up until a couple of hours after midday, that's when a... new problem arose amongst King Michael and his allies.

No one is revolting, thankfully. But visitors are close, and this time they don't come from any human enemy. 

A creature, with a rather unusual form for this timeline... Is arising from its ocean depths and running its way towards where it sees the most commotion, at this case King Michael and the three other Fire Controllers since this creature submerged around 100 meters from the Kingdom!

"What the hell is that?" Mogranius was the first to spot it, and dared to point out the bizarre sight with a shout. "Don't tell me it's another Whale Bear."

"I don't think whales look like that." King Michael pointed out the obvious once he took a clear glance of the creature. Being practically a medieval biologist he added, "Whales don't have pointy snouts."

With a semi large being charging towards them, their first thought or best called instinct as Fire Controllers would be to either shoot it or fly away, this thing that emerged from the Ocean can't fly... they hope.

Since this thing isn't specifically charging towards the Kingdom, King Michael chose to blast towards the sky and the rest followed. 

The creature, stopped on the spot where the Fire Controllers used to stand, loudly opened and closed its mouth with gave out a bony clapping sound and afterwards it started spinning in place and tried to elevate it's upper body but didn't have enough strength to do that.

"Should we shoot it?" Eric asked, debating between two decisions.

It is common for people to attack what they don't understand, but what they are looking at here is a rare case. This creature came out of the ocean, ran it's way in speeds half the time faster of an average human which in another way points out that it has claws... Ocean Creatures aren't supposed to have that.

It is confusing, but at the same time it isn't a major threat. Maybe it would take a troop of 20 men armed to the teeth in order to take it down, considering it's large semi pointy mouth filled with pointy short teeth. A Fire Controller however, has it a lot easier to kill one. 

This creature doesn't seem to want to reason, and it brings along this crazed Aura. Which points out towards another possibility, but King Michael needs to take a closer look first.

He specifically requested, "Stay on the skies, I will shoot it down." And flew away towards the East. Away from the ocean and necessarily away from Gaster Kingdom.

Surprising, but at the same time typical, the oceanic creature started following King Michael, seeing it as prey who is "running away". This points out predatory animal instincts, and checks one question from King Michael's long list.

King Michael tried to fly away as fast as he can in a matter of seconds, doing so once he considered the beings size. Plus the move he wants to attempt on the creature requires a couple of seconds.

He dropped on the ground, and could see the creature swiftly running it's way towards him, currently at a distance of 20 meters away.

Seeing that he might not have much time, he placed his palms a foot far from his stomach and half a foot apart from each other. To officially start off the move, he started generating a small orb in between his palms.

It took a second for the orb to grow up until the point when it touched his fingers. Although it didn't burn, it signifies that the move should be ascended towards the next step.

He moved his hands to the point where they are vertically forward, placing his right hand over his left after it, he stretched his hands forward after and as the finishing portion of the move he tapped the back of his left foot to the ground!

A 6 foot long, thin blast made its way towards the strange ocean creature. This move is unmistakable, this is a concentrated blast!

However, the King might have dropped down to the ground a few meters too early. Because the second he blew the concentrated blast, the creature was already about 5 meters close.

The 6 foot long, pole like blast punctured through the creatures head as if a sword was bashed in an apple. This move is dangerous enough alone, but when a Grand Master uses it, this move becomes extremely dangerous.

The blast went through the creatures forehead easily, and made its way through a portion of its back and continued to fly by a few meters below the 3 Fire Controller's feet, they are tens of meters away which points out how powerful this move is.

The blast was strong enough, too strong. It went through the creature so forcefully but yet smooth, that it didn't manage to slow down its build up momentum. In other words, it's semi pointed snout was bashed on King Michael's hands and then his chest too since he didn't manage to man handle a possibly 900 kilo creature.

He was knocked down a few meters back, right after blood blew up all around him. One who would be less informed, would think that King Michael was bitten several times considering all the blood.

But no, the only damage that King Michael received is the fact that both of his wrists have been sprained. That's an injury that can take a week or so to heal, or less than an hour if Ladia can cast a healing power move on him.

He saw the three other Fire Controllers surround him, shouting the following sentences.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you have your arms?"

"That was a dumb idea."

"I can't believe you faced a sea monster."

And the first thing King Michael could say, which didn't even relate to his overall health. "This ain't a sea monster." He answered Eric's claim yes.

"Forget about the species, are you in one piece." Dilli asked, coming in just a little bit as rough but she has a point.

Still not putting much care to his health, King Michael stated. "I'm most definitely in one piece, I'm excited to inspect this creature so please take a few steps back. I have a feeling this one has Demons written all over it."

Itching to ask the obvious question once comprehending King Michael's wordplay a bit deeper, Eric asked. "How do you know this has Demons written all over it? This could be just another weird rare creature."

Furthermore, Eric just wanted to convince himself that Demons haven't located this Domain. He really doesn't want to deal with Demons now, or ever come to think of it. Generally, they are very dangerous creatures who want to destroy everything in sight so it isn't a surprise for one to hate to deal with them.

"This creature originally is a Great-Headed Lizard, my memory is blurry but I know that oceanic creatures don't have claws." Recalling the adventures that Mogranius told over and over and over and over, King Michael added. "This thing either ate Demons or was purposely mutated by them."