Chapter 361 - Hunting Technique

"What are we looking for again?" Ada asked, rubbing her eyes and walking tad clumsily over the cold and lightly covered with snow, field.

"Red Mushrooms and Deer hair!" Osira repeated, with enthusiasm still plentiful, sharp on her feet and looking a bit more spiffy than Ada. Reasons behind it, is because Osira woke up a bit earlier and had time to prepare. "Finding the red mushrooms shouldn't be too hard, as for the Deer hair I doubt we can get it from a living one." Osira signified that they have to kill a Deer, although mildly indirect.

"And you need these for an enchantment?" Ada asked, tuning out half of Osira's words including the part where they have to kill a Deer. "Do you really think that I'm the best for the job?"

"Yes, Katapa thinks that he can unlock a whole new enchantment with the proper mixes and timing. At least that's how Commander Alia translated it." Osira fantasised, her tone still bursting in enthusiasm but of course she can make her friend feel wanted too. "Also yes you are, we both need to go out and walk sometimes, being crammed up around the Volcano isn't too fun, plus I miss you."

These are words Osira never expected to say to an ill.u.s.tratio, but what's done is done and it feels really nice to see a sleepy person smile. "I miss you too." Ada replied, and the more she fought off her sleepiness, the more curious she got. Asking, "So what is this enchantment anyway?"

Upon asking that question, Osira let the silence stretch a little bit because she checked around to see if there are any Red Mushrooms near by. "Um well, it is really painful against an enemy. I wouldn't even have to slice them, but yet the enemy would still be too distracted with pain to act in battle."

"I like the not slicing part, but some don't get entirely distracted even when sliced. How could you achieve what you just said?" A slight shock came to her once hearing Osira's explanation, but she does like her enthusiasm. Would make anyone want to pinch her cheeks.

"The enchantment should unleash exactly three boiling hot liquid iron balls upon swing, without deforming the Sword, at least not right away." Her idea, the enchantment sounds like fiction. But her enthusiasm remains so strong that one can not disagree.

But Ada can of course kindly ask, "Will that really work?"

"It is just a theory, Katapa thinks it will work. The trick is just softening the Volcanic Mushroom that we will also mix with this, when softened we can utilize its internal properties of the Volcanic Mushroom." You can't really call a theory coming from a man who managed to enchant many times before, not possible.


To get in to further specifications, the idea is that after the Red Mushroom is boiled for a while, the fluids left over can soften the Volcanic Mushroom so the Blacksmith(s) can crack it open without a fatal circ.u.mstance.

Katapa believes that the reason behind this softening, is thanks to the fact that the red mushroom is typically poisonous. Its poisonous qualities can soften this dangerous rock and turn it semi liquid.

Since while in production, both mushrooms with either be completely or semi liquidated, the Deer hair can withstand the strong possibly melting substances both mushrooms can develop once merged together, and the Deer hair can merge the two substances back in to an orb.

It won't look pretty, and in some points of views it can really look disgusting. But what would that matter? The orb will be merged around the middle of the sword, which of course means that the sword will be thicker in width and inevitably heavier.

Any Swordsman or women, who is above 70 kilos or 6 feet tall, can wield the sword with little trouble or without risking instant loss of fatigue. In some aspects, the heavier the sword the better because more swings can be taken before the sword completely depletes, before only the handle is left.


"Is that a Deer I see?" Ada asked after rubbing her eyes, with her vision a bit blurry due to the fact that she still is sleepy.

But talking and moving is where she made the mistake, the Deer instantly dashed off and got out of their sight in a matter of seconds. "It was at least." Osira laughed, her enthusiasm still remaining undamaged.

It is tremendous how Osira's attitude was when meeting Eric for the first time, trying to kill him on the spot. And now, she remains happy even at such a case towards a lady who is dating the guy Osira herself fancies?

It just proves one thing, Osira can be mean and dangerous only to people she chooses. To her friends she can be as sweet as honey.

"Sorry." Ada apologised, feeling instantly guilty.

"It's alright, even if you breathed come to think of it, the Deer would have ran away." Osira lived in the wild a lot along with her Tribe, hunting became a almost daily task.

Hunting a Deer with a spear can be the trickiest, and often times difficult. So she discovered a unique technique, with a little of modifications on the technique by her mother, Bittore.

Taking a few minutes to explain this technique to Ada, she afterwards asked. "So, are you in?"

"Do we have to kill the Deer? We don't need food." Although she ate meat before, she does feel a bit uneasy about reasonleessly take a soul away. They have enough food at Lan Zhe to go for a year!

"If you can get hair out of it without killing it, then do it by all means." Osira specified that she has other options, but at the beginning of course recommended the easiest.

"I'll see what I can do." Ada answered, raising her arms up and forming the letter T. "I'm ready."

"Hehehe, I haven't done this in months!" Osira answered, with a wide smirk across her face and afterwards walked behind Ada, slipped her hands underneath Ada's shoulders and flew up along with Ada as fire blasted through Osira's feet.

Flying for a bit over 30 meters high, spotting an opening in the forest about a hundred yards after and a Deer running across it too, Osira flew along with Ada on her grip.

The Deer noticed that something is above, thinking that it could just be a large bird, the Deer just kept running. What worked to their advantage here, is the opening being about 200 meters long and scarcely having trees here and there.

This allowed Osira to gain at least a couple of seconds, to throw down Ada at a safer matter. Yes throw, typically the trick is to fall over the deer like this and slice its throat after. It kind of is a mix of a flying and running predator, Osira can shoot it but she doesn't want to light the forest on fire and catch attention.

Ada dropped down, hung upon the bottom part of the Deer's back, afterwards she crawled up as fast as she could, trying to keep her grip on the Deer as strong as possible so she doesn't get thrown off.

Feeling it on her grip that there isn't any thick part with hair for her to grab on and rip it off, she tried to pull out her Dagger, well technically Osira's Dagger, given to her for this task.

Tying her legs tightly around the Deer's belly, she used the Dagger to shave out some hair from the Deer and even became skilled enough to stuff it down her small leather bag!

Going in for another shot of hair, she scratched the Deer just a little bit but nothing to kill it. Swiftly after she swiped the hair she just shaved off the Deer's back and and stuffed it down her bag.

Attempting to shave some hair off for the third time, she felt herself elevating higher, the Deer has jumped. Ada felt herself hitting the ground, tumbling for a few times until the friction slew down her momentum.

At the end, she stood up on her feet. Unintentional in many aspects but hey it worked, and she only got a few scratches.

Half a minute after, she saw Osira flying down. "Look, I got them." Ada instantly expressed, feeling happy about her success and ignoring the minor pain.

"You actually did it?" Osira asked, not believing her eyes and feeling shocked once looking in to the bag. "You can keep the Dagger, you earned it."

"Told you that we didn't need to kill the Deer." She answered, a wide smile stretching across her face. Suddenly after, something caught her eye. "Are those red mushrooms?"

"Would you look at that, we killed two birds with one stone." Osira expressed, happy but at the same time a bit sad that this fun hunt with her friend has to end.

Reaching in to grab the red mushrooms, she was quick to feel a pain, strong as if boiling water was thrown on her hand. And it wasn't caused by the Mushroom.

"Shit, shit shit shit!" Osira yelled out, Repeatedly and shot a 4 foot wide fireball in front of her.

"What happened?" Adda asked, being spooked of this behaviour but also wanting to make sure that Osira is alright.

Angry, in pain and with a shout Osira answered. "A Source forsaken Snake just bit my hand!"