Chapter 407 - Battle Plan

"King Talato did two battle mistakes here. First things first, he was bluffing about the number of Soldiers in front of us and second he gave us time to decide if or if not I will apply to his demands, he thinks my Kingdom is weak." Explained King Michael, with his tone bursting in enthusiasm, happy about his own plan.

The three Fire Controllers in the same house with him are obviously confused, obviously they can't read his mind and they haven't read the letter either. Mogranius once more took the honour of immaturily asking, "The Hell are you talking about?"

King Michael explained a bit more about this although he doesn't like answering too many questions and is eager to get to the battle plan. "The Grand King Talato, demands 30% of my Domain's monthly income in exchange of his protection. Hence the quote, "From external Sources like Xakro ill.u.s.tratio lll."

Now this got everyone confused, because for a start Eric decided to point out. "Doesn't he know that Xakro is dead?"

"And isn't he by Xakro's side?" Asked Dilli Flury, she has no interest in politics between Countries but is aware with this commonly spoken off fact.

"The entire Country of Meridionali Ignis has left the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance, if that makes sense." King Michael granted the final piece of this interesting information and without letting anyone speak he got to the battle plan.

"Talato made a mistake of giving me time to consider his offer. I'm not considering anything, but this time can be heavily used to our advantage." King Michael's world play is rather interesting since he refers Gaster Kingdom as his own and when it comes to tasks he refers to them as "ours" or "we".

"I'm guessing that we will ambush them." Mogranius finally spoke a sentence that didn't include the word "Hell" in it.

A smirk widened across his lips as King Michael answered. "Precisely, and they won't see it coming because we will be invisible." This basically explained most of the plan, but there are still some confusions.

And Dilli did not fail to ask more about this. "We will face them straight ahead as the first attack and leave the rest of the work to the Army, right?"

"The Army will fight for us, but we won't leave it mostly to them. We will remain in battle after, but we will strike from above." And as he forged these couple of sentences, he already thought of the other. Battle talk is his favourite after all.

"But as a start, we Fire Controllers need to attack from all four sides. The Army will be compressed and will need at least half a minute to adjust, be sure to back off every time you shoot to increase the odds of your own survival." Letting the silence stretch for a couple of seconds, not allowing anyone to talk he added freely. "After all when you will start shooting, you will be clearly visible. Feel free to fly up, and shower the Army with Fireballs as fast and as much as you can. Keep your distance and please keep your own personal safety as a top priority."

The conversation about the battle can go on forever, but King Michael has a battle to host so he felt as a strong enough authority figure to add. "Please take your time to prepare for battle, have a snack or drink some water. We will strike in an hour. In the meanwhile, one of you please call Woldemir, Arem and Saleem here and give me a second to breathe. I need to think this through to the last detail."

The sign is clear, the King wants to be alone even if it is for two minutes. This battle can determine if Gaster Kingdom survives with 250 Guards and Spearfishers around him, or with 1/4th that amount.

In the midst of the Battle Plans he thought a little bit about Grand King Talato's offer and what would Gaster Kingdom turn in to if this deal was accepted. Based on the current income rate, Gaster Kingdom would need to pay 39,000 Gold Coins month as the requested 30% just to maintain peace and attain "Protection".

Where would this lead to? Well the monthly Profit would be a catastrophe. A couple of Salary raises after or one business deal less, this fine hard working Domain has to settle with breaking even every month or even spend more than they are earning.

It is obviously a terrible deal and the employees here do not deserve it. Furthermore although the Guards almost lost the last battle, their overall Morale has grown along with the Salary raises. They all have made it in to a middle class life here, and neither of them are willing to give this up. The Elders especially in this Domain saw what the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance had to offer before and they are not fans.

"You have called for us King Michael." Saleem spoke, his tone a bit high and his enthusiasm for battle even higher. He really wants to hurl a Spear against these enemies.

It was a bit stress relieving when King Michael saw Saleem struggling to get in the house, having to walk in from the side and duck at the same time while Woldemir and Arem were just waiting for him to get in.

"Yes yes, please come in." A split second after he did not spare them enough time to sit on a Chair, he immediately laid out what's happening by first pointing out the obvious. "As you know and see there is another Battle upon us, King Talato wants our Gold and supposedly has left the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance."

"What kind of nonsense is that?" Woldemir shrugged as he almost completely closed his eyes and curled his lips with an intend to cuss at this Bullshit, but he doesn't really like cussing. "The Capital especially had pride on being in that Alliance, claiming that without them there wouldn't be an Alliance."

Woldemir here has lived in the Capital for most of his life and for sure knows what he is talking about, it isn't exactly the hardest to understand common behaviours once living in a place for a few Decades.

"That's what I found crazy as well, it all takes root there but what confused me more is that he indirectly portrayed King Xakro as alive." After King Michael left everyone at shock with this little explanation, he already sensed questions coming so he skipped to the battle plan right away. "But we can compress this Army with minimal losses, Talato lied about having 600 Soldiers in front of us today, I had a look and those are barely 500."

"Maybe they have been attacked on the way here." Saleem pointed out what could be a possibility, everyone has skipped that possibility in their minds, they aren't really stressles to think.

"If they did it isn't probably any of our Friends, the Messenger didn't show any form of hate. Perhaps he had it as difficult as us to link their losses with anything Gaster Kingdom would do." Of course King Michael here put a dot on this story with this firm logic and wanted to move in to the battle plan right now, he knew unnecessary topics would burst.

"Am I late." A tiny Ignite man busted through the door, seeking King Michael here.

A bit stressed, wanting everything to go according to his planned pace, he expressed. "Stefan? I didn't call you here."

"And that's your first mistake, you can't plan a battle without me." Surprisingly, sharing a similar thought with the King although unintentional. He added, "The enemies are waiting out there, this is a once in a life time opportunity."

"If anyone can plan like an Expert, it is Stefan. Let him join." Woldemir requested, he has known Stefan for over 16 years so who would know this little man better than him?

"Alright, what do you have in mind." To cut confusions in order to plan quicker, he pointed out. "The Fire Controllers have already a job assigned, now we just need to orient the Guards and Spearfishers."

"The Army out there is plentiful I'm assuming." Stefan asked, to shed light on his own plan a bit more and saw King Michael nod in agreement after. "They are, good so I feel sure that after the Fire Controllers land a blow they will mostly focus on taking on the biggest portion of the Army."

And of course Woldemir reassured Stefan's words. "That is true yes, since the biggest portion can bring all sorts of trouble. When they beat the biggest, the smallest portions after would feel like Target practice to them. That's at least how they did it in the Army there."

"Well while the Second Platoon takes most of their focus, the First Platoon can strike from one side and the Spearfishers can strike from the other." Finally sitting on a chair and tying his fists over the table, Stefan let out a sigh and added. "This way, they will be compressed from three sides. Their larger Soldier Count would be rendered almost useless against our men and women."

Tipping the bucket, completing this plan. King Michael pitched an idea with a laugh. "And once their attention is stolen from all four sides, me and the rest of the Fire Controllers drop for another round of strikes from behind. But we would have to fly off quick after because we can either get shot or shoot our own Guards."