If we want to make it difficult, we must let Yan Yuchu relax his guard. It is even more scornful to challenge a swordsman with his first-class strength, but Yan Yuchu is certainly not retarded if he can reach the swordsman's level. Maybe he will be suspicious and more alert.

Intrigue, in the final analysis, is true and false, seven true and three false, it is easier to confuse the opponent.

When it comes to scheming, mu Hanyan, who has experienced hardships and dangers for two generations, is obviously much better than other people of the same age.

"I see. You have hidden your strength." After the surprise, Yan Yuchu said thoughtfully.

Mu Hanyan keenly captures the word in his words and moves in his heart.

"Aren't you the same?" Mu Hanyan pretends to be clear in the chest and says.

"In this way, it seems that Mu Hanfeng and Mu Feng are not the real favorite of Mu's generation, but you. However, in order to hide your strength, it's hard for you to bear the name of being a dandy for so many years." Yan Yuchu didn't deny it, but suddenly said, with a little sympathy.

Mu Hanyan suddenly thought of a thing, no matter in the past and this life, Yan Yuchu was not well-known, even when he was in an accident, he had never heard of his name. From this point of view, like himself, he has been hiding his strength all the time, but not so extreme as himself.

The Mu family and the Yan family are both the oldest families in the capital, and their descendants also have the same hidden strength. What's the reason for this? Is there any connection between them?

"It's not easy for you, either." Mu Hanyan is curious, but it's impossible to ask Yan Yuchu. He can only make it mysterious and meaningful.

"Well, since we have the same fate, we don't have to cover it up. Since you are the right master, it's meaningless to come to muhanfeng or Mufeng. I'll leave you the true Tianxin skill. " Yan Yuchu said.

When she heard Yan Yuchu's words, mu Hanyan was stunned. She wanted to use Yan Family's Kung Fu, but she knew that the other party was too strong to act rashly. Unexpectedly, Yan Yuchu was so direct that she started to use Tianxin Kung Fu first.

What's more, he is talking about the true mind of heaven. Doesn't that mean that what Mu's children are learning is not the true Tianxin skill?

Of course, mu Hanyan knew for a long time that Mu's Tianxin skill was not perfect. In fact, what she learned now can be regarded as the real Tianxin skill. But the question is, how did Yan Yuchu know?

"What if I don't?" Mu Hanyan had more and more doubts in his heart, but he was not in a hurry to save people and left. He held the sword tightly and said.

"No, you think you can be my enemy with your strength?" As he spoke, Yan Yuchu slowly drew out his sword.

As the sword came out of its sheath, a piece of silver light shone, like a layer of silver water waves flowing slowly in the body of the sword.

Sword spirit!

All swordsman's ten realms are concentrated in the body of the sword with strong Qi, which always brings about the improvement of the power of the sword. No matter how exquisite the sword technique is, it can't be separated from the bondage of the sword.

However, in the realm of swordsman, it is the improvement of essence. With the help of the long sword, you can get rid of the shackles of the sword. Not only the attack range is greatly improved, but also the power is increased ten times and a hundred times, and even hurt people invisible from a hundred steps away.

"Swordsman, you have already reached the realm of swordsman!" Muzi breathes out in surprise. Of course, his strength is not enough for Yan yuchushi to show all his strength. He only knows that his strength is far stronger than himself, but he never thought that his strength is so strong.

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