Chapter 3179: He actually entered the bookstore


Mizuki banged open the door of the bookstore and rushed in!

Seeing Mizuki enter the baby's bookstore, Uzuki Yuyan, Iruka, and many Konoha ninjas all stopped!

They stared with big eyes and stared at them, instantly stunned!

Everyone knows the rules of Baby Bookstore!

Can they go in and grab people?

"Perhaps the boss will kick him out..."

Iruka was unconfident and forcibly comforted herself!

After hearing this, the Konoha ninja couldn't help but give birth to a glimmer of hope!

They look forward to the next moment when Mizuki is driven out of the baby's bookstore!

However, after waiting for a while, the door of the bookstore was still quiet, nothing happened!

"Wait, what if he hides in the bookstore?"

"Don't forget the rules of the bookstore, he can only stay for two hours at most!"

"As long as we stay here, he can't jump at all!"

A sneer suddenly appeared on Maoyue Xiyan's face!

She knows the rules of the baby bookstore and does not want to break it!

So, the best solution is to wait for the time to come and Mizuki will be driven out of the library!

When everyone heard the words, they were helpless, but they could only wait patiently!

I really made them rush into the bookstore to arrest people, but they didn't have the guts!

Everyone now knows that Ye Meng, the owner of Baby Bookstore, is no ordinary person!

Who dares to offend him!

Inside the bookstore, Mizuki was panting, he looked at Ye Meng imploringly!

"Boss, I... can I still read?"

Ye Meng glanced at Mizuki upon hearing this!

"Of course, as long as you pay!"

This guy, the number of readings today has not been used up!

As long as he pays, of course he can read!

"Ok...cough cough, great!"

Hearing this, Mizuki was overjoyed, and excited, he couldn't help coughing violently!

The blow of Maoyue Xiyan just now caused him serious injuries!

Fortunately, he was full of sunflower qi in his body, endlessly running, and it kept him alive!

The next moment, Mizuki secretly rejoiced again!

He had already planned to leave Konoha, and robbed some silver taels. At this moment, he still has tens of thousands of taels!

If he has no money, he doubts Ye Meng will drive him out directly!


After placing ten thousand taels on the cash register, Mizuki hurriedly walked to the shelf and picked up books!

A sunflower treasure can make his strength soar!

If he gains new abilities from the book, he believes that Maoyue Xiyan, there is nothing he can do with him!

In a hurry, this time Mizuki didn't choose a novel that looked big!

He chose a relatively thin book!


This is a game novel from Ye Meng's previous life!

However, Mizuki naturally did not know this!

He quickly took down the book and flipped through it!

Danzo and Shanzhongfeng on the side glanced at Mizuki, and immediately withdrew their gazes!

Of course they recognized Mizuki's identity!

However, this is the baby bookstore, they dare not act rashly!

Time is passing by!

Outside the bookstore, the Konoha ninjas waited a little irritated!

"When will he come out?"

"What's the hurry, it's only half an hour!"

"Not to say, two hours at most, one and a half hours left, everyone, please wait patiently!"

"Hey, it seems that this is the only way to go, it is really frustrated!"

The Konoha ninjas were irritable, but Uzuki Yuyan, Iruka and others had their expressions unchanged!

It's coming soon, wait at most an hour and a half!