Chapter 1371

"The third generation?"

The words of laotiandi made mu Qingru shocked by lightning.

Mu Qing's pupils contracted and didn't react for a moment.

God called him the third!

This makes Mu Qing shocked, while taking a breath of air conditioning, his mind is full of imagination.

He swallowed saliva, in order to verify his conjecture, quickly asked: "so, elder, are you the second? Is chaos the first

Mu Qing never thought that he would see the virtual shadow of the old emperor here. This should be the power left by the other side, preserved on the immortal road.

But this contact completely shocked Mu Qing.

He is called the third generation!

The old emperor laughed. He sat in the void and said, "don't shout, master. I am the reincarnation of chaos God, and you are my reincarnation. Treat each other equally."

"The owner of the perfect Avenue, if there is no outside interference, can choose to reincarnate at the time of death. Of course, reincarnation does not retain any memory," he explained

"The so-called reincarnation is just to inherit the potential of the perfect Avenue."

Lao Tiandi explained to Mu Qing a little, but reincarnation is just a name, not a real reincarnation.

For example, laotiandi, who later cultivated to the highest ten Heaven realm, did not have any memory of chaos God. Even the power of chaos was driven by the power of chaos Avenue.

Now Mu Qing is the same, he is the reincarnation of the old emperor, but he does not have any traces of the power of the old emperor, appearance is also very different.

"It's not like reincarnation in my imagination."

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

Laotiandi said with a smile: "of course, it's not the same. What I said about reincarnation is only a part of the transmission of power."

"It's not so easy to really live a whole life again and have the memory of a previous life!"

"However, as a reincarnator, I can use the power of the previous life, for example, to draw out the power of chaos God with the help of chaos Avenue, and you can also draw out my power with the help of immortal Avenue and chaos Avenue."

Mu Qing was stunned, and then immediately thought of the memory picture that he and Hun Wang saw in bumie mountain.

Laotiandi came out of the body of chaos God.

Isn't that really the body of chaos?

Is it God's way of chaos?

Mu Qing was puzzled and asked, "I once saw a body of the God of chaos in Mount bumie. I caught a memory picture from it. I saw that you were injured in Mount bumie, and then you disappeared."

"It's really me, but that body is condensed by me with the help of chaos Avenue, not the real chaos God."

"As for that time, I was really fighting against chaos."

The emperor replied with a smile.

"The universe?"

Mu Qing was dumb. He thought he was fighting against the emperor of heaven, but he didn't expect that his opponent was chaotic universe!

"Not bad." The old emperor looked serious and said in a deep voice: "the supreme nine heavens are very threatening to the chaotic universe. Fierce fighting will cause certain damage to the universe."

"And the supreme ten heaven above the supreme nine heaven is even more threatening to the chaotic universe, even to the point where the instinct of the chaotic universe wants to take the initiative to destroy it!"

"The God of chaos was severely damaged by the instinctive consciousness of the chaotic universe and reincarnated when he was dying."

"As the second, I found the road of chaos, learned everything from the ghost left by chaos God, and then opened up the road of domination in order to break through the realm of domination."

After a pause, the emperor looked at Mu Qing and said with a smile, "the road of domination connects the multiverse. There is no chance to break through the realm of domination, but if you want to break through domination, you have to go to the multiverse through the road of domination!"

"Why?" Mu Qing could not help but be curious.

"Why do you think? The supreme Ninth Heaven alone has threatened the instinct of the chaotic universe, and the supreme tenth heaven is regarded as its enemy. "

"If the supreme ten Heaven wants to break through to the realm of domination, how terrible is its power?"

"According to my guess, after reaching the realm of domination, you can even turn over to be the master and control the life and death of the whole universe!"

God said in a deep voice.Dominating the realm is enough to have the power to destroy the universe!

Mu Qing was surprised, but after thinking about it, it is true.

The supreme ten Heaven is already so terrible. I'm afraid that the dominating realm above it can really destroy the universe.

And the universe, naturally, is also afraid of this power, trying to kill the supreme ten heavens.

If the supreme ten Heaven dares to make a breakthrough in the chaotic universe, whether it is successful or not, the instinctive consciousness of the universe will surely use all its strength to completely kill the danger!

"I see!"

Mu Qing suddenly realized that dominating the road is such a use!

Other supremacies, Mazu, they all misunderstood!

It is true that the way of dominating is created by God, but it does not hide the chance to break through the dominating realm, but provides a place to break through the dominating realm!

As long as we are sure to break through the domination, we will enter the road of domination. In the multiverse, the instinct of the chaotic universe will not be aware and will not be targeted.

"It's a pity that when I open up the road of domination, to a certain extent, I blow a hole in the chaotic universe. Naturally, the traumatized chaotic universe uses all its strength against me."

The old emperor shook his head and sighed: "I tried my best, but I was still on the verge of death. Finally, relying on the power of chaos Road, I rushed into the road of domination and reincarnated."

He looked at Mu Qing and said, "if you go into the multiverse and look for it carefully, you should be able to find the road to chaos."

Mu Qing was shocked.

The three perfect ways of the universe, all the whereabouts have been clear!

The avenue of stars is on him, the avenue of immortality is in front of him, and the last avenue of chaos is in the multiverse!

"Fortunately, I left the road of immortality in the temple of chaos before I entered the multiverse, so that you can see my legacy."

The emperor of heaven smiles lightly.

The reason why the temple of chaos is here is that the God of heaven borrowed the instinct consciousness to deal with the chaotic universe.

Chaos Avenue itself is also in the temple of chaos. These perfect avenues can always be preserved.

Later, laotiandi used the power of chaos avenue to survive, and finally reincarnated in the multiverse. As for chaos Avenue, it was completely left in the multiverse.

"Since I am reincarnated, can I control the road of immortality and make me the owner of two roads?"

Mu Qing's heart suddenly moved.

Is it hard to realize the dream of the emperor of heaven that he has been pursuing for many years?

However, God poured cold water on him.

"It's impossible. It's not so easy to achieve double roads. At most, you just borrow the power of the immortal road and regard it as a weapon."

The old emperor shook his head and dismissed Mu Qing's idea.

The next moment, he became serious again.

"But it's not impossible for you to have two roads!"