Chapter 19

Name:Divine Talisman Grandmaster Author:

C19 – Cloud Dragon Mountain

Early the next morning, Lu Lixing arrived at the school gates by 5:30 am, only to find Wen Shanmei had already beaten him there.

Wen Shanmei was clad in a sleek black combat suit that hugged her figure, showcasing her curves to perfection. The day was still young, and aside from Lu Lixing, there was no one else to admire the stunning view.

But Lu Lixing’s attention wasn’t on Wen Shanmei’s alluring form. Instead, he was captivated by the deep purple Flying Shuttle parked beside her.

The shuttle was a masterpiece from the Skywalking Group, the Federation’s premier shuttle manufacturer. Known as the No.9 Skywalking, it stood out from other shuttles with its motorcycle-inspired design and luxurious appearance. Not to mention its speed – a breathtaking 700 kilometers per second – pushing the boundaries of what small shuttles could achieve.

This Super Flying Shuttle was a collector’s dream, a limited edition model that every man aspired to own. Lu Lixing had dreamt of piloting this very shuttle, soaring between heaven and earth, never imagining he’d get the chance to be this close to it in reality.

Unconcerned with Lu Lixing’s awe, Wen Shanmei hopped onto the shuttle and instructed the still-standing Lu Lixing, “Take a seat behind me.”

With a surge of excitement, Lu Lixing leapt aboard and settled into the plush back seat. Before he could even get comfortable, Wen Shanmei ignited the engines, and the shuttle streaked through the sky like lightning.

As the shuttle roared to life, a delicate light purple protective membrane enveloped them, shielding Lu Lixing and Wen Shanmei from the brunt of the wind resistance. Without it, Lu Lixing would have been swept away as soon as the shuttle took off.

Lu Lixing couldn’t help but swear under his breath. No sooner had Wen Shanmei left than trouble found him—his luck was downright terrible!

The gray wolf had no intention of coexisting peacefully with Lu Lixing. As soon as it set its sights on him, it sprang into action, charging at Lu Lixing with a swift leap, its sharp fangs dripping with saliva, a clear sign of its ravenous hunger.

Reacting quickly, Lu Lixing twisted his body to the side, narrowly dodging the attack while simultaneously slashing at the wolf with his knife. But it was a mere flesh wound; the gray wolf was hardly fazed.

The counterattack only served to enrage the wolf further. After landing, it let out a fierce roar and lunged at Lu Lixing with increased ferocity, catching him off guard. He was knocked to the ground, and the wolf wasted no time in snapping its jaws towards his neck.

In a desperate stroke of ingenuity, Lu Lixing thrust his alloy dagger into the wolf’s mouth and delivered a powerful kick to its abdomen. The wolf howled in agony and collapsed under the force of Lu Lixing’s blow.

It was then that Lu Lixing noticed the wolf’s slightly swollen belly—it appeared to be pregnant. His kick had inadvertently struck the unborn pup. The wolf cried out in distress from the severe impact.

With the specter of death looming over him, Lu Lixing’s eyes blazed with determination. He scrambled to his feet and plunged the dagger deep into the wolf’s underbelly. Blood spurted out, staining the wolf’s fur and Lu Lixing’s cheeks a crimson hue.

The scalding blood splattered across his face, sending a shiver through his body. As his vision cleared, he saw the wolf’s dwindling struggle and realized he had triumphed—he had survived the encounter!

Exhausted, Lu Lixing sat on the ground, gasping for air. He couldn’t help but think that had the wolf been male, he might not have been so fortunate to be alive.

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