All of Kang Ying's dependence comes from her own strength. She has no desire. As the saying goes, if she has no desire, she will be strong.

Kang Ying's wedding party ended smoothly, and Liang Ying's appearance was like a small episode, coming and going like the wind. Wu Xin stopped her rude remarks in time, which did not have a greater impact.

The most important thing is that Kang Ying has a peaceful mind and is not affected by Liang Ying's verbal provocation at all.

This is the success of Kang Ying's life. Liang Ying tries to stir up Kang Ying's mood, make her lose her manners and lose face in front of her relatives, but she doesn't.

If it doesn't work out, she wants to embarrass Kang Ying and tell everyone about Kang Ying's previous marriage history.

However, Liang Ying's act of provoking dissension is very unwise for adults. After all, in the eyes of the elders, Liang Ying and Kang Ying are sisters. At least in the face of it, especially when Kang Ying has just returned from her ancestry, Liang Ying and Kang Ying should have a good relationship instead of breaking up with each other.

In the end, they are sisters. They have not lived together since childhood, and there is no contradiction between life and death. Why do they have to fight each other as soon as they meet?

The relationship between the elders of the Liang family has always been harmonious, and there has never been such a situation that brothers turned against each other as they did at that time. Therefore, the elders are not satisfied with Liang Ying's actions on that day.

Liang Ying was scolded by her mother for stealing chicken, but her little words were not accepted by the public. So she left bitterly, and the whole banquet seemed calm. It can be said that the wedding party was a success.

Kang Ying has basically become familiar with everyone, especially among the younger generation, and has won their favor.

The next day, Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan arrived at Phoenix film and television company early in the morning. When Diao Chan saw them appear together, she said strangely:

"This is a difficult scene for a hundred years. How can I meet the president to come to work in person?"

When Kang Ying saw Diao Chan's teasing, she couldn't help laughing and said, "please ask Shanya to come to our office."

Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan have their own offices, which Diao Chan prepared for them early in the morning. Although they seldom come here for work, they are cleaned by special personnel every day. They are clean and ventilated regularly, so they can enter the office at any time.

After Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan came into the room, today's exception is that they didn't drink tea. Shi Jiangyuan began to make coffee as soon as they entered the room.

The coffee pot in the room is also ready-made, and there is a bean grinder. Shijiang yuanle is immersed in the small enjoyment of this handicraft.

Kang Ying picked up the newspaper and sat on the sofa reading the newspaper. He saw Shi Jiangyuan grinding the coffee beans with a bean grinder on the side. In a short time, the coffee beans were smashed and the smell of coffee came into being in the room.

Shi Jiangyuan poured the coffee powder into the coffee machine and pressed the heating button. With the rise of the temperature of the coffee machine, the strong aroma of coffee was dense in the room, which made people feel refreshed.

When the coffee was ready, yamaya also came in after receiving the order. He was a little nervous when he heard that the big boss was looking for him. He didn't know what happened because the big boss seldom asked about the company in person.

The cliff came in with fear. When he saw Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan, he asked respectfully and anxiously:

"Mr. Shi, Mr. Kang, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, sit down. It's OK. Would you like a cup of coffee, too?"

When Jiang Yuan just filtered out the coffee, he had already brought a cup of coffee to Kang Ying. Just when he had a cup left, he asked the cliff.

Yamaya also wants to take the opportunity to get in touch with the boss. The big boss is the big boss. Although they are often not in the company, their words are very clear.

Now Shanya also wants to develop in the field of film and television. It is said that the company is going to cast an ancient costume drama recently. He thinks he is still a little competitive.

After all, he came from the film academy and has a solid professional background. He thinks he is very good at acting, especially in China. To get a position in the film and television industry, he must make a difference on the big screen.

Cliff is an ambitious man, so why not get closer to the boss?

He sat down like a flow of kindness. When Jiang Yuan brought him the coffee, the cliff quickly and respectfully took it over and said thanks.

Seeing the action of the cliff at this time, if it's his fans, they will feel incredible. In their eyes, the idol like a God's residence should be respectful in front of others, just like a primary school student.

However, yamaya knows most clearly that the so-called idol is only the company's resources and platform. If the company does not give him resources, even if it is only half a year, he will lose all his popularity. Like the term in Hong Kong, it is called "xuezang". Once he hides, he will lose his popularity.

Therefore, despite the fact that the big boss may have no appeal in front of fans, the capital they have allows them to decide his life and death.

So can the cliff not be polite and respectful to Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying?

After a sip of coffee, the cliff said, "boss, your coffee beans smell good. Where are they made?"

"Oh, I like the cliff, too. It's made in Vietnam. However, there is a kind of cat dung coffee beans, which is said to taste very good, but I'm still a little deterred by the name. "

Shi Jiangyuan used a joking language. Cliff nodded and said, "I've heard of it, but the name does sound a little hairy." Kang Ying handed the bag Liang Yunqing picked up last night to Shanya and said, "is this your bag?"“ Yes, boss. Why do you have my bag? " Yamaya couldn't help but say, "I should have left it in the restroom of Beijing hotel last night. When I washed my hands, I put it on the washing table. Later, fans came to surround me, so I had to leave in a hurry, but I forgot to take it. I'm worried. There's a passport in it. It's for going abroad. "“ Yes, it was found by one of my cousins. She knows you, so she asked me to send it to you. Do you have any less money in it? " Kang Ying asked. Cliff looking at Kang Ying handed the bag, where dare to check, it is not the boss's distrust? His EQ is not that low. He quickly shook his head like a rattle and said, "nothing, not much money."“ You'd better have a look! " Kang Ying insisted. Cliff helpless, had to open the bag, a random turn, said: "yes, yes, a lot of."“ Ha, if that's too much, it's mine. " Kang Ying is joking. Cliff a Leng, did not expect that the boss would joke with him, later wake up, the boss is joking, quickly nodded: "OK, no problem." He thought, don't say it's too many, even if the whole bag is given to you, there's nothing wrong with it. Unfortunately, the boss won't want it. He knows that the bags used by the boss are all customized high-grade goods. The boss can't change his bag and the money in it. At this time, yamaya remembered that there was only one girl he met in the bathroom. Was it her?