In terms of security, we didn't need to worry much with Saihu and Wangcai. After all, in this era, petty thieves can't be said to have none. However, compared with foreign countries, petty thieves here can't have powerful weapons. One Saihu is enough to deal with them. But now, with the addition of five capable security forces, it's more reassuring.

After the night, even if the cleaning staff went back to two, there was still one left, plus five security guards and the doorman's husband and wife also stayed, plus them, there were 10 people in this house all year round, so it didn't seem lonely.

It's such a big house that people have to live in it to make it lively and popular. Kang Ying doesn't like to stay in the deep courtyard either. It's very sad to think of it.

After the new house was settled, Shi Jiangyuan felt that all the things before marriage had been well prepared, so he began to go out to find the whereabouts of Wu Xin's daughter.

Wu Xin's experience is pitiful. Shijiang is far from being able to let go. He has to fulfill his obligations after finishing his own business. Even if you can't find it, you have to give Wu Xin an explanation.

However, Shi Jiangyuan is inexplicably confident that there are clues to this matter. Wu Xin is not professional enough and dare not make a public statement. He is hard to find, but in his hands, he will find clues.

In this regard, Kang Ying was not very helpful, so she let Shi Jiangyuan do it, while she devoted herself to the plan of helping Guan Xiao deal with Qianxian supermarkets.

Guan Xiao has already talked with the relevant authorities in Yunxian County about the shopping mall to rent, and is going through the registration and other industrial and commercial procedures. Only after the procedures are completed and the shopping mall is decorated, can it be opened grandly.

Guan Xiao's business is very smooth. Kang Ying is more at ease. Moreover, this time in Yunxian County, Guan Xiao was the only one to pick up the main beam, and the talks went smoothly.

However, Kang Ying doesn't know that what Guan Xiao is secretly grateful for is her. It's because Kang Ying successfully founded the friendship store first. When Guan Xiao went to negotiate with the other party on behalf of the friendship store, he showed a warm reception for convenience.

Knowing that Youyi shopping mall is a big taxpayer in Lu County, the governor of Yunxian County now wants to open a branch store. He is very pleased and enthusiastic.

Now it's a major task to attract investment. It's also a matter of putting money on the face of the leaders to bring friendship shopping malls into the county.

The most important thing is that it can also solve the employment problem of No. 100 people here, which is equivalent to relieving the pressure on the government here.

Guan Xiao thinks that if Kang Ying had not laid the foundation before, friendship mall would have been famous, and she would not have done things so smoothly. Therefore, Guan Xiao still feels that it is thanks to President Kang's first step.

After a serious inquiry, Shi Jiangyuan actually found a clue related to Wu Xin's daughter.

After several twists and turns, he found the obstetrician Xie Lanhua who delivered Wu Xin.

Xie Lanhua has retired. She is 68 years old. After retirement, she went back to live in her hometown in the countryside.

After a long time, Xie Lanhua's old colleagues retired. She was not a celebrity, and no one remembered her, and the new young people didn't know her.

So like Wu Xin, she was just in a hurry to find her whereabouts.

When Jiang Yuan mobilized all the forces he knew, he soon found the small village where Xie Lanhua lived. He went to see Xie Lanhua in person.

Xie Lanhua's spirit is very good. Although she is 68 years old, she has silver hair, combed neatly and her face is red.

After all, she is a retired doctor and has a pension to get. She doesn't need to spend too much to live in the countryside, so she has a superior life in the countryside. She looks very energetic.

Shi Jiangyuan brings some fruits. Xie Lanhua politely accepts them. She asks Shi Jiangyuan suspiciously:

"Young man, don't we seem to know each other? What's the matter? "

"I'd better get to the point." Shijiang Yuandao said, "23 years ago, you gave birth to a woman named Wu Xin. Do you remember?"

"Wu Xin? I don't know how many people I have delivered for so many years. How can I remember that in detail? " Xie Lanhua frowned.

When Shi Jiangyuan thought of her age, she could not help but be glad that she had no Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, it was not easy for a doctor to remember the name of her mother more than 20 years ago.

Shi Jiangyuan simply went straight in and said, "the woman gave birth to a daughter, but later her parents changed her into a baby boy while she was sleeping. As a result, she lost control of her mood when she woke up, causing her postpartum hemorrhage. After rescue, she was saved."

"Oh, I remember when you said that. At that time, the situation was really special. Originally, after the birth of the baby, the mother was in good health and passed the test.

I didn't expect to have another massive hemorrhage. I just finished the delivery of the baby for her and told her some things. I was just about to get off work, but I heard that she had a massive postpartum hemorrhage. How could she get off work? I had to continue to rescue her. It took two or three hours to stabilize her condition. So I'm really impressed when you talk about this patient. " Sheran path.

"Do you know about the transfer of her daughter?" When Jiang Yuan heard Xie Lanhua remember, his heart a joy.

"I know. Isn't that her parents? At that time, our hospital investigated the responsibility most, and thought that the postpartum hemorrhage of puerpera was due to the lack of due diligence of the doctor on duty, so we should give punishment.

But fortunately, the puerpera was very fair. She said that she was angry because of what happened at home. That's why she caused this situation. The hospital exempted me from punishment. That's a good person, otherwise some patients' family members may take the opportunity to make a big noise or seek compensation from us, but she told the truth truthfully. If it wasn't for her, I would be punished. If you recite your job, you can't expect to be promoted in the future. " Xie Lanhua said with emotion“ Do you know who took the baby girl away? " When Jiang farsightedness Xie orchid seems to recall more clear, then asked. Xie Lanhua hesitated for a moment, and Shi Jiangyuan suddenly keenly felt that she seemed to have some secret. Shi Jiangyuan pondered, then said: "that woman is very poor. She has been thinking about her own daughter for more than 20 years, but she missed the opportunity because she was ill and couldn't find it. You are also a mother. You must know how painful it is to miss a child you haven't met. " Shi Jiangyuan saw Wu Xin's tangle with his own eyes, so he really picked up these words and abandoned them with real feelings. It was not hard at all. Xie Lanhua hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "in fact, I'm also a person buried in loess. God knows when I'll be gone. Before God takes me away, I'm more at ease to have an account of this matter." When Jiang Yuan heard that there was a door, he asked, "what's the matter?"