"Well, you go and stare at 213. If a beautiful girl comes out later, take her to 215."

Mr. Huang thinks that only a few students are concerned. Money is the most important thing. He is afraid of unfair treatment when he has money, so he will take the next step.

"Mr. Huang, is there no problem? What if they don't want to? " How do you feel like robbing a woman?

"Well, just give me more money? Now that the students of Film Academy come out, they are raised by others. Don't you know that? More money is the end! If she resists, you say to have a few drinks, have a chat and give her 1000 yuan. "

Mr. Huang has the air of being rich and ambitious.

His hands nodded, but he felt that he had a clatter in his heart.

Liang Qingyun and Zhao Shihong didn't know that disaster was coming

"What? You're not coming to the party tonight? How long have we been together? "

"It's not a coincidence that I made an appointment with a boss to talk business, and it's not easy to shirk. People should be ready. I'll go and have a look. If the entertainment is not very good, I'll come back quickly. You go and have a drink. I'll be late. " Zhao Shihong Dao.

Shi Jiangyuan also knows that business should be based on reputation. He is very happy to see that Zhao Shihong has finally matured and can take charge of his own business. Of course, he will not disturb Zhao Shihong's business.

Anyway, they are brothers all their lives, and they don't care if they get together once or twice.

As soon as Liang Qingyun marched into the box, she could not help ordering some drinks. One of them, Wan Ying, volunteered to go to the front desk to get the wine because it was too slow to wait for the waiter to deliver it.

The students don't drink strong liquor either. They want some beer.

As soon as Wan Ying got to the box door, he was stopped by a strong man who seemed to be a bit of a quack. Before Wan Ying could react, the man put out his hand with a smile and said:

"Hello, we miss Huang Long Yang's name, would like to invite you to have a drink."

"Mr. Huang? Who is Huang always? I don't know Mr. Huang. " Wan Ying was surprised.

But without waiting for her reaction, she had been pulled into a box by the man.

The atmosphere in the box is dark. There are several women in exposed clothes sitting in the box. They look charming and charming. Surrounded by these women is a man in his 40s. He has a big cigar in his mouth, a bright gold watch in his hand, and a big gold necklace around his neck and wrist. A breath of upstart comes to his face.

However, this is also the style of many wealthy businessmen at present. In order to show their identity, they wear gold and silver one after another. The gold jewelry piled on one's body is richer than the burial objects in Mawangdui.

Wan Ying didn't see the battle. For a moment, she couldn't react. She was forced into the box and stood there foolishly.

The thug who pushed Wan Ying forward sat Wan Ying down. The middle-aged man with a thick gold chain said with a smile:

"Oh, the little girl is very beautiful. How old are you? It's said that you are going to act in the future. What do you want to play? My friend who will come later is from a mixed film and television company. Let him introduce the performance to you. Maybe he will become a big star like Liu Xiaoqing. "

Mr. Huang's muddy little eyes looked up and down at WANYING. He felt that the girl was pure and soft tempered, and she would be more liked by Mr. Zhao than those gorgeous women around her.

It's said that Mr. Zhao was born in a famous family and had a high vision, but ordinary women couldn't get into his eyes. With Wan Ying on his side, Mr. Huang suddenly felt that his business would have more chances to win.

"You, who are you? I don't know you. I'm going back. " Wan Ying is afraid of the tunnel.

Seeing that she was about to stand up, president Huang quickly stepped forward and pressed her shoulder with both hands and said, "beauty, don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person either. I'm here to talk business today. I have a brother, but he has a big real estate company and decoration company at home. It's said that he also invests in film and television companies. He's not married and has no partner, I'm here today to introduce you to someone! "

Wan Ying heard that although she was a student, she felt that the so-called way of introducing the object was too strange.

Take a look at the coquettish woman that Mr. Huang accompanies, and she suddenly wakes up. Mr. Huang clearly wants to use himself as a companion.

So WANYING stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I don't do this kind of thing. I'm a student, not a wine companion."

"Beauty, if you promise to accompany me with wine, today's 1000 yuan is yours. If you don't promise, don't blame me for not being angry with you. Don't toast, don't drink

Mr. Huang picked up a pile of banknotes and fell in front of WANYING.

Wan Ying was so angry that she was about to cry. The students on the campus were still very simple. Scholars can be killed but not humiliated. This view is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Seeing this pile of banknotes, WANYING angrily pushed them away and said, "I'm sorry, you recognize the wrong person. I'm leaving!"

With that, Wan Ying got up and ran outside.

Huang Zong suddenly became angry and said to his men, "catch her. She has to accompany me today. She has to accompany me if she doesn't!" Seeing the boss's daughter, he was helpless. He came forward and grabbed Wan Ying. Wan Ying was a delicate girl. She had no strength. When she was pulled so hard by him, she fell again and was immediately thrown on the sofa and couldn't move. At this time, Liang Qingyun and Liang Qingfeng waited for a long time, but wan Ying didn't bring the wine. Liang Qingyun couldn't help saying, "Wan Ying can't be lost. She's a road maniac. The alleys here are narrow and winding. Maybe she can't find the ground. Let's meet her." Liang Qingfeng was not sure that his sister was alone, so he got up with her. In box 215, WANYING, taking advantage of Mr. Huang's carelessness, breaks free and runs to the door of the box, opens the door and runs out. At the same time, Liang Qingyun and Liang Qingfeng also came out. Seeing WANYING running out of another box, Liang Qingyun said with a smile: "you see, I know that she must have lost her way. This confused path is crazy." However, as soon as Wan Ying saw them, she burst into tears, and then jumped into Liang Qingyun's arms. Liang Qingyun, puzzled, hugged her and said, "WANYING, what's the matter?"“ Stop! Don't run At this time, Huang Zong's thugs also came out of the box. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw that Wan Ying had joined her companion. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling. Liang Qingfeng also felt that the matter was not simple, so he asked, "what's the matter?"“ They are bad people. They want to arrest me to accompany me to drink, but I refuse. They also forcibly control me, and I managed to escape. " Wan Ying sees Liang Qingfeng's brother and sister and has some confidence in them, so he talks about the situation.