Chapter 293 Bringer of the Apocypse

Name:Eldritch Creature's Guide Author:
Chapter 293 Bringer of the Apocypse

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."


Unknown Lower World, designation X489-C978-A44.

When Samiel appeared in this place, the first thing he noticed was that he was in some kind of wilderness because he was surrounded by very tall trees and green grasslands.

Everywhere around him was quiet; he didn't sense any animals, Magical Beasts, or any other Lifeforms in his vicinity, which was weird for some reason, but for now, he didn't dwell on that because he had more pressing matters to solve right now.

The window that was a notification from the Akashic Records was still popping out as the Holy-Class Quest - Doombringer was making itself known. He was getting headaches just thinking about how to complete such a ridiculous requirement for the Holy-Class Quest.

[Holy-Class Quest - Doombringer

Description: To unlock the full might of the Holy-Class Herald of the Apocalypse, one needs to conduct an Apocalypse on the same World that would be chosen by the Akashic Records, that would correspond with the User's capabilities and abilities.

The User needs to unleash the Apocalypse on the World that would be chosen and bring Doom to its inhabitants and the World itself to complete the Quest. Depending on the World chosen and the progress of the Quest, the User may obtain further rewards based on his performance.

Rewards: Unlocking the Holy-Class Quest Herald of the Apocalypse.]Th1s chapter is updated by n)ovel/\bin/\

Though there came the question...

How he wanted to unleash the Apocalypse on this world.

While Samiel was aware that he was very strong for the peak Silver-Tier Professional, he was also aware of the fact that it wouldn't be enough to bring an end to the Lower World.

Most Lower Worlds would have at least a bunch of Gold-Tier Professionals within them, some even bunch of peak Gold-Tier Professionals that were one step in the Legendary Level but, for some reason, were suppressing their advance any further.

As much as confident Samiel felt, he knew that even with the Architect's calculations, if he encountered someone at the peak of the Level 100 Gold-Tier and a problematic Path and skillset that could match his abilities, it would spell his own Doom.

Still, he continued walking through the dense forests of the Lower World for approximately three days until he encountered something strange.

It was Magic Ward, a very powerful Magic Ward located in the depths of the forest. He didn't know where, but he could sense it very well because the magic signature of the ward was stronger than anything that he felt since he was teleported to this world.

On top of that, he also felt something very familiar within that Miagc, something that he hadn't felt for a long time.

It was an aura of Void.

Or at least something Void related...

'Hundred kilometers to the west.'

As Samiel identified the exact source of the leaking Magic and Void-attributed energy, which was somewhere here, he started running at his top speed towards his destination.

As someone who was at the peak of the Silver-Tier Level 75, it didn't take long for Samiel to arrive at his final destination. He was soon enough standing in front of the small cave entrance that was covered by fallen trees and greens, almost not even visible due to the state it was in.

lightsnοvεl "So that is the reason why I never encountered even a single lifeform during my stay in this part of the forest."

Samiel muttered as he observed the Wards that were sealing the entrance to the cavern, but they were cracked in many places, either from some type of external damage, old age or they were just poorly inscribed.

The reason, in fact, didn't matter as much as the results in this case.

And the results were that the Aura of Void, stemming from something in that cave, was leaking outside, basically scaring everything that lived to run for its life. The Aura of Void wasn't something that the ordinary creatures could come even remotely close to.

"If I break it now, it wouldn't really matter. At worst, I would attract here some powerful Professionals, but at the same time, I am pretty curious about what is there."

Samiel pondered over the matter for some time, and naturally, he wanted to search through the cave to see what was there. If there was something that was of Void origin, then he must have it.

After evolving to a completely higher being and becoming Principality Eldritch Angel, he became extremely sensitive to the Void and any of its remains of it to an almost ridiculous degree.

And at the same, he also obtained unnatural, almost innate-like greed to possess anything related to the Void. It was like the instincts of the dragons that made them collect treasures and valuables; Samiel obtained something similar, though just for the Void objects.