When Kang Ying went to the canteen for lunch, she didn't see Liang Chao. Until she finished eating, Liang Chao didn't come down to eat either. It seems that Zhu Zhijun must have done something.

After eating lunch, Kang Ying went to the R & D room to have a look.

In the R & D room, everyone wore white coats and quietly went their own way.

In Zhu Zhijun's exclusive laboratory, Kang Ying saw Liang Chaozheng focus on dismantling the electronic components in his hands.

Kang Ying patted him on the shoulder and said, "it's time for lunch!"

Liang Chao is still immersed in his own world. He only hears a voice coming from his ear. He is not distracted to judge who the speaker is

"Don't disturb me. This is the critical time."

Kang Ying knows that Liang Chao's present state is equivalent to the writer's writing in the time of inspiration eruption. If he is forced to withdraw from this state, it will be very uncomfortable, and it will also make him lose his fleeting inspiration.

Kang Ying no longer harasses Liang Chao, but goes down to the second floor and tells the canteen to keep the food warm so that they can have hot food whenever they are hungry.

The master of the canteen said with a smile: "Mr. Kang, you don't have to explain. We do it every day. We always follow your rules."

No matter what kind of work Kang Ying does here, her salary is much higher than that outside. Working in Kang Ying's company, not to mention earning extra money, as long as she works hard and does her job well, she is also very fat.

In terms of management mechanism, Kang Ying has always respected the reward mechanism in which everyone can get real benefits.

It is a normal mechanism that people who have made outstanding contributions to the company and those who are in management positions can own the company's share dividends after a certain number of years of service.

In the management of such logistics teams as canteen and security, Kang Ying also followed the method of joint-stock incentive, and packaged the canteen and security into a logistics company. If the employees have been in the company for more than three years, they can start to buy the company's internal shares, and pay dividends according to the company's profits at the end of the year.

The longer you have served in a company, the more internal shares you can buy. Therefore, the stability of employees can be imagined, which is no less than that of large state-owned enterprises.

Relying on this move, Kang Ying's corporate governance is obedient.

The hustle and bustle of the world are all for the good. People die for money and birds die for food. When they go to work alone, they will naturally ask for more after they have solved their hunger for food and clothing. They want to buy a big house, a car and a better life for their families.

All this requires a higher income.

Kang Ying has given us a bright and beautiful future in life, and naturally he has firmly grasped our hearts.

Of course, in addition to giving the horse grass, Kang Ying also gives a clear reward and punishment. For those who violate the company's discipline and the bottom line, Kang Ying mercilessly gives up. After attacking two or three early birds, people are clear about Kang Ying's thunder tactics and dare not take any chances. Now Kang Ying's words and deeds in the company, no one dares to violate them.

In the laboratory, Liang Chao was as free as a fish swimming into the sea.

He never thought that he could get in touch with his idol, elder martial brother Zhu. What's more, the R & D concept level of this R & D room is even the top level in the world.

As soon as Liang Chaogang came into contact with him, he was absolutely intoxicated and indulged in the period. For a person who is committed to technology research and development, what can be more exciting than such a working environment?

At this time, even if Harvard University abroad invited him to do research and development, Liang Chao would not hesitate to refuse. If he knew the energy of Kang Ying's research and development laboratory in advance, Liang Chao would even offer to come here without high salary.

Just as he was wandering in the pleasure of solving the problem, he let out a grunt in his stomach. A slight spasm in his stomach pulled him out of the intoxicated state of mind.

Liang Chao rubbed his stomach and realized that he was hungry. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already 2:00 p.m. it was already past lunch time. No wonder he was hungry.

When hunger strikes, Liang Chao has no choice but to put down his chip and get up to eat out.

Should such a big company have a canteen?

Liang Chao saw that Zhu Zhijun in the partition on the other side was doing something. There was a lunch box with the words "yuanmenggu canteen" on the side table. He knew that there must be a canteen here.

Just seeing Zhu Zhijun's indulgence, he was too embarrassed to disturb him. Zhu Zhijun only ate half a box of lunch. Obviously, he just crammed a few mouthfuls and simply perfunctorily went to the five zang organs temple.

Liang Chao turned and went downstairs. The general canteen would not be placed upstairs. Sure enough, when he got to the second floor, he smelled the smell of food.

He followed the taste of the food and went to the end of the stairs. There was a spacious staff canteen. The canteen was clean everywhere. If it wasn't for the chefs in the chef's hat who were washing and cutting vegetables, he thought he had gone wrong and went to another workshop.

Liang Chao asked a fat master in embarrassment: "sorry, I missed the meal. Is there anything I can do to satisfy my hunger? Or instant noodles. "

"Oh, no, we're all hot here. Are you from the R & D room upstairs? Those people, like you, often forget to order. So, Mr. Kang told us to prepare hot meals so that you can come to eat at any time. " When the chubby master spoke, he opened an aluminum thermos box. Sure enough, there were several meals in it at a constant temperature: "what flavor do you want? Southern food or northern food? " Asked master Fu“ Is it so fine? " Liang Chao was surprised. He fixed his eyes on the food. Sure enough, there were northern food and Southern food in it. Liang Chao lives in the north, but he is a southerner by blood. However, he is not particular about his meals. When he is hungry, he has a good appetite for these meals, so he points out: "this one!"“ Good, green pepper beef rice Master Fu gave him his lunch box and made a bowl of black fungus soup for him. When Liang Chao heard that the food was delicious, his stomach screamed even more. He took the box lunch to the side table and ate it in one breath. He suddenly felt refreshed, and the whole person had strength again. Master Fu waited for him to finish eating and said to him, "the tableware is left to wash. We have special staff here to clean it."“ Yes, thank you Liang Chao didn't expect the service here to be so considerate and meticulous. He asked, "how many meals do you make a day here?"“ In addition to three meals a day, we also have snacks in the morning and noon, and we work overtime at night. Basically, you can eat in the canteen before 12:00 in the middle of the night. By the way, are you new here? Looking at your face, there is a dormitory on duty on the fifth floor. If you need to work overtime frequently, you can go to the logistics department to apply for a bed of your own, which should be available in the single dormitory. "“ Single dormitories? " Liang Chao didn't respond for a moment.