Brother bald and Master Wu Ti looked at each other. Their eyes were full of tears. They hugged each other tightly. The psychic snake rolled up and gently spit out the snake's letter, as if cheering the hard won family affection.

"Uncle, since you are here, please stay here. My mother died five years ago. Speaking of it, I only have you."

"I'm satisfied to recognize your nephew, but I've long been used to the wandering life. This is not suitable for me."

Brother bald and Master Wu Ti spoke to each other, and the feelings between uncle and nephew gradually warmed up.

"Unexpectedly, this black old man is really our boss's uncle. It's unpredictable!"

"Of course I've been looking for it for 30 years. How touching it is. If my uncle is half as good as this man, I'll be satisfied."

"What are you talking about over there? Don't you hurry to come and see my uncle!"

The bald man shouted. The three people in the town beat a spirit, hurried over, stood in a row, bowed 45 degrees at the same time, and shouted neatly, "Hello, uncle!"

"That's about the same." brother baldheaded was very satisfied with the effect and said, "uncle, you sit here. I'll immediately order you to go down and have someone prepare a table of good wine and dishes for you to receive the wind and wash the dust for you."

Master Wu Ti waved his hand and said, "well, my good nephew, I'm here for something important. Don't eat or drink. Prepare an SUV for me and fill it with oil. Of course, your uncle won't treat you badly for this money."

"There are ten million in this bank card. Take it as a gift from your uncle."

Master Wu Ti took out a bank card and put it in front of brother bald.

The bald brother was completely stunned. He couldn't help thinking of what a fortune teller said to him: "in recent days, there will be great joy, successful career and a lot of money."

Now it seems that it has come true. He accepted the car shop only last night. Early this morning, his uncle, who had been separated for more than 30 years, came to the door and gave him 10 million as pocket money. This is the first time he has met in more than 30 years.

"Boss, the black boss is coming."

Just when the bald brother was stunned, a young man said in his ear.

"Black boss? Come on, please invite him over! If he hadn't sold me the car shop, I wouldn't have known my uncle!" the bald brother said excitedly.

It can be said that he had such an opportunity today because of the black boss.

Black boss? Why does this name sound so familiar? Master Wuti looked for fame.

He was stupid all of a sudden. The black boss was well dressed, his shoes were polished, his eyes were divine, and his glasses with gold wire frame looked like a refined and successful person.

It's his stupid nephew sunspot! Black gold! The name of dirt!

"Well, what's this?" the crow was speechless.

"Uncle, I tell you, if the black boss hadn't sold me the car shop overnight, I wouldn't have met you, so he is the benefactor of our uncle and nephew. I'll introduce you later." the bald brother muttered.

Master Wu Ti was silent for a while and shouted in his heart. This is my nephew. Can I not understand him? Need you to introduce me? You two hundred and fifty mentally retarded guy!

"Bald brother, I won't bother you if you have guests today. I just come here to get something. You can send someone to follow me. You don't need to entertain me in person." Heijin bowed down and said politely.

Brother bald got up, grabbed Heijin and whispered, "if you hadn't mortgaged the car shop to me last night, I wouldn't have waited for my uncle. You are a hero."

If Heijin thought about it, he looked at the back of Master Wu Ti and said, "well, sit down and know a new friend."

As soon as Heijin sat down over there, he said to master Wu Ti, "this uncle's figure looks familiar. Have we met somewhere?"

crap? Don't you look familiar? I'm your uncle! Master Wu Ti couldn't help rolling his eyes. He didn't expect that today's events would be so coincidental. It's OK on weekdays, but he's still watching on Sunday. If anything goes wrong, his life will be gone.

Seeing that Master Wu Ti didn't pay attention to himself, Heijin was a little embarrassed. Brother bald saw this scene and said, "boss black, I remember you also have a big uncle? It's the temple wish of Jinxian temple here. That's one of the best people in Jincheng!"

It was comfortable to hear this. I didn't expect that I had become a well-known celebrity in Jincheng. The black crow made people happy.

Heijin's face changed slightly and sighed: "don't mention my uncle. He just looks dignified. You see, he is in his 70s and 80s. The old are almost in the coffin. You say he will be in the coffin when he enters the coffin. When he leaves, he will drag me down!"

Zhou Tian became interested and said with a smile, "it seems that your uncle is very bad?"

Master Wu Ti wants to slap black gold in the face. He is really his own nephew!

"Well, my great uncle, it sounds better like the temple wish of Jinxian temple, but it sounds worse than the divine stick. Do you know why I sold the car shop all night? I was dragged down by him!" Heijin looked very angry.

Brother baldheaded was also interested. He smiled at Master Wu Ti and said, "listen, my uncle is a bastard. I'm not like you. I'm proud of having such a uncle as you!"

Heijin disdained and said, "I'm ashamed of my uncle! Yesterday, I don't know who he offended. The whole Jinxian temple was demolished. The most hateful thing is that he cheated everyone! What Jinxian adult is a cheeky snake! In order not to be dragged down by him, I sold the car shop to you all night. Wait for me to pack up my things and leave Jincheng."

"It's really miserable. How does your uncle treat you?" Zhou Tian shook his head and sighed.

On the surface, the black crow smiled, but in fact, his heart was so angry that his lungs burst! Is this still my own nephew who grew up looking at me? At the beginning, the car shop had to help himself, so that he could successfully become the owner of the car shop. And over the years, if he hadn't had his own relationship, could he get along well? Now he is just a tiger falling into the flat sun. He is in a hurry to fall into the well. He is really a nephew!

Heijin vomited bitterly: "you don't know. My great uncle is a pervert. He looks like a Taoist, but in fact, he is very agitated. When he sees a young and beautiful girl, he wants to go to people, and doesn't think his body can stand it?"

"Brother, it's normal to relax. The old man always likes younger girls, which is nothing." the bald brother comforted.

"It's more than that. He seems to be ok with me. In fact, he just calls me as a dog. He has no human rights at all." Heijin continued to disclose the news.

Zhou Tian looked at Master Wu Ti with a smile and said, "what's the matter? I think you're sweating. You don't want to learn from others to flirt with little girls?"

Master Wu ti's face suddenly changed and his whole back suddenly cooled.

"Well, I don't have that mental strength. Look at my body. If I can't keep it together, my soul will return to Jiuquan one day." Wu Ti said.

The bald brother said, "uncle, if you really have that idea, just talk to me as a nephew. I'm sure you're satisfied."

The words frightened the crow like pins and needles, and his soul was scared away half.

Where is uncle Keng, a close nephew? It's clear that two nephews are Uncle Keng together!

When the four talked, the town drove the latest off-road vehicle in the car shop.

"I'll try the performance of the car." he got up on Sunday. He didn't bother to chat with them here.

"Yes, yes, try it, try it." Master Wu Ti was eager to leave here. If his nephew said something big, his head would be lost.

"You test drive, uncle, let's talk." the bald brother said.

"Well, I'll test drive with the you," laughed Master Wu ti.

Get in the car on Sunday, start the car, and say through the window, "don't worry, just chat with your nephews."

As soon as the words fell, he left in his SUV on Sunday, leaving only the black crow with a gloomy face.

"You two come with me," said Wu ti.

Brother baldheaded was stunned. "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you two come here."

Master Wu Ti got up and came to a grove outside the car shop. Brother bald and Heijin looked at each other and felt a little confused, but they still followed Master Wu Ti and walked into the grove.

Then there were bursts of banging fists to meat in the woods, accompanied by a suppressed wail.

Ten minutes later, Master Wu Ti came out refreshed, "it's much more comfortable."

"But where should I go to find the immortal master? Or should I run away?"

Master Wu ti's face is uncertain. Now Zhou Tian is not around him. He has a good chance to escape. Although Zhou Tian has great powers, he may not be able to find him in a short time.

"Instead of staying with him, life and death can't be independent, it's better to fight, escape and find a place to live in seclusion."

In the face of the temptation of freedom, Master Wu Ti was a little excited, "but if... In case the blood Gu family comes."

Master Wu Ti struggled for a long time. Then his face changed and he was sweating, "this is a test! The immortal master must have left some secret moves on me. If I dare to escape, I will die miserably!"

Thinking of this, Master Wu Ti didn't hesitate. He hurried to take a car from the car shop and chase it down the Yunling trail, the only way to Wuzhen.

"Strange, where's our boss?" the town looked at Wu ti's man driving away, but found that his boss was missing, and had a bad hunch in his heart.