Chapter 247 - Second section

"You need to calm down!" Bittore reminded, wanting to do some cooperation now that the tides in battle have turned! "I promise you my intends are pure!"

"Pure you say?" Asked Mogranius, but he didn't believe at all. He doesn't want to kill her and the rest either even though he has the position to do so, there were 8 women on their feet here and 7 are knocked out cold. "I don't think so!"

"I promise I'll explain everything in detail, just don't shoot!" Her devious intends were cut short, Mogranius for once attained the superior position in this hell hole!

"Lets start with what did you find down there?" Giving it another thought after rubbing the back of his own head, recalling a memory he stated. "I saw a red gem blowing up the damn Kingdom, how did you do that? Did you use Demonite?"

Trying to wave her hand as she tried to stay seated with the other, she repeated. "No no no!" Afterwards trying to explain, she continued. "I used this Dragon eye to super charge an Ignite gem!"

Shocked at such choices of words, but being glad that she is obviously direct for once, he dared to ask. "Do you really think that this is a time for jokes? Dragons don't exist!" Although he didn't express it, he added. "If an Electus didn't run into them than I doubt that we ever will." He of course can't explain his past to people who have tricked him several times in a period of a day!

"Oh they did exist! Legend has it, a huge battle happened here a tens of centuries ago! Plus..." Pulling out the eye of the Dragon from her coat, apparently she dug it deep in her fur coat for protection. "I'm holding it, does it look like Demonite?"

Mogranius was given the chance to glance at Demonite before when his father forced him to meet, and this orb looks nothing like Demonite. He even refuses to touch it, he has no information what so ever about Dragons. He thought, "I don't want to be touched by crazy." Odd of him to build up such a sentence considering that he is mildly insane but it doesn't really matter. "Put that away!" He continuously repeated with a loud whisper.

"Just don't shoot, I did it for my people. It is revenge for the 8 innocent men and women they killed just because we didn't want to sleep with the King!" Hearing out such a sentence, his heart softened up a bit and he felt sympathy. Seeing a bunch of Ignites over the Carved path made him feel even better, enemy or not at least 42 Ignites weren't killed in this violent explosion.

"I'm not a fan of the Snow Ignites either, I saw what they had to offer and I did not like it." Specified Eric surprisingly, cutting in the conversation trying to input some common sense and try to calm down Mogranius too to get rid of his murderous thoughts. "But what you did is low, by the god of sources if we were down there we would be wiped out too!"

Feeling that she finally got the upper advantage to this conversation, she pointed out. "Believe it or not, we waited to knock you out so we can drag you out of danger. The girl intentionally flew near the cave you were seeking refugee from to grab your attention." Seeing that the other ladies are knocked out, she revealed another little secret. "Between you two and me, I knew that these Demons would puke out of this place. I need your help to seal the hell hole they are coming from so I can secure a safe place for my people!"

Interesting no doubt, not knowing what to believe anymore. He first decided to temporary cease Fire, Bittore is in no position to be caught in a lie again. Furthermore, her actions were all done for the safety of the Ignite race, even if it was just for a handful of people.

"Do you know how to find the damn hell hole?" He asked with a shout, finally giving in to her aims of convincing. I mean, he didn't find any Demonite nor will he ever find them here considering that Maleemia is gone. The least he wants to do is secure safety for this handful of Ignites and head home after. The Snow Ignites already lead the continent to a military short out, or at least these 15 ladies did. The contribute is big enough!

"I think we can find it at the end of this... I'd like to say Kingdom?" Trying to joke around to lighten the mood, she stated. "This place looks more like a dungeon if you ask me!"

"Well then you, me and Eric will give an end to this "Hell hole"!" Taking command of the situation furthermore he dared to state with a bit of sarcasm. "If any of "your kind" follow us, I'll blow this place down along with me!"

Bittore understood here what an unstable man Mogranius can be, but. "I'm counting on that you fool." She thought to herself as she agreed to the deal with spoken word. "Agreeable, thank you for your contribution. Your bravery will not be forgotten!"

Adjusting the ladies, helping them wake up and telling them where Bittore will be heading, they made their way deeper towards this section. But there are 3 people who can explore and 3 ways to choose from, they can't leave Bittore searching with one of the two men only and definitely not alone. For all they know they could be shot down before they even notice it.

They saw it best to use the biggest way, the one in the middle spanning 5 meters tall and wide. Judging on how domains usually are shaped, the biggest ways lead to the most important structures. 10 meters deeper from where the 3 ways split, they met with a staircase leading 20 meters down.

Torching light near it, they saw that the Staircase is badly clawed! Obviously because of the Demons who rushed here a bit earlier, or maybe they have been clawing this place for a long time now? What gave such a thought? Well, they saw countless skeletons of creatures with claws.

Perhaps these Demons have been eating each other for survival? It doesn't sound impossible, they are almost animalistic and obviously crazed. Even predators don't run around yelling from the top of their lungs like a crazed hog!

Mogranius remembers his father specifying that these demons come here practically n.a.k.e.d through teleportation, perhaps a side effect is losing their mind? They are a race of highly intelligent people and yet they are behaving worst than animals! Perhaps the "Peaceful Demons" haven't perfected their teleportation enough!

Furthermore Mogranius doesn't expect a hell hole, but a fancy red portal instead! He can't reveal such sensitive information to Bittore of course but it is a very firm theory.

Apart from the Staircase sinking 20 meters deep, the opening they met is wide! Possibly 40 meters wide and around 80 meters long! How did they find out? Well Mogranius lit up a large Fireball, placing it above his head and using both hands to provide it with a source of Fire!

Whatever made this structure, sure had a clue of architectural superiority. Not everyone or everything can shape such big practically underground structures through carving. Even Lava Controllers just blast through rock and dirt to shape their homes, they don't use any tools to carve. Maybe it is because they can even sleep on rock? It is not certain, all we know is that this structure here is amazing.

One thing that is tempting, are the so far 8 entrances they saw on each side standing 8 meters away from each other. A marvelous sight but they have to focus on following the main road, they can even see the 5 meter wide and tall entrance waiting for them on the other side.

Each of these smaller entrances on the sides though, appear to be about 2 meters tall and wide. The sources know where they lead, but Bittore and her team will surely explore them when they get the chance.

"Were you aware that this underground town is this big?" Asked Eric once he saw that the situation has calmed down a bit, quite frankly he is happy that Bittore is alive. He didn't fail to protect her, she just schemed by faking her own death. Sounds even worse doesn't it? But at least Eric doesn't have to feel guilty anymore.

"At first I actually expected a Kingdom between an Oasis, but later on I figured out that the Snow Ignites had some sort of association with these Demons!" Interesting information indeed, it becomes even more confusing since she is being too direct.

"So they worked together with Demons?" Asked Eric directly, wanting to find out more about this situation as much as he can.

"Not exactly, the hell hole appeared out of nowhere and started attacking everyone. My theory is that the Snow Ignites blew the entrance down and fought to the death with these Demons. Obviously they didn't win." She pointed out as they stopped on a skeleton that actually looks Human.