"In the morning, Zhao Qun put a cup of tea on jiangbeichen's desk.

Jiang Beichen put down the newspaper, took the tea cup and blew it gently. A stream of jasmine came to his face.

"Wuyi rock tea, also put some jasmine, slightly sweet in the slight bitterness!" Jiang Beichen couldn't help praising and looked up at Zhao Qun.

"General Zhao's tea cooking skills are becoming more and more authentic!" Jiang Beichen's eyes have an undisguised appreciation.

Zhao Qun said with a wry smile, "junmen's fallacy is praised. I also learned from Jinse. Her technology is first-class!"

Jiang Beichen put down his tea cup and nodded, "indeed, Jinse's tea cooking technology is famous in the West!"

"I really want to drink another pot of Biluochun she cooked!" Jiang Beichen showed a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Instead of remembering Biluochun, it is more like remembering the brothers in the West.

I've been back to the mainland for more than a year.

"How is the situation in the west?" Jiang Beichen suddenly asked.

Zhao Qun quickly bowed his head and said, "when you leave the military gate, you fly a knife into the array to frighten all sides. Hostile forces, including the dark world, dare not act rashly!"

A year ago, when Jiang Beichen left, he threw a sword from the camp and inserted it in the middle of the battlefield. The tiger roared and drank. There was a two-year truce!

So far, no one dares to cross the border, whether in the western world or in the dark world.

"However, it's the second year now. You've been away for too long. It's OK for the western world to say, but the dark world is ready to move again. Fortunately, Jinse led troops to patrol the border several times and killed some snacks at the border to frighten the heroes. It's estimated that there will be no big fluctuation in the next six months!" Zhao Qun said solemnly.

Jiang Beichen nodded at ease. "Jinse is worthy of Mu Guiying in the West. It has a commanding posture. I was thinking, if I take charge of the South tomorrow, can one person in the West support the overall situation?"

"It's not the golden sage!" Jiang Beichen said firmly. He felt relieved when he thought of the heroic figure.

Jinse was brought out by him alone, and he has a good bone for natural martial arts. He is a young woman hero and a generation of female grandmaster.

And he usually taught Jinse some extraordinary means. He was confident that even if the saint came, Jinse would be safe.

Taking back his thoughts, Jiang Beichen frowned and asked, "by the way, has there been anything in the Gao family recently?"

Zhao Qun nodded and said respectfully, "the Gao family has been a lot honest recently, but Gao Lianjin wants to try to win you over. He sent someone to send a set of keys to a foreign house!"

"Oh, where's the key to a foreign house?" Jiang Beichen asked with great interest.

Zhao Qun said: "the Bank of Jinjiang River is the future urban planning center of Jiangcheng. It is said that it is next to the municipal government. Some high-level leaders have real estate in it. It can be said that this park covers almost all the upper reaches of Jiangcheng, and even now it is difficult to find a house!"

"Oh? So, it's quite valuable?" Jiang Beichen's eyes twinkled and joked.

Zhao Qun nodded with a smile. "The unit price along the Jinjiang River is about 100000 per square meter, which is almost inferior to Tangchen's first product in Yangcheng. It is said that it is Hengda's industry. It was originally positioned as a high-end market and wants to build the top rich area in Jiangsu and Zhejiang!"

"Hehe, Gao Lianjin really paid off in order to win over general futu!" Jiang Beichen couldn't help sneering.

The intention of the other party was clear to him. It was obviously to win over general futu and suppress himself.

But if the other party knew that he was general futu, he didn't know what kind of expression it would be!

"Junmen, that house..." Zhao Qun asked for instructions on his face.

"Yes! Why not!" Jiang Beichen said with a smile: "a house worth more than 100 million, not for nothing!"

"In those years, he entrapped my brotherhood, which was just charging some interest!"

Jiang Beichen put down his tea cup and said faintly, "and Zhao Ailan asked me to prepare the full room before she would marry NianWei to me. I dozed off. Someone didn't give me a pillow!"

"You go and prepare the car. Later, let's go to the Bank of Jinjiang River to see the house!" Jiang Beichen said faintly.

"Yes, the military gate!" Zhao Qun hurriedly led out.

A quarter of an hour later, they drove to the Bank of Jinjiang River.

When the car drove near, the dense and verdant bamboos stood in two rows along the path, and the green bamboo leaves gradually surrounded at the top to form a round arched "roof". The strong sunlight and the hot air in late summer were isolated. The green and tall bamboo forest concealed the whole park, with access roads at the twists and turns, and bamboo forests everywhere.

Looking at the location, Jiang Beichen couldn't help nodding frequently, "good, good! The greening of the park is green and surprisingly high, but it doesn't appear empty. Moreover, Feng Shui obviously has the layout of experts, hiding wind and gathering Qi! It can make the occupants prosperous for generations!"

Zhao Qun smiled bitterly: "there are all famous families and rich families who can buy real estate here. Such families can thrive for more than five generations without accidents!"

Zhao Qun felt that the prosperity of the family for several generations had nothing to do with Feng Shui. It was mainly these families who had enough inside information.

After all, the efforts of generations are not just talk.

Jiang Beichen shook his head and said, "otherwise, I just talked about it! Feng Shui is not only external Feng Shui, but also people's moral cultivation is internal Feng Shui! If there is something wrong with internal Feng Shui, no matter how good external Feng Shui is, it can't stop the decline of the family!"

"It's not unreasonable for the ancients to say that wealth can't last three generations! It's the truth that happiness and misfortune depend on each other in life. The more you live in a high position, the more you should respect morality and practice, like covered with thin ice! Otherwise, the end will still be very miserable!" Jiang Beichen couldn't help sighing.

He is talking about others and reminding himself at the same time.

Now, although he has been a supreme minister and has great power, he always remembers to take all the people in the world as his own responsibility and conduct himself in the world, not for his own selfish desires.

But Zhao Qun didn't understand what he said.

"The army always says that man will conquer heaven. I don't know how to..."

Jiang Beichen sighed, "it's true that man will conquer heaven, but it's heaven that makes you win! But born as a man, you need to recognize your smallness!"

"We can't decide 90% of the things in the world!"

"Our origins, our opportunities and everything we have are not something we can decide by ourselves!"

"Therefore, when we get some achievements, we must give back to the society and the people!"

"The people are the real God!" Jiang Beichen said with emotion.

Zhao Qun's face was solemn, but he felt a slight touch in his heart.

He suddenly found that since the army killed Ma Wenxiong and avenged his father, the whole person's state of mind had changed.

It seems that the pulse happy knot has reached another level.

The jeep went on.

A European style, Athens style villa slowly came into view.

From a distance, the whole villa exudes a romantic and solemn temperament. The high lobby and imposing gate, circular arch windows and stone masonry at the corner show elegance. White plaster wall combined with light red roof tiles, fresh and unconventional.

They parked their car in the outer yard and continued to walk in.

The villa has three floors. Because it is built near the mountain, the scenery of each floor has its own advantages. Entering the gate is a path paved with pebbles. On both sides of the path are a row of stone benches, on which are arranged bonsai of flowers and trees in different forms, which is pleasing to the eye. Turning left, the path is a moon gate. Entering the moon gate is the yard on the first floor of the villa.

The continuous arches and cloisters and the living room with tall windows make people feel restless. Elegant, exquisite and comfortable, the porch and hall stretch to the north and south, the living room and bedroom are equipped with low windows and hexagonal viewing bay windows, the restaurant is connected from north to south, and the indoor and outdoor feelings and scenes blend.

Jiangbeichen casually walks into a door.

This is a study!

The floor made of black marble is as bright as mirror tiles, gorgeous crystal chandelier glass, pure black incense wood table, imported famous brand cushion chair, exquisite fine carving bookcase, and the whole room is almost indescribable.

He came out of the study and walked towards the bedroom.

Just at this time, there was a hum. There are men's heavy asthma and women's debauchery.

Huh? Someone?

Jiang Beichen frowned, hurriedly strode over, and immediately kicked the door of the bedroom open.


"Ah! Who are you! Get out!"

I saw two naked bodies wrapped in white bedding on the bed.

However, seeing Jiang Beichen coming in, the couple immediately covered their quilts and screamed.

"You are... Jiangbeichen? How is it you?" and the man showed a surprised and angry expression after seeing jiangbeichen!