
Tu Lao came to Mu Qing's side, one of his arms was injured, and his flesh and blood had been eaten by the black spider.

But now his body is special, and he also has a strong recovery ability. Now he is recovering quickly.

He took the purple jade shield, then threw it away, because it was damaged and useless.

"What's going on now? Those two guys, they suddenly started to help us Old Tu looked curiously over there.

The white skeleton came back from the void with a rainbow like momentum, crystal clear and soft light.

Originally, Tu Lao and Mu Qing were both in a bad situation, but the next moment the scene suddenly changed. Instead, they became spectators, looking at the stone and skeleton to deal with the black spider.

"I don't know, but our crisis doesn't seem to be over..."

Mu Qing watched the skeleton return. There were a few drops of green blood on the other side, but it was soon evaporated by an inexplicable force.

He realized that the black spider was probably killed.

And next, not to mention the skeleton, the stone is expected to continue to target him, because the white jade bottle is still in his field of ten thousand demons.

Sure enough, as Mu Qing thought, after the black spider was killed, the Stone continued to make a strange sound and rushed towards him.

Mu Qing knew that the target of the stone was the white jade vase in the field of ten thousand demons.

However, Mu Qing will not compromise, black spider was killed, just the stone, he will not be afraid.

His only fear, is that a white skeleton, the strength of the other side is absolutely more than god later, easily between the black spider to kill.

Mu Qing is serious. The magic sword in his hand appears a series of incantations. The dusk color is rendered, and the sword is suddenly cut off.

At dusk, the gods and all living beings fall. With the blessing of dusk curse, this sword becomes extremely terrifying, leading people to the end of life and withering completely.


This time, the stone was blown away and a big pit was made inside the mausoleum.

Mu Qing's face is dignified. He uses dusk knife. As a result, the stone doesn't even have a crack. It's too hard!


The stone made a strange sound, the golden light soared, surrounded by colorful runes, and wanted to rush again.

But at this time, a skeleton hand caught it.

The white skeleton actually took the hand, and aimed at the stone, after catching it, there was a mysterious force gushing out, and the golden light and colorful light were dim.

Both Mu Qing and Tu Lao were shocked.

The stone was so tenacious that it seemed to be sealed in the hands of the skeleton and could not move.

"Let go of me!"

In addition to drinking, stone even said other words, widened his eyes and yelled.

It's body surface colorful runes emerge, exhausted all the strength, to rush to MuQing.


It seems that the skeleton is also talking, and its mouth is constantly moving, but it can only make the sound of bone collision.

Mu Qing and Tu Lao were stunned. Unlike stone, the white skeleton had no hostility to them, and even wanted to communicate with them. However, the white skeleton could only make a sound of GABA, which they could not understand.

The white skeleton scratched the bare skull with one hand, and then knocked on the stone in his hand.

"No! I'm not going to translate for you. Let me go

The stone swore and spoke fluently. The golden light suddenly appeared on his body. There was a big day, and he wanted to break the shackles of the skeleton.

It can understand the words of the skeleton.

The hollow eyes of the white skeleton are deep. It stares at the stone and makes it hairy. The next moment it makes a sudden effort.


Clear and crisp voice spreads out, can see very clearly, that stone top appeared a crack, strange is to have blood overflow!

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm wrong

The stone recognized the counsellor for the first time, and the golden light and colorful runes on his body dimmed.

The white skeleton let go of his hand, and the stone turned his mouth, reluctantly.

"It says it's going to take you to a place." Stone opening, it seems extremely unwilling.

Later, he stared at Mu Qing, gritted his teeth with hatred, and said: "boy, you'd better give me the Tianjin bottle, or there will be a disaster! The emperor can't protect youMu Qing was surprised. The white jade bottle was originally called Tianjin bottle? And the stone doesn't speak like a fake. Is it difficult to ban bottles on this day? Is it not a treasure? Is it evil?

Tu Lao was not polite at all. "Who are you cheating on? The white jade vase is a treasure. You can't take it away! "

"You son of a bitch!"

The stone was angry and golden, and the next moment it felt a chill, and the empty eyes of the skeleton were looking at it.

When the golden light faded, he was afraid and scared.

"Listen up, boy! This day, the forbidden bottle is very important. It is sealed with a supreme evil god. If you take it, there will be great terror! " Cried the stone.

It is hard to explain carefully, warning Mu Qing that the colorful runes on the outside of Tianjin bottle are seals, and there is an evil god in it. In fact, the previously released poisonous gas is just a breath of the evil god inside.

Mu Qing was moved when he heard the words. Just a breath escaped, and then he could turn into the poison gas that was enough to poison the gods?

Isn't the evil god a great emperor?

"Why do you know so much? You are the same as the big spider before. Aren't you born after absorbing the mysterious energy? " Tu Lao doubted that he and Mu Qing saw that these three beings were influenced by the cyan light wave before they became creatures.

The stone sniffed and said, "how can you compare me with that garbage spider? It was only possessed by a wisp of poisonous gas, and then it got the mysterious energy, and finally it had the strength of the God in the later period, and this skeleton and I had already possessed intelligence! "

"No way!"

Mu Qing and Tu Lao did not believe that the stone and the skeleton were born because of the mysterious energy in the cyan light wave.


At this time, the skeleton nodded and agreed with the stone. They really had intelligence!

"Cut! Believe it or not, I'm just a stone, but I'm the inheritor of the mysterious strong one

The stone has a disdainful expression on his face. Then he starts to shake his round body. The colorful runes on his body are flashing, and the light is more and more dazzling. Even his body begins to become transparent and white. The texture of his body is close to the forbidden bottle of that day, and vague words appear.

The mysterious strongman in his mouth is obviously the existence that seals a supreme evil god into the heaven forbidding bottle.

"That's it!"

Mu Qing's face suddenly changed, and the butcher next to him was also extremely shocked, because they found that with the power of the stone, there was immortal spirit