"Are you long Qing? I've heard a lot about it

The unknown emperor looked at Mu Qing with great interest.

Although he didn't do it at the first time, Mu Qing could feel that the other side had gathered strength, and the breath of the great emperor completely blocked his surroundings.

There was a cold sweat on Mu Qing's cheek. He had no way back. He was determined to kill him. As long as he had any special action, he would be killed on the spot!

"Are you a Buddhist? What's your purpose? Is it me? "

Mu Qing said in a deep voice.

Although he feels like a mountain of pressure now, he is still calm.

At the same time, he was very confused about one thing. This is the main world of Buddhism. Who would attack master xuanming?

Or is he the target of these guys?

"You don't need to know what our goal is, you just need to know that you will be killed next!"

The emperor sneered. He could not see clearly when he was covered with golden Buddha light.

When he finished speaking, he rushed directly to Mu Qing. Turning over his hand was a palm. He suppressed all around. The space was shattered and the power of terror swept over.

Mu Qing's face changed greatly. For the first time, he burned a green flame, and the Wuji magic power was pushed to the extreme by him, reaching the fourth level.

In an instant, the blood was boiling and the body burst out with boundless power.


Thousands of square kilometers of ground have been crushed, in situ there is a big pit.

The cracks on the ground extend out, which is the power of the great emperor. It's too terrible.

You know, the world of Buddhism is created by the Buddha himself, which is very solid, but it is easily destroyed by the other party.

"Didn't it show up?" The emperor whispered and looked around as if he was expecting something.

Unfortunately, there was nothing around, only master xuanming and another powerful emperor were fighting not far away, and the aftermath of the battle was extremely dangerous.


All of a sudden, the great emperor exclaimed. He looked down and saw a figure, panting heavily, kneeling on one knee on the ground. His clothes had been wiped out by the terrible force, revealing his strong muscles.

This person is Mu Qing!

"The power of the realm of the great emperor is really extraordinary, and this guy's realm of cultivation is probably not the general lower great emperor, it should be seven or eight levels, close to the existence of the upper great emperor!" Mu Qing just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but he coughed up blood.

Just now, he was seriously injured. The black robe condensed by the force of black hole on his body broke. If he didn't show his limitless power at the critical moment, he would have died just now!

"Who is it? Why do people in Buddhism want to kill me Mu Qing's mind is constantly guessing, he wants to know who will be desperate to kill him.

It seems that he has never offended anyone in Buddhism, let alone a strong one in the realm of the great emperor.

The great emperor is of unknown origin!

"Is it heaven?" Mu Qing's eyes suddenly become dignified. Princess Yuehe knows his identity. Is the other party cheating him from the beginning?

In fact, it was Princess Yuehe who revealed his identity before looking for him?

But if you think about it carefully, it's not right. In that case, there's no need to fight master xuanming.

"It's true that as soon as you joined Buddhism, you defeated the ninth ranking person. Even the first and second rank emperors couldn't do it. You are very strong, but now you are doomed to die!"

The great emperor appeared in front of Mu Qing in a twinkling. The figure covered by the golden light was too dazzling, which made Mu Qing squint involuntarily.

The other side raised his hand, and a Vajra pestle made of Buddhist power appeared in his hand.

"Are you not afraid of death? Don't you also have a strong and unchanging existence in Buddhism to protect you? Give him up and let him save you

He spoke very slowly, the King Kong pestle in his hand brewing the most terrible power, slowly approaching Mu Qing.

There is no doubt that once it is touched by the diamond pestle, there is absolutely no life but death!.

Mu Qing could smell the smell of destruction from the Vajra pestle, and his spirits were trembling.

After hearing this guy's words, Mu Qing finally realized something.The other side is testing!

This guy is so slow on purpose. The target is not Mu Qing himself, but the strong Buddhist behind Mu Qing!

Earlier, when Mu Qing was fighting against Jian San, he went into a state of complete madness. He thought he would be completely exposed, but he didn't want to have a terrible strong man in Buddhism to help him hide his madness at that time, and even Buddha's mantra helped him recover his reason.

Mu Qing had been speculating about who this Buddhist strongman was? Why help yourself?

But he has never had a clue, and since then, the strong Buddhist has never appeared.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed. He understood that the other party wanted to know who the strong Buddhist behind him was.

Unfortunately, even Mu Qing himself did not know the identity of the man.

"What? Send out a call for help! I've given you hope to survive, but don't cherish it! " The great emperor yelled at Mu Qing, and the diamond pestle in his hand was slowly approaching.

However, his attention is always around him, because once the strong man makes a move in the dark, he is likely to attack him directly. He can't afford to attack at that level.

"I don't know..." Mu Qing began. He whispered at first, then suddenly laughed, "so, will that one come to save me?"

For Mu Qing, this is also an unknown. He doesn't know the strong Buddhist behind him, let alone ask for help.

At the same time, Mu Qing also wants to know if he will come to save himself. He can't say that he can know the identity of the other party.

As for his own safety, Mu Qing is not too worried, because he has a card, enough to protect his life!

He was once given a mark of natural calamity by natural punishment, which Mu Qing has never used. Although it is disposable, it contains some theories of natural punishment.

Who is the punishment? It was once a supreme, but now even if there were some accidents in the body, it also has the strength of a great emperor.

The mark of Tianjie is still on Mu Qing, and it can burst out the power of the great emperor.

At best, the great emperor is the eighth level of the next great emperor. He can't resist the power of the mark of natural disaster!

"Enough, I can't wait any longer. Go to hell!"

For a long time, no one appeared. The great emperor also wasted all his patience. The King Kong pestle in his hand hit Mu Qing's head hard.

Mu Qing smiles and faces calmly.

And just when Mu Qing is going to stir up the mark of natural disaster!

A touch of sword light pierced out of the void, startled Hong and cut off the Vajra pestle