"Auntie Wu, you can think about it. If it really gets out, it will affect more people, not only the feelings between you and your uncle, but also the feelings between your uncle and your mother's family, as well as the feelings between you and Liang Chao." Kang Ying reminds me again.

"I've thought about all this, but you can't stop a mother's determination to find her own daughter.

You see, I'm a person of this age. She's in LV County, not in any place I don't know.

I always feel that I can find her in Lu county. "

Wu Xin's words are also true. A county is big or small. If you are patient, maybe you can find clues. Wu Xin should have missed the best time to look.

When Kang Ying looked at it, Jiang Yuan said, "let's go back this time and help aunt Wu find someone."

Shijiang yuan nodded and said, "OK, let's try our best."

"I know you are not short of money, but the money is for finding people. You take it first," she said

Wu Xin said, took an envelope and handed it to Shi Jiangyuan, which should be filled with money, drum drum.

Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan didn't refuse to accept what she said. They knew that if they didn't accept it, Wu Xin would feel very tangled and accepted it generously. Anyway, no matter whether you find someone or not, just give it back to her afterwards.

After Wu Xin left, Kang Ying fell into a long silence. Cui Huixian said for a long time:

"After Wu Xin told me that time, I realized that she had lived a hard life over the years. Every time I saw her son, I thought of her daughter who was not around.

The two old people in her family are confused enough to do such a thing. If my own child is lost, I will be the same as her. I can't eat well and sleep well.

No wonder she hasn't been in touch with her family for so many years. She has nothing to say with the two old people.

So, do your best to inquire for Aunt Wu!

As for whether the relationship between her and uncle Liang will be affected by this incident, I don't think we need to worry about it. Although it will be very hard to know the truth of the matter, they always have a good relationship.

In addition, one of Wu Xin's parents is absent and the other is ill. It's no wonder that uncle Liang would like to get his daughter back if he knew the truth. "

"OK, we will try our best!"

Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan accepted this heavy task, and this trip back to Lu County seems to be a little more heavy.

The next day, they flew back to Lu county. This time, they didn't bring too much luggage.

Guan Xiao is now equipped with a full-time driver, so Kang Ying calls her in advance when she gets home to eat and asks her to send a company driver to pick them up.

With the booming business of Friendship Shopping Mall and supermarket, Guan Xiao is in charge. Kang Ying also generously equipped her with a special car to let her enjoy the treatment that a boss should have.

It's not a luxury car. It's a white Xiali, just like their standard in LV county.

But in Lu County, there are still many people who are struggling to buy a bicycle, and the 100000 yuan Xiali is already very ostentatious.

In order to get in touch with Kang Ying, Guan Xiao also brought his mobile phone to the driver Xiao Zhou, so when he got off the plane, Kang Ying and they contacted Xiao Zhou.

Xiao Zhou knows the duty of a driver very well. When he receives them, he takes the initiative to help them carry all kinds of luggage.

On the way back, Kang Ying took the opportunity to ask Xiao Zhou about the operation of friendship mall and supermarket.

Xiao Zhou said that both businesses are very good. People are not used to the supermarket business model at first, but now, with the opening time, they have formed the habit of shopping in the supermarket.

Because supermarkets are more people-friendly. They can feel what they want and take as much as they want. They don't have to go to the supply and marketing cooperatives to spend money on shopping and let the waiters take it across the glass counter. The waiters are very arrogant.

Friendship mall and supermarket close at 9:00 every night. Xiao Zhou doesn't do specific business, so he can't say why. He can only say what he sees.

Although Kang Ying only heard a few words, she was also deeply comforted. She was ready to put the plan of promoting the 100 County friendship supermarket on her desk and push Guan Xiao to implement it.

Since it is necessary to be a big enterprise, it has never been Kang Ying's style.

Kang Ying and Xiao Zhou chat just to pass the time. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhou also provides a lot of information. At least Kang Ying can feel that the business of friendship supermarket is booming.

So she asked, "how about Huanyu Electric?"

When she left with Shijiang yuan last time, all the three leaders of Huanyu Electric went out in a hurry. It is said that they also brought a lot of money.

At that time, she doubted whether Liang Ying was going to put any big moves, and always reminded Guan Xiao to pay attention.

But later, when she was outside, she didn't hear Guan Xiao say this. It seems that Liang Ying's big move didn't come out.

I didn't expect her to ask. Xiao Zhou knows a lot about it. Maybe it's because of his grassroots employees in the shopping mall. It's such a big Huanyu. It's opposite to friendship electrical appliances. It's all about the same kind of products. It's obvious that he wants to rob or divert the business of friendship electrical appliances! Friendship Electric mall is in the county, but now it is a better job than government departments or state-owned enterprises. The salary of employees here is two to three times, or even four or five times of that of ordinary people. According to different personal performance, they receive different remuneration. Then, the employees can also get shares, and at the end of each year, they will pay dividends according to the company's operating profits. As for the dividend is how much, few people have disclosed, the Chinese people are used to low-key dull sound, make a fortune. But as long as you look at someone at home who works in the friendship mall, life is very moist. Not only do you have meat to eat every day, but you don't buy a bicycle. When you buy a bicycle, it turns out to be a bicycle, and you buy a motorcycle. So at a glance, we can see that the welfare of friendship mall is very good. Xiao Zhou can become Guan Xiao's driver and a member of friendship mall. Of course, he cherishes this position. Therefore, he is also very sensitive to Huanyu Electric. After all, his job may be threatened by Huanyu Electric. Of course, he should pay more attention to the situation there. Xiaozhou's contact surface is different from Guan Xiao's. Guan Xiao's contact is now all the people in the management, while Xiaozhou's contact is all the front-line employees. On the contrary, it's easier to know some different information. When it comes to Huanyu Electric appliances, Xiao Zhou talks a lot about it. He says: "Huanyu Electric Appliances now sell miscellaneous goods, and they are cheaper than us. They are all sold in rural areas, but not to mention, their business is very prosperous."