All the energy of the girl in yellow is on the string. From the beginning to the end, she did not look at Han Chen.

Before coming, ZuLong was still worried about Han Chen's confusion, but from the current situation, he knew that he thought too much. The girl in yellow is obviously helping Han Chen. If she had any other ideas, I'm afraid she would have done it. After all, Han Chen has no power to parry at this moment.

Under the melodious music of the piano, Han Chen's eyes gradually returned to their normal colors. However, he was overworked because he slaughtered millions of creatures in the desert. Han Chen was directly paralyzed and unconscious.

Until then, the girl in yellow stopped, stood up and walked towards Han Chen, and gently lifted him up.

A long yellow dress, wide dress embroidered with pink patterns, arms on the long Yanluo purple light gauze.

Qianqian slender waist, with a purple inlaid jade brocade belt on.

Black hair tied up with a lavender ribbon, a few strands of hair mischievous down the shoulders, will be broken by the fingers of the skin lining more white.

The face is not painted with powder and Dai, but fresh and moving.

The girl in yellow is extremely careful. First, she checks Han Chen's body and confirms that there is no serious problem. Then she quickly injects a pure spiritual power into his body to help him recover quickly.

Later, the girl in yellow played the Guqin tirelessly again. In her opinion, the sound of the zither was of great help to Han Chen, and even prevented him from being possessed again.

I don't know how long after that, when Han Chen wakes up again, the melodious music still rings in the ear, giving people the feeling that the girl in yellow never stops.

"You saved me?" Sitting up and seeing the girl in yellow with no distractions, Han Chen was grateful and moved.

"You saved yourself."

Looking up at Han Chen, the girl in yellow stopped and said, "how are you doing?"

"I have recovered. I don't know what you call it? " Some embarrassed looking at the girl in yellow, Han Chen asked carefully. Not fear, but respect.

"Call me matchless, if you will."


Han Chen's eyes were awe inspiring. After a moment's hesitation, his eyes brightened and he said, "are you the legendary Qin emperor in the lake?"

Han Chen, the name of matchless, once heard that Sanxian walking day mentioned it. At that time, he didn't think so. He only knew that Wushuang was incomparable in Qin.

However, he did not expect that the legendary Qin emperor was right in front of him, and she was also a super strong person at the level of scattered immortals.

"You know me?" Matchless is also suspicious looking at Han Chen, slightly surprised.

"Well, you must have heard of walking days!" Heavy key nods, Han Chen Lang voice asks a way.

"Walking days? He entered the demon world ten thousand years ago, but his whereabouts have not been known since then. I'm afraid it's very dangerous Yes? Is he not dead on foot

Wushuang was a little depressed when she mentioned walking day, but soon she realized that walking day should not be dead, otherwise Han Chen should not mention him.

"Of course he is not dead. He has returned to the gate of heaven and earth on the Xuanwu continent."

"He was not killed by the master in the demon world? That's great. I knew he wouldn't die. " Overjoyed, incomparably excited.

But from this point of view, she and Walkman should be friends, so they are so concerned about his life and death.

After a pause, Qin emperor matchless seemed to realize something. He looked at Han Chen curiously and asked, "how do you and Walkman know each other?"

"We've been together to help each other." Simply prevaricate a sentence, Han Chen did not say very detailed, after all, he does not understand matchless, necessary vigilance or should have.

"What's your name?"

"Han Chen."

"This boundless desert is a forbidden area for life. Ordinary people would not come here because it means death. Why do you come here?" With her head askew, she wants to know what is the purpose of Han Chen's coming here.

"To tell you the truth, I was attracted by your music."

"What? Attracted by my music? " Some accidents, matchless surprised at Han Chen, his face showed a puzzled and perplexed look, very surprised.

"You may not believe it, but it is true. What's more, you've seen my state before. If I hadn't heard your music, I would have been completely possessed. "

Shrugging his shoulders, Han Chen seriously explained that he was very honest and did not lie on this issue.

Even if Han Chen didn't say matchless, he also found this problem. After some hesitation, matchless curiously asked, "if it's not human, why is there such a powerful evil Qi in the body? You don't want to be possessed

"It was only by chance that I was possessed by the evil spirit that this happened. All along, I have been looking for ways to suppress the evil spirit in my heart, but I'm sorry, so far, I haven't found any good way, until I hear your music, I feel I'm saved! "Looking at the Qin emperor with burning eyes, Han Chen's meaning is very obvious. Her music is very helpful to suppress the evil spirit in her heart. Maybe she can completely suppress the evil Qi, which is what Han Chen has been looking for.

"Are you in the demon world?"

Straight forward, unparalleled solemnly asked. When asked this sentence, her eyes were fixed on Han Chen, without blinking, as if to see through her mind.

Han Chen knew that matchless absolutely saw something, so he asked. Therefore, he spread out his hand and said, "as you said, I did enter the demon world."

"How did you get out?" "I came out of the drop dragon well together with the elder pedestrian." Without concealment, Han Chen is calm and calm, as if he is talking about a very common thing.

"I didn't expect that you can still come out alive when you enter the demon world. This is enough to prove that you are not simple."

For the incomparable praise, Han Chen seems very calm, now he is most concerned about whether she has a way to suppress the heart demon, only in this way, can prevent himself from being possessed again.

"Matchless, I still want to know if you can help me?" Taking a deep breath, Han Chen said frankly that this is an urgent problem to be solved.

"My music can help you, but I can't always be with you, but don't lose heart. I have other ways." Han Chen and so on is this sentence, so heard Qin emperor unparalleled said, Han Chen was overjoyed, that looked at her eyes full of expectation.

"I have Bingxin Jue. If you read it well, you should be able to suppress the heart demon at the critical moment." Exhale like blue, no double soft voice, gentle as water.

"Bingxin Jue?" Some of Han's names are curious.

"Yes. I said, you write it down. If the heart is clear, the sky will not fall. All changes are still calm, the spirit is happy and the Qi is still. Forget yourself and keep one, six big set. Don't be selfish and do nothing. Up and down look at each other, look dependent. Deliberate, subdue and think. There is nothing inside and outside. Dust does not touch, custom does not stain. There is nothing in the void. Nothing comes into being, but it is difficult to form. Share and thing forget, the same hunnie. There is no limit to heaven and earth

Originally, Han Chen felt that the name of Bingxin Jue was very familiar. At the moment, when he heard matchless reading, Han Chen immediately remembered.

Suddenly, Han Chen interrupted the matchless words and said to himself: "flying flowers and fallen leaves, open minded. All kinds of worries make me worry. That is to show eyebrows, Lingtai quiet. Mind without worry, mind without attachment. To release the mind and spirit, Mo Ran has no soul. The soul and the soul return to one, and the spirit and soul disappear. Water heart is not startled, cloud care all late. The mind is not burdensome, ancient and modern from carefree

She looks at Han Chen with astonishment, because she never dreamed that Han Chen could easily read out the second half of Bingxin Jue, which is word for word.

"Han Chen, why do you know Bingxin Jue? Have you heard of it before? " Facial expression moved, matchless not calm, that is looking at Han Chen's eyes full of curiosity.

She wanted to figure out what was going on? Why does Han Chen know Bingxin formula? "You should not be the creator of this ice heart formula?" Without a detailed explanation, Han Chen asked.

Can't tell him that he knew the so-called ice heart formula when he was on earth? However, Han Chen is absolutely sure that there are earth people who have passed through, and have also seen the wind and cloud, because the ice heart formula is from the wind and cloud.

"You're right. I didn't create this ice heart formula. My master gave it to me at that time, but my master didn't tell the second person. Where did you know that?" With his head tilted, he broke the casserole and asked after all, vowing to make this problem clear.

"Your master is not the creator of Bing Xin Jue. In fact, I have heard Bingxin Jue by chance, but I didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but I didn't want to suppress my heart demon. " With a sigh, Han Chen was filled with emotion. He didn't expect that, in the end, it was the earth's things that helped him suppress the demons.

"Since you know Bingxin formula, you don't have to let me tell you how to use it. Whenever you can't suppress the heart demon, you recite the ice heart formula in your heart. I think it will help you

"Thank you anyway. By the way, do you know who wrote this ice heart formula? Who created the ice heart formula Although he didn't say it, Han Chen is sure that the one who created Bing Xin Jue and created Qi should be the same person.

Shaking his head, matchless said blankly: "my master didn't tell me exactly who it came from. As you said, this ice heart formula was not created by my master, so we don't know."

"Ten thousand years of reincarnation, now the so-called nine star chongri is coming, don't you plan to go out?" No more ice heart Jue on this issue of entanglement, Han Chen's words turn, want to know the unparalleled attitude.

After all, she is the emperor of Qin, and she is also an immortal. Her cultivation is incomparable. If she can join Tiandi gate, the strength of Tiandi gate will surely rise sharply.

"Yes, time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, ten thousand years have passed. But I've been used to living alone these years. Maybe I'll go out later, but not now. In fact, I'm curious, why can you feel my music in the dark? " Curiously looking at Han Chen, matchless puzzled."Maybe there's some connection between you and me, but anyway, I hope you can come out. I have been to the demon world, the strength of the demon world is far stronger than imagined. In contrast, in today's basaltic continent, civil strife continues. It seems that no one is aware of the threat of the demon world. I am worried that this will continue... " The meaning of Han Chen is self-evident.

"Someone will come forward." Don't think so, Qin Emperor's peerless eyes have been staring at Han Chen.

I can see that she appreciates Han Chen very much. , the fastest update of the webnovel!