Chapter 344 - Mantek

The four ladies of the gang here who have been gathered up in the Underground town of Lan Zhe, have fairly learned how to get along and even are sharing the same favoured hobbies. Well, most of them at least.

As specified on a previous Chapter, Commander Alia wanted to show Ada some Kastarian Customs at hand to hand fighting. It is fair to say that Ada has fallen in love with this style, as it mostly aims towards evading injuries more than causing them.

The hand to hand fighting style of the Kastarians is specifically called, Mantek! When put in to translation, it means "To not kill". Kind isn't it? And in the same way odd to expect from a Continent of whom the Inner Demon of ego took place in many hearts.

Ada's favourite fighting move became the one called, opponent flipper. Basically, to attain such a move one would need a strong arm as well as a strong posture.

She is supposed to grab an opponent by the shoulder, and with her right foot she is supposed to swipe the opponent off of his or her feet. Once doing so, with her arm she gives a huge thrust which will aid on flipping the opponent.

If done correctly and with enough force, the opponent should be doing a front flip and at the end falling straight flat on his or her face.

Of course Commander Alia didn't demonstrate such a move on Ada and risk possibly breaking her nose, but you might have guessed until now that someone might have under estimated the move enough to become a test dummy.

That someone in most cases can be Mogranius, and yes it was him this time. Considering Commander Alia's massive strength, Mogranius wasn't flipped once but twice before he met with the ground! But thankfully he didn't break his nose, however a little nose bleed did process.

Ada still doesn't meet the physical characteristics to attain this move, but she sure loves training it. For a month straight ever since she was introduced to it, she did not let this battle craft go. Obviously like any warrior she has a long way to go if she wants to be a Grand Master, but at least she has the motivation to do so.

"I like how Mantek fighting doesn't focus on killing, that rarely should be the option." She kept repeating, when anyone commented on her little dedication to learn Mantek Fighting more and more. It is fair to say that Ada is in love with this Kastarian way of fighting.

Three of the ladies have been training to fight almost every day, because with the Harvest season over there really isn't much to do. Dilli is bringing rather interesting ways of fighting to the table.

Her way of fighting doesn't really qualify as an official art but hell it is useful. She is 6 feet tall, and inevitably strong. Her way of fighting doesn't really aim towards evading, quite frankly she just loves tossing enemies around like wheat bags.

So when she tried to give Advice to Ada, it didn't really mix well. Because Commander Alia was teaching her in all ways to avoid getting hit, which of course means to not face an enemy head on especially if that enemy is armed.

But Dilli was teaching Ada to fight head on and hit as many times as possible. Obviously the two grown ladies have given opposite battle advises, but it didn't neccesarily prove as a bad thing. Confusing yes, but bad no.

With the mix of Mantek and Dilli's fearless fighting style, Ada has become nothing less but a better fighter. Most punches one would throw at her, she knows how to evade them with minimal damage and when the time is right she can knock the daylights out of an opponent.

The two grown ladies even wanted to suit Ada with a sword, but she refused it. In no way would she want to kill, if the situation came to face an armed opponent she would just choose to run or hide behind the stronger. Herself killing, isn't exactly neccesary.

Dilli isn't the biggest fan of evading and none the less fleeing, she kept telling Ada. "Be unstoppable, be a Mountain!" She does have a point there, considering that she obliterated most of her enemies but Ada just isn't up for such a style.


At the moment Ada, Dilli and Commander Alia are in the training room. To make it better, Osira just walked in as well. In a way, seeing these ladies connect proves rather heart warming. There are three races here in this one room, people with and without power. Yet they still managed to connect, diversity rather wide when Religions don't cloud minds.

Osira came up here to keep herself at a nice form, because as tiring and exercising Blacksmithery is, she does feel tremendously sore. Stretching here would feel nice and so would training her waist a little bit.

Furthermore she came to spend time with the three ladies here, she misses the 14 back at her tribe so these ones here are considerably nice to tame this... home sickness.

It feels nice to spend time with them, because they aren't of the kind who would try to pin each other down unless they are training. Short said, she feels comfortable around them and even though she mostly was at the forge they formed a nice little girl group here.

To break this Harmony and of course bring a bit more humour here, Mogranius walked in because he was bored. "Good day." He shouted, grabbing all their attention as he walked in.

"This is an unusual place to find you at." Commander Alia teased, wondering why he came here in the first place but in no way trying to be mean.

"Yeah well I have no one to train and apparently eating more than 5 times a day isn't humane." He complained, quoting Commander Alia's words.

She asked him to stop eating so often, because she remembers her mother researching the human body. Those who claim that they ate more, had at least one health issue after their 400s.

If it was troublesome for people who commonly live for 700 years, how strongly would it affect people who live 10 times shorter? Bottom line, she meant nothing but good and wants her lover to live a bit longer.

"Well I think we can all agree to that fact." She giggled, and as a little form of revenge she wanted to use his over c.o.c.kiness against him. In a playful intend of course. "Would you like me to teach you how to fight with ancient Kastarian arts?"

"Oh no no no." He waved his hands in front of him and once recalling another case he added. "I'm not dumb enough to fight anyone who can slice off... well you know." At least he remembered that there are minors present. But it is also fair to say that his common goofyness is returning back to normal as time passes.

With a wide smirk across her face, she turned her attention towards Ada and with her aid he ensnared Mogranius. "Well at least can you be a harmless opponent for Ada? We need to see if she can handle an opponent, to determine what training methods to apply next."

"Oh right right you told me how gifted she is." Mogranius remembered, and of course after still underestimated. "How hard can a kid actually hit?" He openly expressed and formed in to a battle position.

Although it might not be visible due to the fact that he is wearing a black robe, he has formed in to a sumo squat. This at least is a firm position, even hard for Commander Alia to handle without breaking a sweat.

"Are you ready little girl?" Mogranius asked, feeling rather confident.

"Mogranius, remember." Commander Alia grabbed his attention. "You are a Harmless opponent, you can't fight back."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" He shouted with a complain.

"I did tell you!" She yelled back, although still playfull. Finding this goof adorable.

When Mogranius turned his attention back to Ada, he noticed that she has already become airborne. Her attempt here was to break Mogranius' pose, so she of course jumped and kicked him on the right shoulder.

Mogranius' stance still proved strong against a light weight short opponent, which is what she needed actually. Last thing she would want to do in battle is tumble along with an opponent.

Once breaking his form to the slightest, she used his resistance to push her body backwards and up a couple meters more, enough to do a backflip.

Once landing on the ground, she charged towards him as well since he isn't. To break his expectations, she started sliding down and quickly swept him off of his feet without ending up under his body weight after.

To attain such success, she swept through his left foot because of the fact that he placed his left foot in front. Which in another way specifies that he depends on his left foot more, it is his preference and strong point.

Due to the fact that she has weakened his right side earlier be it little or much, he of course is putting in more strength to his left side so he can depend on it more. Rather complex to observe all in a fast battle, but that's what preparations are for. And as Commander Alia told, this is one of the best way to defeat a strong form. To use the strong form against the opponent.

With his face on the mud, but thankfully not with his nose broken or bloody. He raised his head up and complained. "You trained her well, I give you that."