The current situation has exceeded his expectations, and also exceeded the expectations of the elders of the Wu family. If we cover it up again, it may not only harm mu Hanyan, but also himself.

Compared with the other conceited and arrogant children of the big family, Wu Qiyun's character is much more calm and sober, and he can better understand the situation.

"Ancient beast!" Mu Hanyan took a cool breath.

According to legend, in the ancient times tens of thousands of years ago, the holy land was not only powerful, but also had countless fierce birds and beasts, far more powerful than today's exotic animals. There is even a saying that today's beasts are the descendants of those fierce birds and beasts in ancient times. Because of their impure blood, they have not developed wisdom and strength.

The so-called exotic animals are the result of the awakening of the ancient blood in the body. The powers they possess are just the tip of the iceberg of the powerful powers of the ancient ancestors. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine how powerful the legendary ancient beasts are.

The ancient beasts are the most powerful of them. For example, the legendary dragon clan is one of them.

Mu Hanyan never thought that the purpose of Qu Fengting and Wu Qiyun's trip had something to do with the ancient beasts.

"Hundreds of years ago, the elders of Wu family and Qu family also took part in the trial of the strange beast valley. In a cliff crack on the mountain wall, they found the ancient script which had been lost for a long time. They were very surprised. They explored along the cliff crack inward and found an ancient palace ruins, which exuded extremely terrifying prestige and was obviously suppressed by seals.

The elder of Wu family was a master of swordsman level 9 at that time, but he was so upset by the pressure. He wanted to calm down for a moment, so he went to investigate carefully. Unexpectedly, the elder of Qu family, who was with him, attacked him and killed him seriously.

In desperation, the elder of the Wu family could only give up the idea of treasure hunting and escape. However, according to him, the Qu family didn't get any good either. Soon after he injured our ancestors of the Wu family and entered the palace, the seal of guarding the palace was triggered. In an instant, the mountains and the rocks were shaking and the sand was flying away. He himself was seriously injured by the seal and escaped from the crack of the cliff.

Because they were seriously injured, they were later rescued from the strange beast Valley, but the secret about the palace was never mentioned to anyone else. " Wu Qiyun said solemnly.

"Then how did he know it had something to do with the ancient beasts?" Mu Hanyan asks curiously. In the heart also secretly Tucao, no wonder she met two people who bend their family are make complaints about the melon and split dates, the bad character, the original root is not right.

"When he was young, he traveled to the capital and was lucky to see the majesty of the Royal Griffin. According to him, the prestige from the ancient palace is very similar to that of the Griffin, but it is hundreds of times more powerful. To say that, the Royal Griffin is the top exotic animal in our holy land, but its prestige is even more powerful than it. He can't think of any other possibility except the ancient beast. " Wu Qiyun replied.

Mu Hanyan thinks of the Griffin he auctioned out. He only remembers that the guy is huge and fierce. He looks scary, but he doesn't feel any pressure. But then again, it was not a real Griffin, there were half of quail blood, it was normal not to feel the pressure.

"Because the ancestor of the Wu family was seriously injured by the people of the Qu family, he escaped early, so he was not sure what the seal was in the palace. However, he speculated according to the strength of the seal. He speculated that the seal would open itself in a few hundred years. So over the years, our Wu family has been paying close attention to the trend of the Qu family.

This time, the Qu family sent Qu Fengting to participate in the trial of the strange beast valley. Others don't know, so we know that the Qu family must be for the seal in the palace. " Speaking of this, Wu Qiyun didn't hide what he knew. , the fastest update of the webnovel!