
Chu Ming looked at the dense forest and immediately felt goosebumps all over his body. From a distance, it was still rather beautiful, but at a closer distance, other than feeling terrifying, there was no other feeling. Occasionally, there were sharp howls coming from the forest, perhaps from far away, but it didn't sound that loud.

He was so hungry that Chu Ming felt weak. If he encountered a mutated beast, it would be hard to say if he had the strength to carry it.

Chu Ming brought up the four techniques and walked in. The surroundings were dark due to the lack of light, and from time to time, low howls would cause one's hair to stand on end. The trees that passed by gave off an ancient feeling.

The old tree coiled, from time to time the old crow spread its wings and flew into the air, one after another bright and clear, the broken sun still faintly visible.

Suddenly, like a gust of wind, something silver flew over in an instant. Chu Ming's eyes widened and he instinctively reacted, he suddenly raised his hand and with a wave, he threw out that silver light. However, the strength was too great, causing Chu Ming's right hand to feel like it was about to split.

After a hoarse roar from deep within the forest, a "boom" sound rang out, as if something huge fell down, and dust and dirt filled the air.

Chu Ming looked over and realized that the silver object was actually a small knife. The handle of the knife was Cheng Hong, the body of the knife was crimson black, and it was about three inches long. There were words on it, Cheng Bai.

Gongsun? Flying knife?

Chu Ming pondered for a moment. Could it be that the person who threw out such a powerful throwing knife was the Gongsun You that the little monk, Shikong, had mentioned?

As Chu Ming was thinking, another light flashed by. The shiny silver blade of the crimson-black blade was still the throwing knife!

Chu Ming was drenched in cold sweat as he hurriedly moved away. He didn't know what Gongsun You was doing inside, but such a dangerous thing was far too dangerous. If he encountered someone who was slightly weaker than him, wouldn't he die here?

The more Chu Ming thought about it, the angrier he got. With large steps, he ran towards where the flying daggers were.

After running a few steps, there was another low growl from inside. With a rumble, it was as if another colossal monster had collapsed.

Was he hunting?

After passing by the last big tree that blocked his view, Chu Ming finally saw Gongsun You. He saw that the person was dressed in green, with a body of six feet long, and a large cloth bag hanging from his waist, and on top of the bag were five small scabbard decorations, one of which had two rows, which meant that the two sides of the cloth bag could hold at most twenty throwing knives. However, there were only six left and five left of the cloth bag, while he was holding one in each hand, and the other was biting on his mouth.

In front of Gongsun You, there were already two huge strange beasts lying on the ground, covered in blood. Chu Ming looked carefully at the two strange beasts, there was a knife sticking out of their necks and heads.

At this time, Gongsun You was still fighting against another monkey-like strange beast. It seemed like he was fighting against three different people earlier. Seeing these strange beasts, Chu Ming also felt that they were very difficult to deal with, but he was fighting against three different people.

At this moment, Gongsun You was clearly a bit tired. A lot of sweat was seeping out from his forehead, and it had already wet his hair. However, Chu Ming could feel that his breathing hadn't been interrupted.

As expected, Gongsun You moved like a escaping rabbit, dodging the attacks of the strange beasts like flowing water. Every time he dodged, he would adjust his body a little, as if he was trying to find the perfect posture and strength to fully display his throwing knife. However, that strange beast was also especially cautious. After every attack, it would narrow down its vital areas and use its powerful arms and tail to make defenses, making Gongsun You lose the chance time and time again.

That monkey was quite powerful. It seemed like he had a good brain, unlike some other stupid beasts. Chu Ming crossed his hands and watched the battle between humans and beasts.

Perhaps it was because Gongsun You was tired of it, but Chu Ming felt that he had clearly increased the speed and frequency of his attacks, so he continued to attack. Suddenly, the monkey started to panic, and just as Chu Ming thought that the monkey was about to lose its momentum, Gongsun You raised his right hand and stopped in the air, his eyes lit up, and he angrily shouted, "Go!" As the voice rang out, the scarlet black and silver light was like a bolt of lightning in the sky, and in an instant, blood splashed out.

Chu Ming wasn't surprised, because when the flying knife approached him, he had already determined that it wouldn't harm him. Thus, he didn't even blink as he looked at Gongsun You who was already on the ground.

Gongsun You raised his eyes and looked at Chu Ming. The man in front of him gave him a deep sense of danger. He was very strong! Gongsun You advised himself in such a way because he could clearly feel that Chu Ming did not panic when his flying knife was aimed at him. Instead, he accurately calculated the position of the knife, and even the strong force of the sword did not disturb the man's breathing in the slightest.

The two of them faced each other for a while and Chu Ming's stomach involuntarily started to growl. This made Chu Ming blush immediately. In his heart, he scolded himself, when did you ever call me that? The atmosphere had vanished.

However, Gongsun You didn't seem to care too much about it. He walked up to the beast and pulled out all the flying daggers. Then, he took out a white handkerchief and slowly wiped the blood off the daggers.

Chu Ming took a few deep breaths and felt that he had to find some food. Otherwise, he would really starve himself to death and end up as a beast's dinner. Thus, just as Chu Ming was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly thought of the two scarlet black throwing knives in his hand. Thus, just as Chu Ming was about to turn around and walk away, he suddenly thought of the red black throwing knives in his hand.

Gongsun You frowned. He picked up the two scarlet black throwing knives on the ground and looked at Chu Ming. Chu Ming was too lazy to say anything else. He used his four techniques and headed in another direction.

As for Gongsun You, he watched Chu Ming's back and his frown deepened.


After searching for several hours, Chu Ming finally caught a normal pheasant, which made him very happy. On the road, Chu Ming saw many people killing strange beasts in the forest, but none of them were able to fight three alone like Gongsun You, which gave Chu Ming a powerful shock. Most people chose to fight one on one, and some disciples who lacked the strength to teach their disciples a lesson spent a long time to barely defeat a strange beast. Naturally, these people cut off the beast's body after defeating it and roasted it on the fire. Chu Ming's appetite for these strange beasts was very low, even if he was hungry to the point of fainting, he wouldn't be able to muster up any energy. In the end, the heavens gave him the rewards of hard work, allowing him to find a wild chicken in a dark corner.

In that day, other than seeing a few people's cultivation, Chu Ming only saw the harvest of a wild chicken. It made him feel that life here was indeed a lot more difficult, and he even had to put his life on the line just to eat a normal meal.

The bright moon also slowly climbed up the mountain. In the darkness, the forest looked even darker and more terrifying. Chu Ming could only sigh and eat the roasted chicken as he thought about matters of the future.

The only thing he could do now was to become an official disciple, and before his four years of life had come to an end, he would eliminate Heavenly Road Sword Chengfeng and Ghost Valley King Ouyang Yu. This was the oath he had made in front of Lu Zeng six years ago. Actually, on the day that the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect suffered a bloodbath, if Xue Nei hadn't died, if Xue Bailing hadn't perished together with Liu Ming, then Xue Bailing might have really given up this oath and gone into seclusion with Xue Bailing, living the life that he had always dreamed of. However, the heavens always loved to joke with him, and everything that Xue Bailing had done in the end had vanished along with his final smile.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming sighed instead of sighing.

With a "puchi", Chu Ming came back to his senses. He heard that there seemed to be someone walking over from the distance and immediately frowned.

Why would there be someone at this time and place?

That person slowly approached them. Closer and closer, just who could it be?

"Ah?" "Young Master Chu?" A beautiful voice floated over, Chu Ming looked towards the dark corner.