Chapter 1734

"This... Brother mu, there are three strong men of the second order and the ten Heaven. Are you sure you want to fight them?"

An Shaomu hesitates and looks at Mu Qing.

More than half a month later, the size of the second world was beyond their imagination. Along the way, they encountered many good things, most of which were first-class treasures, and some of them were second-class treasures.

The two were distributed separately, most of which were taken by Mu Qing, most of which were taken by Mu Qing.

The second level treasure is naturally absorbed by Mu Qing's book of stars, which strengthens the fire of stars. The rest of the first level treasure, which is not valued by the book of stars, has no great effect on Mu Qing himself. Therefore, they all stay and take them back to King Dun and others.

Today, it is the first time that they meet other forces. In the distance, there are a group of strong blood demons.

At this time, the blood demons have slaughtered a relic of the human fish clan, and are taking care of and collecting benefits in it.

There are many remains of mermaid like this in the second world. It seems that the whole second world belongs to Mermaid.

However, the strength of the mermaid remains that MuQing and MuQing met before was low. Most of them were first-order top ten Heaven, and at most there was only one second-order top ten Heaven.

The remains of the mermaid tribe we are meeting now are relatively large, similar to those at the time when we first encountered erhu.

"It's just three second-order top ten Heaven. I can handle it. You can take everything away. The rest are blood demons of first-order top ten Heaven. They can't stop you."

Mu Qing said faintly.

He has explored the remains of the Renyu clan in the distance for a long time. There are only three blood demons of the second order and the ten Heaven. With his strength, he can completely cope with them, not a problem.

The rest of the blood demons have only the first-order top ten Heaven, which can't stop an Shaomu who is the second-order top ten Heaven.

During this period of time, an Shaomu's injury basically recovered, mainly thanks to Mu Qing's help. The high quality life power cultivated by the immortal Sutra is quite effective in dealing with the injury caused by the death Sutra.

"That's good." Seeing that Mu Qing was so confident, an Shaomu said nothing more.

However, he was a little strange. He felt that Mu Qing was too persistent about the second level treasures, and he would almost seize them when he met them.

Isn't the top three faster than anyone else?

An Shaomu doesn't understand. The second level treasure and the master ghost are really good things. They are a kind of chance, but they can also be obtained in the life court.

He did not understand why Mu Qing had to delay to fight for these.

After all, in an Shaomu's view, with Mu Qing's strength, as long as you move quickly, you can fight for the top ten!

Even if not, the top 20 are certainly OK.

"I'll do it first." Mu Qing sends a message to an Shaomu.

Mu Qing strides out and rushes into the remains of the mermaid clan.

There are corpses of mermaid people everywhere, and the blood flows into a river. Instead, there are a group of blood demons, including three second-order supreme ten Heaven and ten first-order supreme ten Heaven.

Unlike Mu Qing, the blood demons are eager to fight. On the contrary, they are not interested in these treasures. After all, their promotion depends on their blood. There are not many things that can improve their blood. Most of them are useless.

Therefore, the blood demons also picked up a few treasures and put them in the bag.


Mu Qing appeared in the sky in the blink of an eye. The sun meridian and the evil nerve spread out at the same time. The fire of the sun and the fierce fire poured down.

"Who is it?"

The three blood demon Protoss of the second order supreme ten Heaven immediately realized that something was wrong and roared furiously.

They are planning to attack Mu Qing, but the three people are covered by the golden and dark blue flames. The terrible temperature and the special attack of fierce fire, which can hurt the soul, make them tied up.

At close range, Mu Qing found that the three blood demons had been seriously injured.

"With the tenacious vitality of the blood demons, they have all been injured like this. It seems that the strength of the mermaid clan originally here is not simple."

MuQing suddenly, no wonder these blood demons stay here, originally for healing.

As a matter of fact, Mu Qing's speed is relatively slow. The strong and fast-moving people have basically entered the central area of the second sector. However, Mu Qing has been delayed for a long time because he has to fight for the second level treasure. That's why he can hardly meet a few people.

These three blood demons should have been injured for some time, but their injuries are obviously a little tricky, and they haven't recovered completely."In that case, I'm not polite."

With a smile, Mu Qing controls the fire of the sun and the fierce fire, trapping the three blood demons together.

Listening to the news outside, an Shaomu has already started. Mu Qing's original intention is to stop the three blood demons. When an Shaomu takes all the good things away, he will get away.

Just seeing that the three blood demons had been damaged, Mu Qing changed her mind and might be able to kill them. The pure blood of the blood demons could also be absorbed by the star book.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it's meat. Mu Qing doesn't mind spending more time to kill the blood demons.


The three blood demons were furious when they saw Mu Qing's figure.

It's just a second-order top ten Heaven. How dare you attack the three of them?

When they get hurt, they bully?

Three people in three directions, toward MuQing, a blood demon Protoss of the strength of the explosion, broke through the fire of the sun and fierce fire encirclement.


Mu Qing looked at the three blood demons in surprise.

He remembers that the means of the blood demons are different, depending on their natural abilities, and they are also born with an accompanying weapon.

At the same time, the blood demons have the ability to liberate for a period of time and for a period of time.

However, the three blood demons, with an ancient Rune shining on their chest, have no weapons, and have no so-called ability to liberate.

Although strange, there is no doubt about the strength of the three blood demons. There are some differences in the ancient runes on their chests, which emit terrible energy fluctuations.

The ancient rune is similar to the rune derived from the ghost of haimedong that Mu Qing saw earlier.


A blood demon Protoss is very fast. Their divine step blessing comes to the top of Mu Qing's head in the blink of an eye. The rune on his chest twinkles and his divine light is bright. A thunder sword appears in his hand and cuts down at Mu Qing.


The thunder continued, as if the beast were roaring.

Mu Qing snorted coldly. He was not afraid. With a big hand, the endless fire of the sun gathered in the palm of his hand, forming a fireknife. It was burning and chopping at this man!

His silver time gun was broken in the last battle with erhun and demon baby, but the power of the sun was enough to cope with the situation.


Golden flame and thunder interweave, a road of thick thunder and lightning crackling burst, electric light surge around.

Under the competition, the blood demon Protoss retreated a few steps, but Mu Qing was all right. On both sides, chaos light bloomed, spear and shield emerged, and rushed to the other two blood demon Protoss.

Chaos spear and chaos shield are obviously unable to cope with the other two blood demons, but Mu Qing only needs to delay them a little.

He stepped out step by step, the power of the violent thunder fell, completely ignored, and the strength of the holy body of the universe was reflected at this moment.

At the same time, Mu Qing's great vitality burned, and raised his finger to the blood demon family in front of him.


A huge finger wrapped by the life ancestor dragon rolled down, and the incomparable pressure surged away like a river and sea. The thunder sword was broken, and this finger fell directly on the ancient Rune on the other person's chest. With a scream, this person's whole body collapsed with the power of lightning, his body appeared dense cracks, and a lot of life passed away.

Not injured, but deprived of life by a force in the dark!


Mu Qing's eyes were cold, and the power of the vast starry sky burst out in her body. Another finger fell and hit each other's chest again.


This man's chest was completely pierced by a finger, and the ancient Rune burst out a lot of thunder in an instant, but everything was useless. With the power of destroying and decaying, Changsheng finger crushed the ancient Rune and exploded on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, a blood demon Protoss fell!

In fact, even if they are not injured, they are not Mu Qing's opponents.

Mu Qing practiced several master level scriptures together with the supreme Scripture of eternal life, which completely crushed the same level, not to mention that the three blood demons themselves were seriously injured, so it was easier to deal with them.

In the distance, an Shaomu always pays attention to the movement of Mu Qing.

Although all the way down to see several times Mu Qing shot, but at the moment, an Shaomu was shocked to find that Mu Qing's strength is how abnormal.The blood demon Protoss of the second order supreme ten Heaven was killed in a short time!

"Son of a bitch!"

The other two blood demons rushed to MuQing at the moment, and saw a companion fall down and his eyes were ready to crack.

And Mu Qing's action is faster. At the moment, he has three dominating scriptures at the same time. The sun Sutra, chaos Sutra and evil nerve are the three forces that urge him to the extreme!

In fact, even Mu Qing can't make the power of the three dominating scriptures merge together, but his cosmic holy body is strong and tenacious enough to forcibly use the power of the three dominating scriptures. Even if the three powers don't merge, his power is much more than usual.

Golden and blue fire around the whole body, while the chaos of light bloom, three forces burst out together!

His body burst out dazzling God awn, a blow across the air, boundless force burst out, a blood demon Protoss roared repeatedly coughing blood, and flew out.

Immediately after that, Mu Qing's eyes burst out into a bright glow and looked directly at another blood demon Protoss.


Mu Qing roared and raised his hand. With a long chant, the immortal finger rolled down from the top of the blood demon.

"No way!"

The blood demon clan roared. The ancient runes on his chest were flashing with astonishing speed. The ice blue forces rushed out to protect himself.

His eyes stare big, a pair of can't believe appearance, can't accept his companion unexpectedly by Mu Qing a punch to blow fly!

Unfortunately, this blood demon Protoss is not strong enough to fight against changshengzhi.


Changsheng finger rolled down from the top of the head, the ice blue light inch by inch cracked, forced the blood demon Protoss into the depths of the sea, the heads were broken, the whole body split, burst out a lot of blood.

The key is that every time we face the longevity finger, we will virtually devour the vitality of the blood demon family and weaken their state