Chapter 17

Name:Divine Talisman Grandmaster Author:

C17 – Fighting

Wen Shanmei hadn’t tapped into her Genuine Qi, yet her strength far surpassed Lu Lixing’s. She advanced with a step, her right hand balled into a fist, and hurled it straight at him. Her punch wasn’t particularly swift, but the power behind it was formidable. If Lu Lixing wasn’t careful in his defense, he was bound to take a beating.

Lu Lixing took the threat of Wen Shanmei’s seemingly insignificant fist seriously. Instinctively, he sidestepped, pivoting to avoid the blow. But Wen Shanmei was one step ahead; she lifted her leg and swept it behind his heel, sending him tumbling to the ground.

“Do you think your enemies will only come at you with their fists? What good does dodging a punch do if you’re open to other attacks? If I had wanted to kill you, that kick would have been the end of you. Get up and try again!”

In training mode, Wen Shanmei was all business, scolding Lu Lixing without a hint of mercy. Yet, he took no offense, instead taking her words to heart as he picked himself up.

“Now, it’s your turn to go on the offensive.”

At Wen Shanmei’s prompt, Lu Lixing wasted no time in initiating his attack.

“Your punch is too slow. Didn’t you eat enough?”

“Such an unstable stance. Who gave you the confidence to kick?”Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

“That punch is so feeble, it wouldn’t compare to a woman’s. Do you even qualify as a man?”

“Does it hurt? Go on, shout it out. I promise I won’t mock you.”

“Forget it,” Wen Shanmei said coolly, “With your current condition, you can only handle one nutrient soak per day. Any more than that would be too much for you.” She gave Lu Lixing a nonchalant glance. “Get dressed and go train on your own.”

Though a twinge of disappointment at the loss of the incredible sensation lingered, Lu Lixing was content. He quickly donned his freshly laundered training gear and approached his backpack, rummaging through its contents. The so-called space bag was modest, offering only double the capacity of a regular backpack. It wasn’t much, but it was enough; the one million in cultivation resources took up only about half the space, without coming close to filling it.

Lu Lixing laid out his cultivation resources and meticulously inventoried them. Among the items were 100 packets of advanced spirit powder and 100 tubes of advanced nutrition paste, but what caught his eye was a bottle of light purple liquid glowing softly. Known as Violet Spirit Liquid, it was highly beneficial for Brain Domain development and was valued at a staggering six to seven hundred thousand for just a small bottle!

Surveying the resources spread before him, Lu Lixing sighed. A million in resources might sound substantial, but it was just enough to get him to the peak of the Body Tempering Stage, and that was with penny-pinching. The cost of future cultivation resources was bound to be a significant expense.

Putting other considerations aside, the nutrition liquids he had used for soaking alone were worth well over a million. He would never have asked for them if Wen Shanmei hadn’t offered first. Though she hadn’t mentioned it, Lu Lixing was deeply grateful and committed her generosity to memory.

He now had a glimpse of understanding as to why Sha Xiufen had agreed to become Zhang Tu’s girlfriend. He could understand her choice, even if he didn’t agree with it.

Shaking off these thoughts, Lu Lixing focused on the task at hand—cultivating his Brain Domain. He carefully extracted three drops of the Violet Spirit Liquid and applied them to his forehead. As he smoothed the liquid across his skin, a refreshing coolness washed over his brain, emptying his mind and plunging him into a state of serene confusion.​

The sensation was fleeting; after a mere three minutes, the effects of the Violet Spirit Liquid dissipated. Reluctantly, Lu Lixing emerged from the trance-like state. With eyes closed, he tuned into his body, noticing a marked improvement in his sensory perception and a deeper connection to his physical self.

“Violet Spirit Liquid truly lives up to its reputation,” he mused, eyeing the bottle. With roughly a hundred drops remaining, he could sustain that transcendent state for about a hundred minutes of cultivation, potentially enhancing his Brain Domain by 5%.

A sigh escaped him as he considered the inevitable depletion of the liquid. Once it was gone, he’d be unable to afford more. The path of cultivation was indeed fraught with hardships for the impoverished.

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