Chapter 1712

"It seems that the emperor of heaven has indeed entered the river of time, and used some means to get rid of the curse of time!"

After a moment of silence, Mingxuan finally spoke.

"What is this? The noumenon of the emperor of heaven? Or separate? " Mu Qing frowned.

Is it hard to bear the curse of time?

"I remember that the emperor of heaven was killed by the devil once, right?" Mingxuan stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and covered the demonized emperor's body with wisps of silver and white light, observing carefully.

Mu Qing nodded and said: "it's true. We all thought that the emperor of heaven had fallen, but we didn't expect that the emperor of heaven would come back to life again, and had unimaginable strength!"

Ming Xuan walked back and forth beside the body of the emperor, and then said, "there is still a trace of the power of the devil in the body. It seems that this body is the emperor who was killed at the beginning."

"It's just that the emperor of heaven used some way to survive until he died because of something fighting with the ghost of the storm."

"But it's not really dead. The emperor of heaven is still alive. He used some means to live on all the time!"

Mingxuan's face became more and more serious.

There is no doubt that the emperor of heaven must have such means as separation, which can save his life, and even avoid the curse of time!

However, just looking at such an empty shell body, nothing can be seen.

Life is worried.

If we don't make clear the specific means of the emperor and don't look for a way to solve it, I'm afraid that even if we have the strength to kill the emperor, we may be escaped by the emperor.

After all, the emperor of heaven has died once, and then resurrected!

"It's not easy to get the information from the emperor of heaven!"

Take a deep breath.

The emperor of heaven is too mysterious, and it is difficult for them to find out the means of the emperor of heaven.


About the emperor of heaven, it's still hard to figure out.

That body can't study anything.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the emperor of heaven has entered the long river of time.

When Mu Qing returned to the starry world, he went directly into the scarlet Lord's palace and closed the door.

The progress of cultivation is quite slow. At this point, it is almost impossible for Mu Qing to reach the level of opening up the Eighth World starry sky by cultivation.

Mu Qing is mainly skilled in Yongsheng Jing and evil nerves.

Soon, years passed.

Half way through the seventh year of closed door cultivation, Mu Qing came from the scarlet Lord hall.

"It's almost time." Mu Qing calculated the time. Now he has to go to the life court.

After all, he still has two and a half years of cultivation qualification in the Lingwang palace.

Mu Qing first went to find out about Dun Wang and others, and sure enough, during the period of his seclusion, there was no accident.

Sun master, scarlet master and others are very comfortable, the emperor of heaven also because of the existence of life, there will be no other action.

The snake of the starry sky emerged and swallowed Mu Qing.

The next second, Mu Qing appeared in the nonexistent field and found the silver winged empty bird.

"Are you ready?"

The silver winged bird looks at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing nodded, just wanted to respond, in front of the silver winged empty bird suddenly vibrated wings, a surge of space force shrouded in him.

Then, a person and a bird were involved in the space storm, and fled to the distance at an amazing speed.

Mu Qing was a little surprised. He thought that the silver winged empty bird would take him through the immortal mountain's cosmic passage, but he didn't expect that the other side would exert some magical power and directly rush out of the chaotic universe and come to the multiverse.

Not only that, after the silver winged empty bird took Mu Qing to the multiverse, the speed was even more terrifying. Even Mu Qing's ability to motivate the world's snakes was far faster than it should have been.

Mu Qing can't respond. He only feels the rapid changes of things around him.

This state lasted for a few days, silver winged empty bird with Mu Qing, came to the location of the life court!

Even though he had seen it through consciousness, when Mu Qing really came here, he was still deeply shocked by the scene!

The ancestor dragon of life is much bigger than the universe. Even though it has fallen, the majestic momentum of its body makes all people who see this scene feel small."My mission is over. Next, you can send it to the spirit palace directly through the identity crystal."

Said the white winged bird, and it soon disappeared as a silver thread.

Mu Qing also immediately took out his identity crystal, and his mind moved. A force enveloped him and was sent away.

In the crystal of Mu Qing's identity, he has been qualified for two and a half years of cultivation in Lingwang palace, so Mu Qing can transmit directly.

If you don't have the cultivation qualification, you can't transfer it.

Mu Qing came back and found that he was sent to the dragon head universe!

Life court is divided into three universes: dragon head, dragon body and dragon tail.

The universe of dragon head is quite desolate, because only the top of the life court can enter it. As the most core cultivation place of the life court, the Lingwang palace is naturally located here.

Mu Qing was sent to the life star, in front of him is a golden palace, is the spirit palace!

Before entering, Mu Qing could feel a strong and incomparable energy.

At this time, a life tree demon came forward to Mu Qing.

"Only the Supreme jiuchongtian came here, must be a new man?"

"Give me the identity crystal."

This life tree demon light way, tone and other life tree demon completely different, without that kind of respect, on the contrary is some don't care.

Mu Qing did not care, but directly handed his identity crystal to the other side.

He has known for a long time from old man long that although the life tree demon family serves the members of the life court, there are still strong people in this group.

For example, in front of this life tree demon, Mu Qing can feel the breath of terror from each other, and is definitely a strong man who surpasses the supreme ten Heaven.

This is a master!

And the life tree demon took over Mu Qing's identity crystal. After checking it, he was surprised.

"Two and a half years of training qualification? The first assessment has reached the Ninth level? "

The tree demon of life was slightly surprised, obviously Mu Qing's message shocked him.

Obviously, his attitude became much better. He gave the identity crystal back to Mu Qing and said: "little guy, go in and use the Lingwang palace as much as possible to improve his strength. This time, the three powerful comparison is not simple."

"When you enter Lingwang palace with identity crystal, you start to calculate the time. When two and a half years come, Lingwang palace will send you out."

"By the way, Lingwang palace is divided into three levels: the lower, the middle and the lower. You new people are all in the lower level. Follow the guidance of identity crystal and Practice on the mountain of the lower level."

By the way, the life tree demon also reminds us a few words