Chapter 204 - Big Risk

A bit shocked of this entire situation, Eric froze in his spot. It is not that he feared for his own life but quite the opposite. He has never seen Mogranius receiving this much damage ever since he met him! There is an Arrow on his shoulder, his back is burned badly and he is on the ground awake but too weak to move. Perhaps, the screams of pain he tried to suppress just to not sound weak, contributed to this fatigue because it would take a lot of physical and mental effort to do so, without a doubt.

The wounds he saw on Mogranius, were only partial reasons why Eric felt frozen now. It is the fact that such a strong figure dropped down as if he dropped down dead, that got Eric terrified and even to lose a little bit of hope! If seeing Mogranius actually scared wasn't bad and discouraging enough in past events, this situation today tips the clay bottle.

"Eric!" Shouted King Michael once more after he torched over 30 men in front of him with a wave of continues Fire (Not a Fireball.) quite terrifying, King Michael appeared like a Dragon for a split second there. The amount of Fire he keeps blasting as if he isn't considering the near future gives a hint that everyone might have underestimated him just because he didn't show what he is capable off. "This would be a great time for you to do what I say!" King Michael also wanted to add that he can't hold this Army back for too long. But the situation didn't let him, the waves of Soldiers kept coming with most ignoring human internal Organs falling around them, others have weaker stomachs and a sensitive nose too!

A slightly humorous fact about these Organs spreading all around, is Soldiers slipping on them and embarrassingly falling down either over someone else, over a Corpse or simply on the muddy ground. However, it became less funny (For the Soldiers at least.) when those who slipped, got trampled by other Soldiers walking over them. An Armor can withstand a lot of such damage, but ankles, knees, fingers and even the neck are very vulnerable and can quite possibly lead to death.

Furthermore, it caused more people to trip and the aftermath of tripping continued to take other Victims like the Domino effect. Even though accidental, Mogranius bought himself time before he got shot down, simply because he unleashed the "Atomic Fire" power move. King Michael splitting tens of men in two contributed to this effect as well.

Getting snapped back to reality, Eric decided to finally get into action. At first he wanted to grab the arrow on Mogranius' shoulder, pull it out and hold the wound as he lifted him away. But the closer he approached the more he hated the burn marks Mogranius had on him, feeling a lot of grief to see his first mentor this damaged. It killed his motivation that it took a threatening army for him to regain.

Sucking up the feelings of regret that he put Mogranius in this position to begin with, he just lifted Mogranius over his back since carrying him like he would carry his "future wife" on his honeymoon, doesn't quite work for a 6 foot tall man. He doesn't fit on Eric's arms unlike Stefan. As for the arrow, if he simply ripped it out it would cause a lot more damage and even permanent loss of a meat chunk on Mogranius' shoulder since the Arrow is shaped like a hook with sharp points on both sides. It's better to leave this wound on someone who has a lot more experience dealing with them, Eric doesn't know how to!

Luckily, Mogranius was awake enough to cooperate against this disaster. He used his last bit of strength to make Eric's job easier, the situation on their hand led to Eric getting a little bit of strength because of pure fear, fear of losing his Mentor that is. Mogranius felt a bit embarrassed that he got shot down, even if it was from behind. But there is no fair or unfair in War, you either die or survive. And since he is surviving, there isn't much to be ashamed about.

Seeing Eric blast off with Mogranius, facing no casualties, King Michael turned back to try something he didn't try for a while! Because he always aimed to keep his abilities in the lowkey with all this war going on. Countless of Grand Masters were slaughtered in the 100 year war after all, back then he was just a Magician (Level 3) Fire Controller. He would die too! Even after the War it was never a good idea to assure people that he has powers. But the point is, he is ready to try a Grand Master move! A quite dangerous one even!

Let me plant some seeds for you to understand this move better. Remember how Fire Controllers can physically connect with smoke and grant invisibility to themselves by choosing how much smoke appears to the n.a.k.e.d eye, a.k.a how much "human" appears to the n.a.k.e.d eye.

Well, although he doesn't intend to do a little trick and vanish, he is ready to connect. But with no smoke in sight, what would he connect too? Simple, but you might have not expected it throughout these three Volumes. Or maybe you did, I am not to say more about that. King Michael, is going to try connecting with Fire! This is a Grand Master level(6) move that he didn't quite master yet. It is shockingly dangerous because he can end up burning himself badly or possibly even cut his own arms off or even any other body part including where any human is most vulnerable (Stomach and Chest area.) due to the intense raging fire that is soon to surround him as a process of this Power move.

To actually connect with Fire, a large amount of it needs to rage wild without him being connected to the Fire, without having control over it, odd I'm aware. If there is no one around to provide Fire for him, how would he connect to a big or small source of it. Simple (Wait not really. It is for him at least.), Fire Tornados!

First he needs to be off of the ground so he was quick to fly high as much and as fast as he could under a short period of seconds. First to assure that he is safe while on the bases of forming a Fire Tornado, he of course had to be far from a ranged attack's reach. Spears can be deadly up close but arrows can indeed reach further and probe troublesome. So he has to be at least 300 meters high, but he can't be that far off the ground since he isn't sure how long he can be one with the Fire. So he had to stay 100 meters above the ground instead, a bit of a risk but he will only be vulnerable to Arrows for a few seconds.

He spread his arms wide open as he flew in mid air, started spinning as fast as he could without losing orientation out of dizziness and fire came out of palms shortly after, enhancing the Tornado formation. The Fire beneath his feet started the process, setting the firm foundations and the one on his palms continued it, built up everything else. A Tornado ranging tens of feet high started forming around him while he was flying on the very bottom of it, the Fire didn't take too much time to explode in size by the passing second.

With a Fire Tornado perfectly formed, which has the capability of remaining in this position at least for a little while once King Michael disconnects from it, grants him safety from Arrows at least since they would simply be dragged in the Tornado and burned before they could ever reach him or be tossed away to the point of nailing Soldiers to the Ground! But there is a bigger risk now, the Tornado!

Since he is at the very bottom, any shift of position the Fire Tornado might go through be it only a foot of distance, can cut King Michael's leg off. This is the downside of disconnecting from a Fire Tornado while one is still in it! The risk of being killed or terribly amputated at least aren't slim. As for the Soldiers below, they could only witness in fear, hate or amazement depending on the individual. If only they knew that this entire hassle isn't just for show or proving a point of dominance.

With his arms crossed over one another on his chest, he started flying higher where the risks of getting sliced are slimmer. Fire from the Tornado was branching out in several directions reaching out for King Michael as he went further up, starting to connect with him.