Chapter 90: Dungeon Retribution

Name:Draconic Karma Dungeon Author:
Chapter 90: Dungeon Retribution

Sarzina Acacia found the gnomes' way of executing their prisoners quite interesting.

Having ordered the execution of one of her own prisoners only days prior, she was naturally used to the idea of executing the worst of criminals.

But giving them a chance to survive their death sentence and have their crimes pardoned? That was a novel idea to her.

If this had been a normal Dungeon I likely would have insisted that the criminals should be executed even if they survive this 'Dungeon Retribution'. But with a blessed and sapient Dungeon like mine?

I'll trust their judgment.


When it comes to their survival, that is. I'm definitely banishing any survivors of any Dungeon Retribution from my town.


The Lightning Mage had naturally warned the gnome leader that my creatures would only harm bad guys or in self defense. That part was to be expected.

The unexpected part was his reaction. He accepted it like it made all the sense in the world. He even congratulated her for raising me right!

Hey! I'll let you know she's only been with me for, like, one month or so!

... Which is about a fourth of my life, but I would argue I've done more to raise her right, than she's done to me! I mean just look at all her changes since she met me! She used to be speciesistic but now she has a law forbidding slavery. She...


She's getting better at petting unicorns instead of running away in fear...?


I guess I haven't changed her that much, but the slavery thing was quite a huge deal!

And how has she changed me?

... I think I'm less biased towards elves, but I already knew they couldn't all be slave owners. It was really just nice to have it confirmed.

The first criminal to attempt their 'Dungeon Retribution' in my Dungeon was Jelci Ironthistle, the female gnome of the sibling pair.

Ladies first, I guess.

"Can't risk her trying to sweet talk her way out of this," the gnome leader - with the Class of Cavalier oddly enough - explained to the Lightning Mage. "While the Exodus now knows what to expect from her, I - no offense - don't know how your own people would react to her charms."

Oh. That makes sense. She does have the Bard Class.

Naturally the Lightning Mage replied that the elves would likely react to any sort of charms quite violently due to their recent troubles with the mind controlling cult. To which the gnome nodded and hummed thoughtfully.

Despite their short chat the two of them kept a sharp eye on the Bard as they herded her forward and blocked her exit.

With a karma level of 22%, the gnome Bard would activate my traps but my creatures wouldn't attack her on sight. And without weapons and with the goal of reaching my Core, not gathering loot, she didn't really try to harm my dragonets.N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

She definitely considered it! But decided it wasn't worth the attempt.

Speaking of attempts. She also tried to sweet talk the Lightning Mage into believing she was innocent and deserved to be let free.

But I had trained my 'dungeon mistress' well, and so she had naturally replied that the Dungeon, I, would be the judge of that.

Well said!

All talk then ceased between the three with the only words spoken was from the Bard cursing over the one pitfall trap she had missed in the Berry Forest. She had been really good at spotting traps before then.

"Shouldn't she have received a weapon by now?" The gnome leader questioned while the Bard attempted to pull herself out of the pit. The pit's purpose had been more of a way to restrain an intruder while my dragonets flew in and out of it while attacking. But as the Bard didn't have bad enough karma for them to attack unprovoked and as she hadn't attacked them, the pit was really just a deep hole.

Though with it being one of my first traps it was only deep enough that she needed to do her highest jump to grab a hold of the top of the trap.

And once you remember the fact that she was a gnome and thus quite small...

And here his strongest and weakest Ability Scores would effectively be switched.

Which means no more illusions for you!

Which apparently wasn't something he knew how to deal with, seeing as he turned around and sprinted back out of the room the moment the werewolf pack attacked. An attack he had only survived due to Toughness now being his strongest Score.

But before the Apprentice Illusionist left The Werewolf Wood he had gotten numerous scratch and bite marks from the attacking werewolves.

And with his 9% karma level this ended up triggering a long forgotten aspect of my werewolves: The 10% chance to infect people with karma levels of 10% or lower with lycanthropy for every scratch or bite done to them by a werewolf.

Oh... I thought nonchalantly. I wasn't worried about him spreading lycanthropy to the whole world as it could only affect people with super low karma. And while the variety of lycanthropy he had gotten differed from the ones my werewolves had in that people with more than 10% karma could become dormant carriers, that had always been part of my plan with them.

The lycanthrope would turn into a bloodthirsty monster everytime the full moon was up - day or night didn't actually matter here - which would cause everyone around to fear and want to kill the monster. Which would help in my System-given Mission of ridding the world of as many bad guys as I could.

The dormant carries was to spread this to as many as possible to expose the truly bad people as the monsters they were and having them then be killed by their fellows.

I knew some good people would likely die while the lycanthropes were in their bloodthirsty states, but I firmly believed it was worth it to make the world free - or at least freer - of people with 10% and less karma. Especially as I imagined a large amount of those people were in positions of power.

Hmm... I should probably tell my 'dungeon mistress', or they'll kill him for failing to fulfill his sentence before he can spread the curse around.

The Apprentice Illusionist had run to the Safezone at the beginning of the 9th Floor, but took a break to rest and do what little first aid he could to his wounds before he cautiously took the staircase up and out of my Dungeon. Giving me a good amount of time to send a request.

Achievement tier up: A Friend in Need (V): You are a kind being who helps others without thought. Condition: Go out of your way to help someone without expecting any compensation for doing so 100 times. Reward: 10,000 EXP and 125% Charisma. [You do not have a Charisma Score. 125% Charisma changed to 25% discount on karma creatures.]

You have gotten an Achievement tier up while having 3 passive Achievements. Do you wish to change which Achievements are passive?

Huh? The message had arrived as soon as I had sent the request to not kill, but simply banish the lycanthrope criminal.

But I'm only setting him free because I cursed him and want him to spread that curse. I have ulterior motives!

I had to reread the condition for the Achievement again before I realized that 'having ulterior motives' wasn't being taken into consideration.

It only matters whether or not I expect compensation for my help. And I don't. I expect him to spread lycanthropy for me, which will over time lower the amount of bad people in the world as people hunt them down. Which fits my Mission, but doesn't actually benefit me. If anything, having a lower number of bad people in the world makes it harder for me tier up. After all, I need to be the one to kill them for it to count towards tiering up.

You have gotten an Achievement tier up while having 3 passive Achievements. Do you wish to change which Achievements are passive?

Uh... Right. Let's take a look. Which one's were already passive?

Creature Designer (III) (Passive): Reward: Creatures have a 5% discount on their base cost. Creatures earn you 108% EXP. Dungeon God (Passive): Reward: The Ability 'Dungeon Rules' and a 3% mana discount on all creations. Freedom of Thought (V) (Passive): Reward: 15% easier to help people, including yourself, exercise their own free will and the Ability 'Mind Manipulation Sight'. Weeding the World (Passive): Reward: 1% more EXP per being of karma level 0% you have killed or freed from mind manipulation, and the Ability '0% Karma Sense'.

Right, and Weeding the World is automatically passive as it would do the same either way.

The one I would most consider replacing is Creature Designer, but I would save more mana by keeping A Friend in Need active. Creature Designer does come with additional EXP but I still consider mana more important.

So no thanks! I'll keep the passives as they already are.


Ever since they had lost track of the criminal leader, Kastle Brassheart had stood guard by the Dungeon Portal, waiting for the bastard to show back up. While he would normally have assumed that the originally unarmed and unarmored gnome had perished by now, seeing as he hadn't shown up by the Portal yet, the dungeon guide - or dungeon mistress as they called it around here - had assured him the guy was still alive and serving his sentence.

Kastle hadn't been aware that was something a dungeon guide could tell through their connection to their Dungeon.

While Kastle had been standing guard over the Portal, mistress Acacia had been escorting gnomes in and out of the Dungeon, taking them on a tour of the 1st Floor and introducing them to everything different about her Dungeon. Kastle had suggested she simply called a meeting and informed them all at once instead of doing the tediously repeating tour.

She refused before she had even taken the time to consider. And then she had insisted that every member of the Exodus joined her on a tour.

So, clearly it wasn't as tedious to her as it seemed to him.

"Chief Brassheart," mistress Acacia greeted him after having given yet another tour of the 1st Floor.

"Mistress Acacia."

"While Mawgrim Bramblehide has failed to reach the Core on the 10th Floor, he did succeed in reaching the 9th. As such, The Dungeon of Karma has decided to spare his life but let him live out the rest of his life cursed."
