He knows ou Dechuan's scheming power best, otherwise he couldn't have been the chief priest with his support at the beginning. Mu Hanyan can make ou Dechuan suffer losses repeatedly, and finally have to ask for his own head. Obviously, it's not so simple, so mu Hanyan's sudden and fruitless move doesn't surprise him.

However, mu Hanyan's strength was not in his eyes at all!

Backhand, holding the sword, wringing the wrist, the sword comes out, a sword with the same burning flame comes out through the sword.

Two flames suddenly meet, there is no moment of stalemate, just see a pillar of fire like a dragon out to sea.

Mu Hanyan's whole body was shocked, and his foothold was unstable. He retreated, and the pillar of fire also fell to her head. In a twinkling of an eye, mu Hanyan was submerged by the fire wave.

"Cold smoke!" Sikong Qinglan and others exclaimed in unison.

Of course, they understood the gesture behind mu Hanyan, and at the same time that she uttered the word "go", they fled. It's not that they are greedy for life and fear of death, but they know that their strength gap is too big. Staying here will only distract mu Hanyan. Leaving first is the biggest help for her.

But they didn't think that a sword, just a sword, mu Hanyan was defeated, and they didn't have any resistance at all.

In the cry of surprise, several people drew their swords at the same time and chopped at the pillar of fire.

Although mu Hanyan is good at fire magic, he has a strong immunity against ordinary fire magic, but after all, the strength gap between the two sides is too big, it is inevitable that he will be injured after a long time.

See a few people back to help, ou Pingxuan simply took back the sword.

He is also thinking about the array skill of Mu Hanyan. How can he kill her easily. And Sikong Qinglan and Shen Yuhe and others return, is also with him, save a lot of trouble.

As ou Pingxuan takes back his sword power, the pillar of fire that envelops mu Hanyan's body disappears.

"My Lord, how are you? Are you not hurt?" Shen Yuhe and others gathered around her and asked with concern.

Mu Hanyan gave a wry smile. She didn't get hurt, but it wasn't only because of her immunity to fire magic, but also because of the defense of cangxuan yunsha.

But just a sword, the energy stored in the dark cloud yarn has been used up, and the magic dragon shadow has no chance to appear.

Although she didn't use her strongest magic with her sword just now, obviously, the other side didn't try his best. How strong was his strength?

If Mu Hanyan guessed correctly, even if he didn't get to the spirit priest, it's not much, right?

She guessed that it was true that Ou Pingxuan was the cultivation of the ten level divine heart priest. It was only the last step away from the divine soul priest. Although for most divine heart priests, this step was like a natural moat, which could not be crossed all her life, she was still much stronger than she was at this time.

Mu Hanyan didn't blame Sikong Qinglan and others. Originally, she thought that she could delay each other for a moment to create a chance for Sikong Qinglan and others to escape. However, she didn't know that she thought it was too simple until she took the sword.

With the strength of the other side, whether they escape or not, it is the same result.

"Lord priest, my patience is limited. If I give you one last chance to hand over that array, I will give you a whole corpse. Otherwise, I will make you suffer from the burning fire and watch you turn to ashes." Ou Pingxuan said coldly.

"If you leave now, you can still save your life. Otherwise, I will let you die without a whole body and never live beyond your life." Mu Hanyan took a deep breath and said.

"When I'm dying, I dare to speak wild!" Ou Pingxuan sneered scornfully.

The difference between the two sides is that outsiders can see clearly, not to mention him in the game. If you really hurt the killer, he believes that only 50% of his strength can make mu Hanyan disappear.

In his opinion, mu Hanyan is just young and vigorous, unwilling to be soft. However, with his strength, means, there are ways to let mu Hanyan yield.

Unfortunately, he was wrong!

He only saw mu Hanyan's cultivation of the priest, but he didn't know that mu Hanyan also had a cultivation of kendo. Even if she was suppressed by the law, she could only give full play to the strength of the five ranks of the swordsman, but when she combined with the priest's divine skill, her power was doubled. More importantly, she had a huntian stone in her hand.

Mu Hanyan is sure to fight with Ou Pingxuan only by breaking the law for a while. With the power of magic, it's not difficult to kill him.

If you change into other opponents, mu Hanyan will not easily reveal her secret, but in the face of such a strong opponent, she really has no better choice.

"You missed the chance." Mu Hanyan slowly raised Hanxiao sword in his right hand, and took out the huntian stone in his left hand.

The mysterious halo appeared on her body. In a faint way, the slender and graceful figure gave people a sense of holiness and inviolability.

There is a small crack on the "Ka" huntian stone, and the power contained in it is like the tide pouring out.In fact, according to Mu Hanyan's conjecture, with the priest's cultivation of Shenxin priest at this time, plus the swordsman's five level cultivation of kendo, she may have had the chance to kill the other party, but she really dare not take risks because of the secret of her origin. Either they don't do it, or they have to kill with a single blow, or they can't even give each other the chance to escape. Otherwise, if the news is leaked, not only he will be finished, but also all the people in the Huayu temple, including the Gu family and Tang Feng family, will be followed by bad luck. If it doesn't work well, it will be the end of killing the family.

Therefore, she can't gamble, she must show her best strength.

With the rupture of huntianshi, mu Hanyan's momentum is also constantly improving.

Ou Pingxuan eyebrows slightly congealed, suddenly felt a strong uneasiness. Is there something wrong with Ou Dechuan's news? Mu Hanyan's strength is far more than what he said? But it doesn't make sense. Judging from the sword just now, no matter how strong her strength is, it's not much different from what ou Dechuan said. But if so, what's the importance of her momentum at this time?

"Eight wasteland, God falls!" Without giving him too much chance to think, at the moment when huntianshi was completely broken, Hanxiao sword cut out again.

"Whoosh" a bunch of small flames as big as the nail cap came out through the sword and flew towards ou Pingxuan.

Ou Pingxuan had already felt a strong sense of uneasiness. He was so absorbed that he didn't dare to slack off. However, he was slightly stunned when he saw this little flame which was weaker than wax fire.

Mu Hanyan's forehead also instantly put up several black lines. Sure enough, as she guessed, the more powerful the magic, the smaller the movement when she first shot. At first, it could paralyze the opponent. But later, her strength gradually became known to the outside world, so she was suspected of mystifying or pretending.

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