Chapter 37

Name:Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka Author:
Chapter 37

The Earth was a beautiful azure planet with continents and oceans evenly distributed on it. Comfortable climatic conditions and very little artificial damage allowed countless lives to flourish on the planet.

Although the planet was suitable for the survival of life, there were also places of extreme harshness. This plateau where Ayaka was located was not such a harsh environment, but it was much worse than other places.

The temperature difference between day and night and the lack of water here wasn't very suitable for large numbers of life, yet there was always some life that could survive here.


A giant dinosaur came out from behind a pile of rocks with a mouth full of saliva and roared at Ayaka demonstratively, treating Ayaka as prey and swooping over with its whole body.

Ayaka looked at the mouth full of saliva and was disgusted by its image. Her feet gently jumped upwards to avoid the dinosaur's attack.


The dinosaur's bulky body hit the stone pillar in front of it with a loud sound. The ground shook up, and scattered stones rolled down from above. It smashed on the dinosaur's head, breaking its brain into a daze. The dinosaur shook his head and attacked again toward Ayaka.

"Are all dinosaurs such silly animals?"

Looking at the dinosaur that continued to attack her over, Ayaka was a little speechless. She remembered that when Son Gohan was brought to training by Piccolo, there was also a dinosaur chasing Son Gohan, trying to take Son Gohan as food. However, in the end, Son Gohan cut off his tail and roasted it to eat.

"Since you dare to chase me, you have to be prepared to be beaten!"

Ayaka's body flashed, disappeared from the stone pillar. The breakneck speed left a few streaks in the air, and between lightning and fire, she had come under the dinosaur


A fist smashed the jaw of the dinosaur. The dinosaur let out a low whimper and passed out with two straight eyes.

"Bighead but so low strength. It tumbles down in three or two moves."

With a foot gently landed, Ayaka stroked her hair. She looked at the fainted dinosaur and said. Ayaka had no intention of roasting it, so she left the dinosaur behind.

Long after Ayaka left, the dinosaur wobbled up from the ground, then looked in horror at the direction Ayaka left and fled in the other direction.


The ki wave struck the ground with a huge explosion through the sky. The loud explosion sound was accompanied by a dazzling light that came to the surface, and the stunning and blinding light made people close their eyes.

The ground was constantly shaking, and a large handful of rock was blown into the air. The shock wave from the explosion swept around at a breakneck speed and soon flooded the entire canyon.

The explosion produced a huge mushroom cloud that enveloped the entire sky. A powerful cyclone rolled up a sky full of dust and sand flying in the sky. A huge change in the canyon that was difficult to see with the naked eye instantly changed the canyon's structure.

The chaotic and raging storm gradually subsided, and the thick smoke slowly receded. The vision became clear again, and the sight was a completely different face of the Earth.

Rocky ravines consisting of canyons had been flattened, covered with potholes of varying sizes. A few wisps of smoke still drifted over the land as if it had experienced an apocalypse.

Ayaka slowly landed and stood on a large piece of ruined ground, "I seem to have overplayed the fire"

As she gazed at the canyon that had been razed to the ground, Ayaka froze, slightly inattentive. The fire just now seems to be a bit too much, "The Dragon Ball should not be destroyed, right?"

Taking out the Dragon Ball radar, she carefully detected up. Fortunately, the Dragon Ball signal was quickly displayed on the radar. Ayaka breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that the attack just now did not destroy the Dragon Balls, or Ayaka would have to find the Old Kami to recreate the Dragon Balls.

The whole ground had been flattened; trying to find the Dragon Ball was also quite difficult. Fortunately, the Dragon Ball had been knocked out in the explosion just now, and it was much easier to find.

Ayaka found the general location and then bombarded it with ki waves. This time Ayaka controlled the power of the ki waves, and each time only a meter-deep hole was blown. Soon, the Dragon Ball was blown out by Ayaka.

Catching the Dragon Ball blown up into the sky, Ayaka carefully counted the number of stars on it.


Ayaka was a little disappointed that the Dragon Ball found this time was also not Son Goku's Four-Star. She carefully put the Six-Star into her pouch, then flew away from the area and continued to fly in the direction of the Dragon Ball radar display.

As Ayaka continued to fly, the sky gradually darkened. She decided to land near a forest lake.


She threw out the Capsule, took her luxury villa out of the Capsule, and then entered the bathroom to turn on the hot water and took a painful hot bath to wash all the dust off her body.