Chapter 378 - Testing the Chicken

"There is only one thing we need to remember here regarding safety." King Michael spoke, trying to get in to one specification before letting this Chicken loose. "If it's charging towards you, crack a fire shield open or get behind one who can."

They have let the Mutated Chicken out of the Cell about half an hour ago, although it didn't show hostility towards any human, safety still can't be certain. This Chicken has the size and the Weaponry to cause serious damage, although it is just roughly 15 Kilograms heavy.

To prevent her from flying away, since she clearly has the ability to do so now, she can fly as high as a hawk. He has tied a mildly thick rope around one of her leg, this rope stretches 10 meters long and is tied around Saleem's arm.

Saleem is a 6.4 foot man, breaks about 150 Kilos and is tremendously buff. If anyone can keep a mutated Chicken on the ground, it is him.

Well apart from him and King Michael having to test the Chicken, Alama has also gotten out of the Castle. Stefan has joined them as well to catch up with the men and women here, and is glad to meet new people as well.

Dea in the other hand is back in her house, getting to know Osira and Dilli as an intend of connecting with Stefan's past or at this term new friends. While the origin behind this decision is double intended, King Michael found it best if less Fire Manipulators were in this scene, although protection a bit weaker it will prove safer for the Chicken.

Mogranius and Eric are on the scene as well of course, they are quite powerful when it comes in terms of protection but also they really wanted to see this, Mogranius got the closest look to Demons before so he really wants to see this.

Commander Alia is here too, but only because she has this sort of gift for animal taming. Although the Chicken won't most likely run away from everyone since it is used to approach Humans, considering that they see Humans as food providers, it is still best to keep Commander Alia close, she knows how to calm down animals.

"Alright, let us see what you can do Miss. Chicken." King Michael spoke, being careful with his every move.

As the first test, he placed wheat grain on the ground. He basically rolled out a handful that piled up in a semi pyramidal form. The Chicken of course rushed towards it, she is still an animal after all and goes after food.

The Chicken pecked on the grain, and thankfully it didn't mutate again, as you might noticed this grain is rather normal, from this Dimension at least.

At first it seemed normal, apart from the fact that this Chicken is a bit bigger than a Hen, there is nothing else special here. Just a Chicken pecking on the ground.

But it became interesting when they noticed the result after, not the result on the Chicken but the result on the ground. Apart from the fact that the Grain was finished off comedicly fast, there are a lot of holes on the ground where the Chicken has pecked.

Inch deep holes spread over a limited mass of dirt, this proves one thing. If she can penetrate dirt by an inch when its eating food, she can possibly sink an inch in flesh in someone or something she is trying to attack which can be rather lethal.

"Interesting." King Michael murmured among himself and this time didn't find it troubling and explain one key fact here. "Can any of you imagine if a Chicken with claws strong enough to break bones, clinging on you while fearlessly pecking on your head."

As he explained this small information regarding the Chicken's Weaponry, it was made clear throughout everyone's mind that this Chicken although not the biggest, it can be more dangerous than a Human if properly trained.

"I'd rather go back in the wild and take my chances with another Source Bear." Mogranius joked around, and hilariously took a couple of steps back rather swiftly.

"Yes I have the same thought." King Michael added, recalling another fact. "At least against a Source Bear we have the slightest chance of running or flying away."

This little wordplay however, is but a seed for another test. The Chicken is obviously still hungry considering her size, so he placed more Wheat Grain on the ground. But this time he walked about 12 meters away from Saleem, even counting the steps on the way.

The Chicken instantly noticed what is happening here, well by that I mean she knows the King dropped more food. She recognized the bag, the sound grain makes once being dropped and even the body motion of which the human food provider makes.

With a little bounce, she ran towards the grain and showed exactly how much force she is able to give in. Although the strongest here physically, Salem can feel a strong tug and since he noticed where the King is going with this, he followed the unspoken plan and kept his footing firm.

The Chicken turned around, noticed what's keeping her from getting the food and pecked a couple of times the Rope, forcing it to break. Afterwards, as if Sassy she casually walked towards the food.

"Interesting, as if her intelligence was boosted a tad bit too." King Michael murmured with himself.

"That Chicken is definitely powerful." Salem walked over and tapped on King Michael's shoulder as if they are life long friends. It is fair to say that King Michael was almost knocked down on the mud.

But what's more important here, Salem even had a rough estimate of its power. "Holding her back felt like wrestling 2 Barramundies out of the water at once."

Basically, a Barramundie grows in bizarre cases 2 meters long and can weigh up to 60 Kilos, however in most cases it is half the above size and amount. And if one Chicken felt to someone like Salem like 2 Barramundies, or on other words hard to maintain. It means that this mutated Chicken is tremendously powerful.

"At this rate it isn't a surprise if this Chicken swoops in and lifts an enemy Soldier from the ground." Mogranius spoke, and noticed the devious smile on King Michael's face once this idea was put in his mind. This mutation recipe can make a large difference in battle, this Chicken alone is far too dangerous, imagine 100.

As they were testing out the Chicken to a further extend, Mogranius approached Stefan casually and asked. "So you actually gathered the guts to ask someone out, did she bite you?"

Recalling the wordplay Stefan used when he asked her out, he played it frosty here by adding. "No thankfully, but I barely had any trouble asking her out. She values smart people so..."

Since the topic is about marriage, and originally dating. Stefan instantly thought about Eric, adding. "What about Eric, if anyone would have it difficult to make a move it would be him."

"My lady hooked him up." Mogranius added, and could already sense that Eric has gotten a tad shy. "Otherwise he would be single until 58, like me."

Of course he joked around at this part, but in some aspects it could have been the future. Mogranius decided just not to date up until 58 even though his options amazing, but Eric would just be too shy to actually try to talk to a girl he fancies. So him marrying, would likely include two mothers pushing them closer towards each other.

In the midst of their little chit chat, something else managed to catch their attention at a rather expansive rate. King Michael apparently has decided to feel the tug on the Chicken's force.

Due to that fact, he has started flying. But not above 100 meters high, roughly 2 meters. "This Chicken is definitely strong!" King Michael mildly shouted as he was in mid air.

This scene, rather embarrassing for him as a King but after all he is surrounded by friends and friendly faces, even though these faces are giggling. Actually he is the most embarrassed about being caught this weak in front of Alama.

"Salem some help." He murmured, but enough to be heard and Salem was about to grab his foot and drag him down.

But Commander Alia prevented him from doing so, with a laugh throughout the sentence. "He wanted to feel the tug, let him handle the tug."

It was rather hilarious to see him fly, but at the same time confusing since he has developed a small pot belly and weighs 80 Kilos now, but apart from all the fun and games this is tremendous power coming from one bird.

"Salem I am your King, pull me down." King Michael tried to shout rudely but couldn't help to laugh at well because of this situation even though it is he who is the Victim.

"Just fly down, you have powers." Mogranius reminded with a mild shout although he couldn't help to smile at this, well more like he smiled on how devious his lady can be.

Embarrassed enough that he actually forgot that fact, he replied. "Oh right."