Chapter 1082

"Just kill it!"

After seeing Mu Qing's successful withdrawal of blood, Xinrui waved his hand and hummed coldly.

In front of these guys, I really don't know the so-called, just the next emperor, even dare to provoke them!

"No! You can't kill us! We are all emperors A group of old guys yelled, and they glared at the beads.

Everyone's heart is full of despair.

They were defeated by Mu Qing as a result of the union of so many great emperors, which caused a huge blow to them.

"It must be to kill, dare to provoke our red Pirate Group, no one can go back alive!" Mulu's face is ferocious.

On one side, thirteen emperor pirates cheered, all of them eager for blood.

"Stop it

A big hand breaks through the air and forcibly breaks the blockade of the ancient tree of death in an attempt to stop Xinrui and others.

Xinrui's eyes narrowed.

The great emperor!

I didn't expect that there would be a superior emperor willing to stand out for these old guys!


A bright and dazzling starlight came through the sky, and the halberd across the sky. Just one blow, it tore the big hand.

Behind Mu Qing, a vast starry sky emerged. He gathered the power of 80 demons to hold the halberd!

It's just a halberd in the starry sky, but it makes Mu Qing feel as if he had urged Tianjin bottle. It's very difficult!

"Destruction, rebirth..."

Mu Qing whispered that after he met the preconditions of the boundless starry sky, he could initially activate this magic power.

Use the power of qi movement!

Almost at the moment when he cast out the boundless starry sky, the ancient tree of death entered the starry sky behind him. After taking root, the power of qi movement completely dissipated.

Mu Qing found that the power of qi movement is not consumed, and the stars made of his ten blood vessels also have the power of qi movement.

As long as the more Qi, the more powerful the boundless sky is, and finally can achieve the degree of integration of all!


A figure came across the void. He was a middle-aged man with white hair and a long black knife on his waist. Now he was frowning and looking at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing burst out at the moment, the breath of nature at a glance, white hair middle-aged can feel, the other side's realm is only the eighth level.

It's only eight rank lower, but it's comparable to the upper emperor?

There was a flash of surprise in the middle age with white hair.

He is the fifth level superior emperor, not the inferior emperor can match!

"Who killed the son of heaven?" Mu Qing asked in a low voice.

He holds a halberd in the sky and points to the middle-aged with white hair.

Although the other side is powerful, Mu Qing's strength is not ordinary.

The boundless starry sky is the first magic power to use the power of qi movement in the universe!

It only depends on the luck of the ancient tree of death, which is not powerful in the higher race, but the power of the explosion of the boundless starry sky is amazing.

Mu Qing even has self-confidence to fight against the white haired middle-aged man of the five upper emperors!

In fact, Mu Qing's tiger mouth is numb. The power on the halberd is terrible.

At the beginning, Shura God had not gathered ten top blood, and the boundless starry sky was less than one tenth.

Destruction and rebirth, this is the power of the boundless starry sky.

"Hum, Yintian! This is the business of our red Pirate Group. Do you really want to step in? " Seeing this middle-aged man with white hair, Mu Lu had a trace of fear in his eyes.

In terms of strength, he is not Yintian's opponent.

Black sword, silver sky!

The other side is the fifth level superior emperor, and has a great reputation in heaven. Some people even speculate that he has something to do with heaven.

However, fear comes from fear. The background of Mu Lu is the red Pirate Group, and he is not afraid of the silver sky.

"The secret place of killing is about to open. People in the city don't want to see any accident." Silver sky light way.

There was no fluctuation in his eyes. He didn't even look at the old guys.

"You'd better go back now, or I'll have to do it." Silver day quite calm, palm on the waist of the black knife, suddenly a sharp breath swept around.Mulu grinned, and the thirteen pirates behind him were not afraid.

"You have to find out, this is the territory of our red Pirate Group. When did someone dare to threaten us?" Mu Lu's voice was low, and a stream of murder came out of his body.

"Kill him, boss!"

"The black knife emperor is nothing in front of our commander!"

"How dare you force us on the territory of the red Pirate Group? Can you die?"

Thirteen pirates yelled.

In their eyes, the superior emperor was like a God Emperor.

"Everybody, let him give it to me." Mu Qing's eyes twinkled with bright stars.

He strode out, the evil spirit in his body escaped, and the space under his feet was broken.


The shadow of a demon appeared and roared earth shaking.

"Are you sure? That's the fifth emperor. " Mu Lu looked at Mu Qing in surprise.

He can feel Mu Qing's strength is very strong, but if he wants to compare with Yintian who is in the top five, the gap is a little big.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." Mu Qing said in a deep voice.

His eyes are more and more bright. At the same time, eighty demons rush into the boundless starry sky behind him!

Xinrui has a little worry, but he knows that since Mu Qing is so active, he must have enough assurance.

"You are not my opponent." Silver day brow suddenly wrinkled up.

This time, his main target was Jiang Yuanfeng, mulu and Xinrui, but he didn't expect that a lower emperor would fight him!

"Whether it's an opponent or not, it's a fight." Mu Qing stepped on the void and strode towards the silver sky.

His breath became more and more terrible, and finally it even surprised Yintian.

"The secret?" Yin Tian's heart sank.

He believes that the crazy surge of Mu Qing's strength is a secret.

The power in Yin Tian's body is also accumulating. Since it's a secret method, it certainly can't last long. What's more, Mu Qing's real cultivation is only the eighth level lower emperor. It will cost more to improve so much.

"It's not a secret. I call it... Demonization!"

A trace of ferocity flashed across Mu Qing's face.

Sharp pain instantly swept the whole body!

Behind the boundless starry sky, just like a big net, together with 80 demons will cover Mu Qing.

After casting out the boundless starry sky, Mu Qing knew that the biggest characteristic of this magic power was fusion!

Mu Qing had been thinking about demonization, but he couldn't do it with his own strength.

Now, however, the boundless starry sky has the characteristics of fusion, such as a big net covering Mu Qing and 80 demons.

Since Mu Qing himself can not do integration, then with the help of the boundless starry sky to fusion, starry sky into a big net, forcibly inside all fusion into one!

A hundred meter tall figure appeared in front of the crowd, blurred to the extreme. At a glance, it was full of bright stars. The next emperor looked a few more eyes, and even was about to get lost!

Star shadow chest, seems to be the core, it is a black hole vortex, there is a singularity.

Destruction and rebirth are intertwined.

Star God