Chapter 336 - He doesn't explain unless you ask him.

Roughly two weeks later, in the middle of August or best described the hottest few weeks of the year, they got a new ally down here at the Town. Of course before it there were some debates on certain cases.

For example, the Grand Masters insisted that whatever Eric saw must have been an illusion from opening his eyes once deep in Lava. At the same time, Eric had a good debate against it. For example, "How could you know that if you never swam in Lava?"

The debate didn't last long, since after all this Volcano is in other terms hand made. Grand Masters of the ancient times formed it, or best described the first Calidum Lutum send down by the God "Calidus".

If there was something to see down there, they would have seen it. In any case Eric could object religious claims since most tend to be untrue, he even has facts against them. But the religion here? It sounds the most believable.

Mostly because he saw a soul transcending to the heavens, he saw it with his own eyes nearly a year ago when that Guard was shot down. So now, what can he really say against them if wisdom tends to be passed by in this town. Who could say otherwise if the Grand Masters Claim that there is nothing down there?!

So they've just let it be, because Eric tried to see the "Blue Lava" again and didn't find anything. He tried it several times, and just settled with the fact that it could he an illusion.

Training-wise, Eric has progressed slowly but accurately. He now manages to reach 2-4 inches closer to his feet, managed to balance the rock on the top of his finger for over 20 seconds and can even balance himself with his head for more than 10 seconds now.

It might not seem progress which can be listed as tremendous, but the fact that he didn't break throughout all of the exercises has helped him tame his Inner Demon that pokes self control. Yet still he is very far away from reaching Level 2.

Now let's get back to the first claim, the ally. Osira has made her way down to the town in the span of two weeks with the aid of a Calidum Lutum Guard. When she hopped off his back, her hair tied in to a bun was all messy and was pushed entirely behind.

Typically when she would let her hair down it would be tremendously beautiful, because the bun would form a set of wide curls on her hair. Accompanied by the fact that she has black hair, it would form the epitome of beauty.

At least that's what would happen in normal cases, but here? Her hair looks like she just faced an explosion, all forced up due to the wind and pushed behind a lot as well. It is as if someone just invented a super substance that lets you form your hair the way one would like it, although no one would like this.

A Calidum Lutum's average running speed out matches a Level 4 and even Level 5 flying Ignite. It sure is a lot to put in to consideration, their speed is matchable with the Molarians.

She was welcomed with a hug by Commander Alia, the second in command around here. "I'm glad you finally made it." Commander Alia repeated as the man who brought her here casually started walking in the town, as if he didn't travel hundreds of Kilometers.

"It was... Interesting getting here..." She gently spoke and tried to fix her hair. Last thing she would need right now is to walk in towards new people looking like a failing Sorcerer.

"Yes I can see." Commander Alia added, giggling through her sentence. "Let me see if I can help you here..."

Afterwards Alia grabbed the water bottle on her waist and started gently sprinkling Osira's hair. In some ways it worked and in other ways it didn't, it would take a while to tame this hair, a few long showers would help.

"Just relax." Commander Alia tried to comfort and assure, seeing that she started panicking because most of her hair keeps staying up. "Nobody really cares about hair here as long as its not red."

"But that man who brought me here had amazing hair, they were so soft and were always shinning." She was closest to his hair, since she was over his back. Most appropriate position come to think of it, "And my friends are here."

"Aha..." Commander Alia spoke, knowing what's going on here due to the fact that she had a bit of a talk with Osira's mother. "Well don't worry, you're still very beautiful." She complimented and started leading her towards the town tunnel.

The tunnel here has been open since yesterday, since the allies here were expected. As for the ones sending messages, they will be here after September starts with the new messages.


"Wow." Osira glanced upon the wide Volcano in amazement, suddenly forgetting that she attained a Goblin hairstyle. "This Volcano is huge."

"So you saw a Volcano before?" Commander Alia asked in curiosity, knowing for a fact that there isn't one in Occidentis Ignis.

"Yes there is one between the border of Orientis Ignis and Septemtrionis Ignis." Seeing that the country talk might be a bit confusing she swiftly added. "Basically right in the middle of the High Mountains."

"I'm guessing it is smaller." She asked, once recalling how amazed Osira is from the size.

"Its barely 50 meters across, the tip I mean." Trying to explain in more detail she added, "We explored it a little bit, once a theory came by that it might have many resources."

"Oh they have resources, you just have to dig through the walls." Alia based it on the mines here and how much Iron along with Ignite Gems they mined out.

"Amazing." She continued to glance upon the wide beautiful Volcano. "Where are the rest?"

"You mean Eric?" She teased, and noticed that her face got a tad red but they blamed this one on the Volcano.

"No I mean everyone." She tried to fight off the blush, and got a bit curious about other facts. "Where are all the people?"

"Well they all have their own duties, as for Eric and the rest they should be in the farm." Alia answered casually, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"There is a farm down here?" She asked in shock, trying to put it all together on how would it be possible.

They've exchanged words as they walked down the spiral like walk way, Commander Alia answered. "Yes and it is very rich thanks to Stefan and the rest of the group a bit too, they saved our behinds big time."

"Who is Stefan?" She asked in curiosity, being it the first time to hear this name.

"I'm guessing you and Eric didn't have the chance to get in to specifics about allies." Commander Alia pointed out the obvious.

"No, he just referred to all his allies as "them"." Osira specified, shedding light to this minor mystery.


"Osira!" Her two friends shouted at the same pace, as Mogranius was demolishing some figs behind them.

They've ran towards her, and Ada gave in the first hug. Welcoming her friend, "Welcome welcome."

Afterwards Eric gave a light hug as well, although they were a tad shy towards each other. Osira mostly come to think of it, but she managed to hide it well. Although she mostly felt shy due to the fact that her hair is a mess.

"Come eat! I'm sure your belly feels heavy from eating meat all the time." Ada offered, grabbing her wrist and leading her towards what they still find amazing. The fig tree.

Eric followed after, along with Commander Alia. She poked Eric's arm and teased. "They both are pretty aren't they?"

"Everyone is pretty in their own way." Eric fought off the question and led his own attention along with Commander Alia's towards Mogranius.

They saw him, nearing a food coma as he laid on his back. "Ohh the food here is amazing."

They all glanced at Mogranius and shook their head from left to right, as his childish behaviour has become more common. Either way in Commander Alia's eyes he is adorable, she wants to kiss him as much as she wants to slap him.

"I think the scenery here is a lot more amazing than the food." Osira took Mogranius' word and shaped it to her liking.

"Um yes... The Ignite gems was an idea our group had last year." Eric tried to prove himself useful in front of a new visitor here.

Commander Alia just glanced at him from behind the girls and with a smirk she shook her head from left to right. Until he glanced back with the, "Don't you dare." Look, the last thing he needs is to be teased about romance in front of Ada and the girl he isn't sure if she likes him or not.

"This is the most beautiful place I've ever been too." She continued to admire and through her head she thought, "I really did make a good decision of coming here."

By word she continued to add, "Eric didn't tell me that the town is this beautiful."

"He doesn't tend to explain anything unless you ask him." Complained Ada, "Like he didn't tell me that Lava doesn't burn him, I almost died of fright."

"Lava doesn't burn him?" Osira asked with a shout, becoming overly curious and in other ways wanting to analyse this situation or better described, study. "How is that even possible?"

"He is the Golden Blood, even the Ignite Gems here started shinning stronger because of him." Commander Alia explained, thinking that Eric might not have told them.

And she was right, because they both glanced at Eric with shock. "Ignite Gems started glowing because of you?" Osira asked, since she had a few under her possession.

"Pretty much." He answered with a light smile, grabbing a fig and offering it to her. "Eat."