Chapter 69: Speed Is The Enemy

Name:Draconic Karma Dungeon Author:
Chapter 69: Speed Is The Enemy

If I had the ability to command my creatures to ignore the presence of people with 0% karma level, I would have ordered my cherufe to keep out of sight. As the Party of cultists ignored anything not attacking them - which, due to said inability, meant they still killed all my creatures - having the Puzzle Guardian hide with its coin token would have been preferable. Without the coin they wouldn't be able to pass the next puzzle door without breaking it, making them waste energy and activating 'Cheaters Only Cheat Themselves' once again.

But regardless of what would have been the smartest, my magma golem went on the attack in its attempt to defend its token.

Naturally it died and its coin collected.

The puzzle door right behind the one needing the coin to open, was the 'Smart' Riddle Door. Said Door would always believe it had answered a riddle spoken to it correctly, but would only open once it actually had.

But! What no one had yet to realize was that this more expensive puzzle door would start 'slapping' people if annoyed. A stone hand would be formed from the Door and slap the most annoying person around.

But it wouldn't just be a light slap. It was powerful enough to potentially kill a person on level 1.

And not everyone had their Toughness Score raised at all as they leveled! So should it hit anyone not meant for close combat? Regardless of level they still might die.

Unless, of course, they had good enough reflexes to either avoid being hit or cast a spell to block the slap. Or good enough armor, I suppose.

And on higher levels having at least one of these was to be expected.

If! You were an experienced Dungeon miner, that is... And I highly doubted the Hypnotist entered Dungeons all that often with a Class like his.

I definitely preferred a result where everyone was free from mind control, but keeping them away from my Core even at the cost of some of their lives was the second best option.

While the Hypnotist could potentially be killed by the 'Smart' Riddle Door I highly doubt it. He's not alone, after all. Someone will save him, no doubt.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

There were three ways to annoy the Door: take too long to give it a 'riddle' it could answer - a straight up question was fine too -, insult its intelligence, or attempt - successful or not - to harm it.

They chose the third option.

With an annoyed grunt the Light Hunter shot a Skill powered arrow at the Door after one too many idiotic answers. The arrow didn't destroy the Door completely - though it was certainly close -, which gave the Door the chance to slap her in retaliation.

Only for her to dodge the attack and finish the job before another slap could be attempted.

At least it had kept them in the heat a bit longer...

And by entering the last room of the 7th Floor the temperature rose another 5 degrees, and another two puzzles waited to be either solved or destroyed before the Party could leave the heat.


Agtius had no idea just how long he had been unconscious. As he was still in the Dungeon, the main piece of the goddess had to still be trapped. Otherwise he would have been forcefully teleported out as the Dungeon fell.

With that in mind, he couldn't have been unconscious too long, though it could potentially have been a whole hour or two.

They could be really close to reaching her prison! Maybe there's something in their way they need my help with!

I need to reach them! Quickly!

The nap had done wonders for the giant's health. While the first aid he had performed on his armless shoulder had certainly been necessary as it had stopped him from bleeding out while unconscious, Toughness being the Axe Master's second highest Ability Score had aided him in a swift recovery.

That being said, Agtius was well aware he was wounded. His exhaustion was made clear to him in every movement he made and dizziness seemed to cloud his eyes every 10th step or so.

Still, he had to press on.

As the 5th Floor had been cleared out by his flock and couldn't reset while he was still present, Agtius didn't have to fight the Boss.

He was, however, quickly losing energy.

And while he decided to walk the remainder of the now creature-empty room, he clearly didn't want to waste any time considering how to solve my puzzles!

That, and he had clearly suffered no ill effect after having trusted the last message next to a puzzle, meaning the giant quickly decided to follow the words on the wall to decide the correct entrance to enter.

I don't think he even stopped long enough to even look at the illusions placed on the doorways...

Like with the previous room, in Pacifistic Eagle's Pass the only creature fast enough to keep up with the running giant - who was hyperventilating at this point - was the room's Mist eagle.

But again, it didn't really make a big difference as he simply cleaved the poor creature in two after the first - barely successful - attack. And while he still stumbled after making the attack, he didn't fall to the ground this time.

Putting his axe down on the ground before entering The Greedy Pacifists' Challenge Room had clearly made him reconsider following the written word, but the creatures closing in behind him forced him to decide quickly.

He decided to leave his weapon behind as he entered the last room of the 6th Floor.

A room he left so quickly he likely didn't notice, nothing tried to attack him.

Reunited with his secondary axe, the Axe Master hurried down the stairway and entered the 7th Floor seconds before the rest of his Party left it.

Here he stopped. Listened. And fell on his knees in relief, as he wasn't immediately attacked.


They're still alive, and not too far ahead of me! Agtius thought in relief. This Floor has essentially already been completed for me so I should be able to catch up quickly! I just need to watch out for any remaining traps!

But as Agtius tried to get up so he could keep going, his legs refused to obey him and his eyes started swirling once again.

I was running on adrenaline wasn't I?

Am I sure I can't keep going?

Another attempt at getting up simply landed him with his butt in the wet swamp.

He clearly needed another break before he could keep going.

I should drink something too to combat the blood loss...

And then...


Another nap...


No! I don't have time for that!

... But I can't keep going without a break.

Maybe I'll just...

Close my eyes for a moment...

And imagine how proud my family will be of me, when I return home after this...