I don't know if Leng MOJIN's words played a role, or because her mood became clear after a big cry, Fang Mengru decided not to run away. She had to face the pain brought by Ji zhanrui, but even if she made a decision in her heart, she chose a time when he was not at home to go to his apartment to pick up things.

"Xiaoru, do you really have to go?" Wu Yicai sees that Fang Mengru's things are almost packed up. He drags her hand and looks at what she has only one luggage bag, but he feels sad.

Why does this weak girl always have such a little thing, as if she is ready to leave at any time? The desolation and grief just make people feel uncomfortable.

"Maybe it's just a misunderstanding?" Wu Yicai tried to make excuses for Ji zhanrui, but the photos in the newspaper were so clear that who could easily judge whether they were true or false?

"Wu Ma, we made a mistake at the beginning. He is a young master. I'm just the daughter of a servant. It's not a world at all." Fang Mengru holds Wu Yicai's hand in both hands, as if comforting her and persuading herself.

"But you've had an engagement since you were little!" Unable to help, Wu Yicai blurted out in a hurry, and immediately realized his gaffe and quickly put out his hand to block his mouth.

"Ha ha, you know that too!" With a sad smile, Fang Mengru puts Wu Yicai's hand on his face and rubs it gently.

"I always thought you didn't remember. In fact, I met you when I was a child. My mother said you were her best sister." From the first time she met Wu Yicai, Fang Mengru knew that they had met, but she didn't mention it. She was always such a woman. She was too careful and thoughtful to know what to fight for. Even for Ji zhanrui, she chose to leave.

"Child, why don't you say that?" Wu Yicai is moved. At the first sight of her, she knows that this is Fang Jinger's daughter, because her changing appearance, the birthmark on her body and the stubbornness in her eyes are so similar that she can't help taking care of her like Fang Jinger.

"You are good to me, I know in my heart, that's enough." Fang Mengru raised her head and tried to squeeze out a smile, but she didn't know that her smile was worse than crying.

"Not enough, not enough!" Wu Yicai is like a willful child. After enduring tears for a long time, he finally fell down.

"Mother Wu, I'll come to see you when I'm free." Stick your head on Wu Yicai's chest, Fang Mengru sniffs her body's smell, which reminds her of Fang Jinger.

"Are you going to leave like this and never see me again?" Suddenly, Ji zhanrui's cold voice came from the door. He was still cold and charming, with no temperature on his face. His eyes were shining with pain. If he wasn't in a bad mood and wanted to go back to the home with her taste, would they have been so wrong?

Ji zhanrui just stood at the door with his hand in his pocket and walked slowly towards her step by step. Fang Mengru's dreamy face was gradually approaching. It was chilly and cold, with a cold look. His eyes were full of anger.

He, always like this, let her elusive his heart.

"Answer me!" Ji zhanrui's big palm reaches to Fang Mengru's arm and holds her wrist tightly. Regardless of the twisted expression on her face due to pain, his words bite clearly. The strength on his wrist gradually tightens with each word, as if to crush her.

"What else?" Fang Mengru changed into a cold tone, stirred her eyebrows, and endured the piercing pain in her hands. But her small face was as white as blood, because of him and the pain.

"Young master, it's easy to say. It will hurt Xiaoru." Wu Yicai feels that the atmosphere between them is low to the bottom. Out of her instinct to protect Fang Mengru, she rushes to Ji zhanrui's side and wants to take Fang Mengru's hand out of Ji zhanrui's, but she can't do anything after working hard for a long time.

Ji zhanrui's cold eyes swept Wu Yicai, which made her stiff. The next moment, Ji zhanrui held Fang Mengru and walked downstairs without looking back.

Wu Yicai chases Ji zhanrui from upstairs to downstairs. She sees Ji zhanrui with a cold face and throws Fang Mengru into the car. In a hurry, she has to call lengmojin for help.

The city at dusk has a desolate charm. Ji zhanrui chooses the winding path to avoid the long main lane. Anyway, if the car breaks down, he can change it again. At least Fang Mengru will not have the idea of jumping and running away.

As a matter of fact, Fang Mengru did not intend to escape either. She always wanted to say something when she came.

It was the seaside before, Ji zhanrui got off the car angrily, went around to Fang Mengru, took her hand and pulled her down.

Walking on the beach is a romantic move. When Ji zhanrui and Fang Mengru come here, they will change their taste and become a battlefield without gunpowder smoke.

Even standing on the beach in the cold wind, Fang Mengru still has to admit that she is not promising. When she sees Ji zhanrui's cool and handsome face, she can't help but feel pain.

In the photo with Lin Xiaoya, Ji zhanrui looks intoxicated, and his face is full of impatience and enjoyment. Lin Xiaoya holds him like that and lies on his bodyEvery time that scene comes to mind, Fang Mengru can't help squatting down with her head in her arms. Only in this way can she feel a little more comfortable. She shrinks up and tries her best to make herself look less weak. She is just too tired to walk down, so she squats down. It's not because of the inexplicable reason that tears are about to flow out.

At first, Fang Mengru would ask, why is it Lin Xiaoya? Why must it be the arrogant woman who targets her everywhere.

Does he like her? That's why they cater to each other like that, with a face full of immersion and intoxication.

What to do? Her chest hurts, her brain hurts. Every time she thinks about the picture of Ji zhanrui and Lin Xiaoya entangled together, she feels pain to her bones. The oppressive feeling that she seems to be in the sea, salty and breathless, makes Fang Mengru squat down and shrink into a ball and keep shaking.

Ji zhanrui has been holding his fist and trying to resist his anger. Only he knows that when he saw her at home, his fingertips were cold and frightening. Her "considerate" desire to leave him would drive him crazy.

Why would she rather cry in Leng MOJIN's arms than question him about the truth of everything?

Is he so untrustworthy of her trust?

When his eyes come into contact with Fang Mengru, who is shrinking into a shivering ball, all the anger and uneasiness in Ji zhanrui's heart are gone. He still loves her. When he sees her miserable appearance, he can't help but "settle accounts" with her.

Ji zhanrui almost didn't even think about it. He immediately took off his suit, squatted down, put his clothes on Fang Mengru, stretched out his arms, held her tightly in his arms, and pressed her head with a big hand.

"This is your exclusive place. Don't you want to leave it to anyone?" Well, he admitted that he was small hearted, he admitted that he was not so generous, he was jealous to death, he was jealous of Leng MOJIN, he was jealous to be crazy, he had a strong desire for monopoly, he only wanted her to belong to his own arms.

His shoulder, only she can be exclusive, other people are not important.