"Why don't you just tell Fang Mengru that you remember everything about her and tell her by the way that you want to pursue her? There's no need to be alone here. " When Ke Hanqing knows that Ji zhanrui's mood has been plummeting in recent days, which is related to Fang Mengru, he can't help laughing at himself. The last vegetable porridge incident shows how nervous Ji zhanrui is about Fang Mengru. How can his mood have nothing to do with that ancestor?

Just this time, Ke Hanqing didn't expect to have a relationship with Yi Jiannan.

"What about Xun Xun?" Obviously, Ji zhanrui doesn't like Ke Hanqing's proposal. His squinting eyes suddenly open. He has been secretly following Fang Mengru to work these days. He finds that Xun Xun is actually her son. The similarity between his eyebrows and eyes makes Ji zhanrui worry all the time.

"Speaking of this..." Ke Hanqing chuckled. Sometimes people are really strange. A sentence suddenly said at some time will become true one day.

For example, Ke Hanqing once guessed whether Fang Mengru knew she was pregnant, so she went to Paris to give birth to her baby.

"Do you remember what happened in e city five years ago?" Ke Hanqing stops laughing and talks about the past before Ji zhanrui gets angry.

Ji zhanrui didn't say a word. He nodded. At that time, he hurt Fang Mengru indirectly because he was jealous of he Zhenan. That's why she once refused to leave.

"You said she vomited soon after taking the pill, and I don't think the pill worked." After turning over the DNA report in his hand, Ke Hanqing gives Ji zhanrui several pieces of paper to verify whether Xun Xun is Ji zhanrui's child.

"Ha ha, I have a child. I'm still a four-year-old son." Seeing the identification results, Ji zhanrui's eyes brightened and laughed happily.

"Yes, you are the father of a four-year-old." Ke Hanqing mechanically repeats Ji zhanrui's words. He is very envious. It is clear that he and Fang Mengru are not married. He treats her so badly. As a result, they still give birth to their son.

"There's another thing you can't think of." It's also a coincidence, but it makes people feel that they really dominate. Ke Hanqing cleared her throat and said, "before, you and Fang Mengru's child died on your birthday, and the day Xun Xun was born was your birthday."

"You mean our father and son's birthdays are on the same day?" Surprise, Ji zhanrui almost jumped up from the chair, is this the so-called destiny? God is destined to let him lose his first child on his birthday, but get another child on his birthday a year later.

"Well, are you happy, happy?" Ke Hanqing suddenly laughed strangely: "I have something else to remind you."

Ji zhanrui feels that God treats him well. Now let him know that Xun Xun is his own son. Such a lovely little guy, he must let him have a complete home.

"Yi Jiannan is pursuing Fang Mengru." Ji zhanrui looks forward to thinking that Ke Hanqing will have some good news, but when he says such a cold word, all the joy flies away, and his heart is in a haze.

"You need to know that the man who pursues Fang Mengru is Yi Jiannan, the man who won't fail as long as he makes a move." At school, the three of them were the best among the boys. The women behind them were in a line. As long as they were the women Yi Jiannan wanted, he never lost.

"I know." How could Ji zhanrui not know? He is not interested in those women, and usually gives them to Yi Jiannan. But he never refuses to accept them. No matter how hot they are, they will be tamed by him.

"Zhan Rui, don't think that Xun Xun is your son, you have nothing to fear." The silence between them suddenly subsided, and Ke Hanqing said coldly, "who can be with Fang Mengru in the end? This is not a contest between you two, but a practical problem related to the future. I hope you don't get angry."

"Fang Mengru has been living a hard life in Paris with her children in the past five years. Even without my special investigation, you can imagine that she can have today's achievements, which means that she has to take care of her children and keep her academic performance. For a weak woman like her, becoming strong is the only choice, so she is no longer the original one It's her. "

"When a woman is hurt and raises her child by herself, her son is the hope and motivation for her to stick to it. For her, how important swiftness is, we can't express it clearly in words."

"Don't use children as chips until you have to. You can't afford to lose."

Ke Hanqing is too clear about Ji zhanrui's way of doing things. He will be elated when he knows that Xun Xun is his own son. Naturally, when he has no way to go, he will take his son as the last bargaining chip, but these will only make Fang Mengru further away from him.

"Do you think a person will make two mistakes in the same thing?" Ji zhanrui used to be too confident. He thought Fang Mengru would not leave him and hurt her again and again. What happened? She refused to leave the back, until today, Ji zhanrui will wake up in the midnight dream.Ke Hanqing smiles noncommittally. He is not sure if Ji zhanrui will, but he knows that if Ji zhanrui was forced to find his way, he would seize the last straw. Even if he was defeated, he would not compromise.

"No matter how far Fang Mengru and I will go, I will never let their mother and son get hurt again." Fang Mengru is willing to give birth to a baby for him, probably not because of their old love, but because she is reluctant to kill a life. Ji zhanrui smiles bitterly. He always owes her too much. Her health is so bad. It must be very dangerous when she is born fast!

All of a sudden, Ji zhanrui wants to hold Fang Mengru in his arms. Even if he admits that he remembers everything, it doesn't matter. He just wants to hold her and thank her for what she has done for him all the time.

It's rare for Qin Dingding to stay at home tonight. Fang Mengru coaxes Xun Xun to go to bed and goes downstairs. Seeing that she is making coffee in the kitchen by herself, she can't help chatting.

"How are you and Ke Hanqing Fang Mengru thinks that Qin Dingding is often very busy these days because he is dating Ke Hanqing.

"He? That stubborn old man is not willing to take over St. COE. " When Qin Tingding mentioned Ke Hanqing, he felt very angry. Can't he let go of the man's little self-esteem and take over Shengke?

"I mean between you." Taking the coffee cup in Qin Dingding's hand, Fang Mengru takes a sip and frowns. Somehow, she remembers that Yi Jiannan changed the coffee for her that day.

"It's still like that, stiff." Qin Tingding shrugged, a indifferent attitude, but Fang Mengru knew that she said the same thing, which means that the more nervous she was, the more she cared about the relationship between them.

"Don't talk about me, and you? New love or old love With a wave of his hand, Qin Tingding seems to have driven away something boring. He changed his tone and asked Fang Mengru with a smile.

"What new love, old love?" She is helpless, this all what metaphor! Into the kitchen, Fang Mengru from the refrigerator out of milk, set up a small pot to boil, and then milk into coffee.

"New love is Yi Jiannan, old love is Ji zhanrui of course!" Qin Tingding laughs. Fang Mengru is still not used to coffee after a long time. She always remembers some old things. Just like Ji zhanrui, she also has reservation in her heart. Qin Dingding dares to make sure of this.

"Xunzun's future father, which one do you prefer?" It is undeniable that Qin Tingding appreciates Yi Jiannan better, but it doesn't mean that she will forget that Xun Xun's biological father is Ji zhanrui, and she can't just turn a blind eye to Fang Mengru's happiness. The reason why she doesn't appear these days is to make Fang Mengru compare well.

Which one? This question really asks Fang Mengru. Since she met Ji zhanrui on her last blind date, Fang Mengru never saw him again. Although she didn't feel empty in her heart, she really asked her to answer the question. For a while, she didn't know how to choose in her heart.