Chapter 75: Elven-given Punishment and a Found Key

Name:Draconic Karma Dungeon Author:
Chapter 75: Elven-given Punishment and a Found Key

Mlartlar hated elves.

He thought he had turned that hatred into dislike and distrust when the Order of the Broken Goddess bought him and got him away from his elven father and master.

But no. The Battle Commander still hated his father's species.

His mother had been one of his father's many beastkin slaves, and he claimed she had seduced him.

Only his moron of a wife believed that lie, but Mlartlar was sure that was who the lie was for anyway.

The bastard chose to 'acknowledge' Mlartlar as his son by giving him an elven name.

Only to then refuse to grant the child use of his last name, thus disowning Mlartlar in the same move.

Making the man more master than father.

Mlartlar's mother died when he was still a toddler, which hadn't been a surprise to anyone. Slaves didn't normally live all that long. Both due to their living conditions and their masters stopping them from tiering up and earning another decade of life.

So little Mlartlar had to fend for himself against both elves - for being 'half beast' - as well as other slaves, who saw their enemy in a form they could actually hurt.

Not that all the other slaves had been against Mlartlar. Some showed pity for him and his late mother. But those among them who decided to vent their anger and frustration on him tended to go all out when doing so.

And as Mlartlar - being half elf - stayed a child much longer than any other slave, he was vulnerable that much longer.

He only survived 'cause no slave dared to destroy a master's property.

Mlartlar had thought himself eternally thankful to the Order for them noticing his talent and buying him. Setting him free from slavery and all the hateful bullies around him.

To be honest, he was still thankful. Even now that he knew he had simply been taken from one type of slavery to another. At least the Order had treated him much better. No one had bullied him while he was in the Order, he got good food, rest as needed, healing when required, and the ability to tier up.

He was even able to make friends!

Though when Mlartlar thought about it, he realized he had no actual friends among the Order. Instead his friends were his fellow battle nerds.

Having exited the Dungeon after having been freed from mind control, Mlartlar was once again reminded of why he hated elves. The town’s apparent leader was headed straight towards him in a clear attack, despite Mlartlar never having done anything to her.

The spiteful Battle Commander naturally responded in kind.

Or rather, attempted.

The minute or so he was stuck in plants was more than enough for the elven woman to draw her short sword, cut off the muskin's hand, and use her magic to cauterize the now open wound.

She claimed it was a punishment and that she hoped he learned his lesson.

Mlartlar saw an elf punishing a beastkin for no apparent reason. The same way elven masters often did to their beastkin slaves, when the sadistic bastards wanted to entertain themselves.

His second family might have betrayed him, but he refused to let yet another beastkin be mindlessly punished.

The moment he was free of the plants constraining him he rushed towards the elf.


Here we go! I thought to myself as I watched my victim fall right into my trap.

Not a 'trap' as in it took up a slot in my allowed number of traps. No, it was actually a puzzle constructed in such a way, that one would forget its hint and be unlikely to solve it.

The Light Hunter had reached the 5th room of The Lightning Forest - The Lightning Forest was mostly split into 5 rooms due to the first two containing puzzle doors - with no further issues due to the lack of puzzles in the last three rooms and her own high Awareness letting her spot all my traps.

But at the end of that room she had encountered a locked door.

Much like the previous 'locked door' a key was hanging on a hook next to the door. Likely remembering that the last one was actually a mimic, the Light Hunter simply gave the key a suspicious glare before ignoring it.

... And unlike the last 'locked door' this one was actually locked. Which the elven woman naturally checked.

And unlike the last one this one didn't have any hints or riddles written anywhere around it. Which she had naturally wasted several minutes looking for.

Taking a step back and thinking it through once again, she finally decided to give the key a chance.

A very cautious chance.

But no, this key was not a mimic.

Unlocking the door with the key worked just fine... till she realized the door didn't lead to another room, but instead into a brick wall...


The puzzle in question began in the first room of the Floor with the door which wasn't actually locked. Above that door the hint had simply said 'The key is the key', which was naturally true. The actual meaning, however, was that the one and only actual key on the Floor should be placed into the keyhole of the door underneath the text to complete the puzzle and get closer to my Core. Aka 'The key is the key to this door'.

The key in question fit just as well into the door in the 5th room, but would only reveal a brick wall, which wasn't actually made of bricks as it was a Dungeon wall.

This was naturally to confuse any who tried.

And confuse it did!

If she still had her Party I had no doubt she would have risked breaking the brick wall down. Instead she paced back and forth for several minutes, before she decided to retrace her steps, checking every wall, plant, and rock with surprising efficiency and speed.

And that meant she eventually arrived back in the first room on the 10th Floor and was reminded of the key hint.

It barely took her any time to figure it out after that.

At least she had left the key in the keyhole, so now she has to go back and get it.

Not that that will take her any time at all...

Back with the key she entered it into the correct keyhole and unlocked, not the door, but the portal hidden within.

A portal to the 6th room of the 10th Floor: The Blessed Field.

For both our sakes, I hope you're just as afraid of unicorns as the rest of the elves I've seen!